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Covid has ruined mid-week carving


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We've been riding mid-week for the last 3 or 4 years to avoid the weekend chaos. 

I noticed in earlier years that the demographics of mid-week were much like me - an old guy. 

Most of the others on the slope were older - mostly men, mostly skiers. They were for the most part experienced, aware or others, and skiing in control and within their abilities. We had no problem carving in their midst. 

Yesterday we noticed that not only were there more people on the slopes but the demographic was much younger, inexperienced, unaware of their surroundings and more boarders. Many more straightliner skiers and boarders. Carving in this chaos is much more scary. 

Maybe next season when Covid is behind us and kids are back in school, weekday riding will go back to the civilized sport of yore. 

Any others notice a similar trend?




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Ya got me on the "mostly men" part. Please don't go there.


You wan to be in less crowded slopes? More experienced skiers? Fine. Don't assume that simply because older men can go mid-week that they are somehow magically better. FWIW I've had more close calls with the aforementioned demographic than any other this season. In my experience the "older male skiers" tend to be jerks but I digress.


If you can say "get off my lawn" in a less tone deaf way that would be appreciated. 

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4 minutes ago, lowrider said:

Covid has ruined a lot of things, Peoples tolerance to others opinion seem to be high on the list as well!

that is merely your opinion 🤙

Edited by Lurch
truth be told, I am hating on Pangolins more and more
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Astute observation. It is the nature of pandemics to ruin everything. The Europeans probably would have said the same thing about the Black Death, but most of them were too busy dying or burying the dead to complain. Of course, everything back then sucked so there was a bit of a floor effect. They may not even have noticed the worsening.

8 hours ago, JohnE said:

Yesterday we noticed that not only were there more people on the slopes but the demographic was much younger, inexperienced, unaware of their surroundings and more boarders.

You know what else ruins weekday carving? Spring break. Oh that's this week? We've been at Monarch and the place is crawling with kids - including mine - who have no business terrorizing the hill on a weekday. I mean, what the hell?!? The little bastards ought to be in lockdown 23 hours a day. Or working. Maybe Pakistan is onto something with child labor. I bet you can still carve there safely on weekdays.

8 hours ago, JohnE said:

I noticed in earlier years that the demographics of mid-week were much like me - an old guy.

I'm with you here, my brother. This forum is incontrovertible proof that all old guy snowboarders f*****g rule!

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8 hours ago, Lurch said:

that is merely your opinion 🤙

True ! But in my mind my opinion is the only correct opinion. There is not much room for argument in this little space. When it comes to right and wrong there's only Clints side of the fence to fall on .

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10 hours ago, lordmetroland said:

Maybe Pakistan is onto something with child labor.

@queequeg I found another white supremacist kkk slaver racist to trigger you. You're welcome 🤣

I'm all for child labor to enable better carving conditions. I actually think each mountain should have sweatshops and if anyone comes to the mountain under say 30 years old... Boom! Straight to the sewing room. Same goes for straight liners. Just take their pass and escort them straight to the weaver's hut to make me some new gloves since mine will be wearing out from all the empty groomer carving I'll be doing. 😂😂

Truth be told, I'd be happy just to snowboard since I didn't get a single day this season. 

Edited by daveo
get off my lawn
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Yes - I was being sarcastic. I am very fortunate if the only thing I have to complain about as a result of the pandemic is too many edge of control people on the slopes mid-week. 

The "get off my lawn" comment was not meant to be racist. I was just poking fun at myself for being an old crotchety guy. 

I really didn't intend to offend anyone except maybe old guys like myself. 

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23 hours ago, JohnE said:


I really didn't intend to offend anyone except maybe old guys like myself. 

You offended me. Offended me by not posting the clip so I had to do it for you.

Edited by daveo
get off my lawn
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