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I give up - how do you post photos?


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What's the trick to post photos? Apparently, it was so easy in the past I did it without thinking about about it. There doesn't appear to be an obvious way to include an attachment other than linking to an existing attachment or URL. 

How do you include a photo directly in a post? :confused:   

Edited by lafcadio
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Non-subscribing members are allowed 10MB of total space for attachments.  About a year ago I found the setting to automatically downsize photos so they wouldn't take up much space.  But before that, some pretty big photos were being uploaded.  lafcadio, you were over the limit, at 12MB.  I just deleted an old-ish attachment of yours that was almost 5MB, so you should be able to upload photos again.  However you might want to go through your attachments and delete any that are unimportant.  Or use 3rd party image hosting like imgur.  Or join with a subscription.  Supporting Members get 50MB, Gold Members get 100MB, Platinum Members get 200MB.

The monthly fee to run the forum is significant, and we are almost at the threshold of the next service level, which is almost double the cost.

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