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Custom 180 JJA FC board with JJA plate and TD3 SW SI binders

big canuck

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Sooooo don't want to sell this board but my passion for alpine is fading after getting smoked from behind by a straight liner a few years ago.

Maybe has two days total on it, near mint shape 14 m SCR. Board is beautiful..

Bindings may have a few more days on them but i have SW on 8 different boards and these didnt see a lot of action. Plate specific round interface discs 6 and 6 cants.

I do not want to break this up. Want to sell complete. If it doesnt sell after a month or so I may consider. Please dont ask now.

Price drop $1100 USD shipped in CON/NA pics coming

Email kurt at bowcycle dot com





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54 minutes ago, big canuck said:

but my passion for alpine is fading after getting smoked from behind

Come on now Big C!   Say it ain't so!

Actually I hear ya Loud and Clear as I have a lot riding on this up-coming season in trying to get my mojo back after I also was knocked into lala land last Jan.   I'm worried I'm going to be still too anxious and distracted  (specifically at Squaw where I work 100+ days a year!) to really get back into the game.....so yeah my passion for Alpine took A Big Hit Also!

Anyway....would love to see some photos of that JJA 180 beast!


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Wow, JJ just makes badass looking boards. If Batman ever got around to snowboarding…

Kurt, it might help if you have any specs JJ provided for this board? Jasey pretty much has zero website presence (I honestly don’t know how he’s still doing it that way?) so it’s impossible to find waist width, stiffness or any commentary on intended use. This isn’t the board for me but that info would help hook a purchaser. 🙂

I rented a mountain bike from you folks in Calgary a few years back, great stuff. 

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20 cm waist, built for 190-220 lb rider. The JJA plate/board interface gave me the best feel for the snow over any other combo I've tried. Works super well. Base is mint, Borad is essentially mint. This is NOT a race board!! Its a Freecarve board. 14 m SCR, VERY easy to initiate turns, edge hold is crazy.

Edited by big canuck
Cause the edge hold is CRAZY man.
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