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Flow wisely friends - flow state and how it related to carving


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an awesome descriptive on flow state that i had hard time to put into words.

this explain to me why we/I chase it and why the frustration/anguish when i am block from it.

excerpt from the video - there are much nuggets of wisdom in there.
It's the optimal experience and one's best performance state.
flow state exist between the secular and the sacred (at oneness, lost of self consciousness; free from self super ego.  World is vivid; effortless but high intensive physically, realness)

cascading insight and increase insight capacity
akin to adaptive Implicit learning (can’t quite explain it but able to perform it) - adapt to complex dynamic pattern/condition
implicit learning -> intuition for pattern (it can’t tell diff between causation vs correlation)

just beyond one's ability, immediate feedback, and consequence matter - 


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