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Wrap-up and Thank You's from the 05' SES


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Just wanted to put up a thread and thank everyone who joined us last week in Aspen at the 2005 Summit Expression Session. What a fantastic week!

Scott Firestone has done an EXCELLENT job documenting each day with great shots. You can see the thread HERE.

Also, want to thank all the sponsors this year who kicked down big and made the end of week raffle the largest in Session history with 5 snowboards given away, 4 bindings, and a ton of swag.

PICTURES: We would love it if people could donate any still shots they took during the week. We plan to write an article on the event and also might use some of them in the 05' SES DVD we would like to create. So if you would like to donate any pictures we would rather you put them on a CD, keep them in high-res form, and send to the address below in the signature.

VIDEO: Any video you may be able to donate, please contact Bob Jenney at

Bob E-mail and chat with him on how to send it in. You effort will be rewarded :D

We still have some of the 05 SES Hoodies available. Please go HERE if you would like to buy one.

Thanks again everyone and hope to see you all next year!


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Yea, I know there were photos of SES '05, but I dreaded to go there. I was awfully ill on Tuesday and couldn't attend with Fin and Michelle. HOWEVER, Im glad Fin gave me the nudge to take a peek.

On that note, I wish Diana (on one of Scott's page photos) a speedy recovery on her Achilles Tendon. How did she tear it ?

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-chuckle- I thought I was drunk on vicodin cough syrup when I posted my reply to D-Sub's, only to find Fin moved the post to this one. :)

Anyways, actually, it was on Thursday. Got super drunk, and it triggered my previous illness of asthma bronchotsis to the maximum when I was partying with my Terrain Park Maintenance/Special Events/Race crew of Vail at a bowling alley out in Eagle, Colorado. :-/

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Thanks to everyone whatever part you played in getting this event running as it was an absolute success in my book and well worth the cost of getting there form OZ and in the words of a particular movie character " I'LL BE BACK " .

With more phrases to keep you all entertained and guessing. :)


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Just my two cents - Props to Fin and Michelle for all the hard work to put on a great event. A good time was had by all.

I'll never forget my day at Ajax, the early run down Spar was SICK. (Nice sleaze, eh?)

Buttermilk was in good, not great shape. See the Buttermilk thread entry by Joel.

The banquet was really fun. Am I the only one who has a hard time recognizing people without their helmets? Loved the game show, Jack was amazing.

I gave a lift back to Steamboat to Mike Jacoby, it was great to get to know him-- great stories.

So- thanks again to Bomber and all the other sponsors for the effort and of course everyone for coming from so far away. The Aloha spirit was infectious.

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Just wanted to post a note to thank everyone for making the SES the best trip I've had in six tries to Colorado. The snow was great, the hosts were great, and the celebrity hut tub at the St. Moritz was hot! A special thanks to Greg, Ian, Bill, Rich, Peter, Mike, Yuli, and Dan for helping to make the Moritz feel just like home. Not to mention "Chicago" for snoring and keeping me up all night. I wonder how he did in the Inferno? Anyways, thanks to Fin and Michelle, even though I didn't demo that much, I apreciate the work you put in, and I'm really going to try to let the variplates go this next year. And seeing that Mike won all the prizes I guess I'll just have to buy a set instead. See you next year. -milwaukee jon-

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We had a few comments from some skier's about the grooves but , I suggested that they learn to turn as well and then they would understand it's "Cool to Carve" , and " Slack to slide" :) .

But it is hard to impress those that are balance challenged.


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Guest Wannabecarver

Thanks to all the organisers (you did a seriously good job) and all the St. Moritz crew for fun times and good memories.

Thanks to ALL the carvers who I had the honour of watching and/or following down the slopes over the 9 days I was in Aspen. I'm sure it helped with my own boarding and it made me proud to ride (even if I am a softy).

Why were the skiers complaining about the trenches? I didn't have any problem with them!

Hoping next year to start carving on my heel edge, not just my toe edge- then I might be encouraged to demo a hard boot set up!


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Just want to throw in my thank you to Fin and Michele and everyone who sponsored and particpated, it was a great week! I am sad i missed the group photo but maybe if you blow it up you'll see me off the right and back sitting in a wheelchair next to the ambulance! Anyway, great to see everyone again and meet new friends... can't wait to do it again next year!


andrea morgan

ps Diana, we are on for riding together early next year... maybe when it gets closer we should make a plan to meet somewhere so we make sure we can do it! take care of yourself!

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Guest Pepe Le Pew

I almost missed the group photo but finally made it ;-)

Thank you Michelle & Fin for putting this together.

Thank you Bob for "inviting" me next year.

It was a pleasure to ride with all of you.

Ajax was not as good as last year but Aztec was still a blast.

I complained about the soft snow in Buttermilk while I was there but it beats no snow in WA!

I will never fly in and out of Aspen anymore (I had plane tickets but neither landed nor took off from there) but I'll be there next year.


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Thanks Fin and Michelle for all your hard work in organising the session in Aspen. It was my first time on a snow board and I have well and truely got the bug, and cant wait till the next session. I came all the way from London and must say it was well worth it. thanks again for everything and I must say that carvers rule, and I hope that one day I will become one.

Will send some of the pics I took when I get a chance.


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Fin & Michelle for organising a fantastic week.

All the sponsors for providing great gear to demo and give away.

Everyone I rode with (esp. Pete & Rich) for the encouragement during my first hard booting experience.

Sean Cassidy for the pointers. You are a guru.

The St Moritz crew for some great times. Felt just like home, and will definately be staying there again.

The raffle ticket gods for winning me an awesome set of TD2's. Now just have to buy a board to mount them on.

The snow gods for the conditions.


United for my total stuff up of a flight schedule. You couldn't pay me enough to risk flying into Aspen again.

All up I had a blast guys. Definately worth the trip out from Oz and hope I can be back again next year, with luck bringing some mates along for the ride.



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Guest Mark Jeangerard


I don't even know where to start....

This was my third SES. I must say, I will attend every one I can after this until I can carve no more. Even then, I will probably come to cheer on the young bucks. I hope it goes on forever. I plan to contribute next year. More on that later in the summer.

The demo tents were as well stocked as I've ever seen them. The mountains were killer. I missed the clinics but have been to the best clinics at SES in the past. The "parties" were out of this world. (I consider the real party to be between 9am and 4pm above 10,000 feet.) The raffle was unreal. The carvers were numerous and stellar in their abilities. Just seeing that many carvers in one place... I would bet a lot of us ride alone a lot of the time. The group photo tells the story.

I'm one of those clowns who can't remember names, but... Eric, Jay, Chris, Scott, Mike... I had a gas riding with you guys. All the others I had the good fortune to follow or see blazing by, your riding is not lost on me. Scott and Michelle (?), Bola... We rode into the dark storm on Saturday... That was when I really started riding well. Scott, you really opened up my riding. Thanks for that.

Maybe as important as anything else, I came home with new skills and a renewed enjoyment of an activity that I engage in five days a week. (I know, it's hard to tell from my abilities. I'm a tad slow.) I'm more stoked than I have been all year. I can't wait until 7:30am Saturday. Just counting the minutes until first groomies on Open Slope.

'I love you guys'

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The epic adventure draws to a close.. Home after my three week trip, I could spend hours listing all the good times...

To everyone who hooked me up w/ discounts(including the little old lady who got me a "buddy pass" @ loveland) THANK YOU!

To everyone who made the SES "THE PLACE" to be, Thanks for showing up and being good friends..

To all my roomates in Glenwood Springs, thanks for being great friends and good company..

To Rob (ARCrider) for sticking around the extra week and dragging me out on the mornings I didn't want to move..

To the photographers(Bob Jenney and Mozz come to mind) thanks for your patience and talents...

To all the people I met before and after the session, thanks for the local take on each mountain(all eleven resorts).

And finally to Fin and Michele, thanks for your hard work(I've seen them both in action, and they work very hard) to make this an enjoyable event for everyone...

To anyone who may have doubts about going next year, in the words of Warren Miller, "If you don't, you'll be a year older when you do".

See you next year!

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I had an absolute blast:D. It was my first SES.

Fin and Michelle thanks for planning an epic week for all of us.

I must admit I'm depressed as I'm typing this, would rather be carving than pushing papers at work right now.

To the BOL house: I had a great time meeting new folks and hanging out with all of you. We had a great group at the house and the memories of drinking in the Jacuzzi, oh man they still make me laugh.

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Guest James Pryor

The Bomber sesh was definetly our best FAMILY vacation ever! Brought my wife Deb and son Shane. We showed up at Buttermilk to meet some friends Sunday and it was a Warren Miller morning. The sun was out and yes Colorado cobalt blue skies. It was so much fun watching Deb and Shane rip in the untracked pow. The rest of the week just got better and it was such a treat to see all the carvers showing their stuff with big smiles all around. Already looking forward to next years sesh!! Jim Pryor and family.

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