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King Of The Hill (Not Hank)


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Today, while watching KOTH from Mt. Snow on NBC I noticed that when a snowboarder or skier were interviewed, the camera angle was kept tight and little if any of the boards or skis were shown. Also, almost all the logos of helmets, goggles, and bindings were covered up with duct tape.

Jasey Jay's Coiler logo came into view several times. But what appeared to be a Catek logo had tape on it. I did not realize that it was this corpo out there. If NBC or Paul Mitchell or Jeep doesn't get advertising dollars from Carrera, Giro, Oakley, Catek, or whomever their products don't get eye time. That's what must be happening.

Of course, I guess this has always been with snowboarding. Remember, years ago, when Craig Kelly rode a plain black based board when he went to [DUCT TAPE]? Because [DUCT TAPE] was suing his new sponsor.

What would happen if we couldn't use trade names here on BOL? So, over in the Classifieds you might have this:

WTB: 1 pair of used [DUCT TAPE] boots, size 28.5. Please email me.

I'm gonna get my roll of tape out and cover up all electronic media logos in the corner of my TV tonight. Hah!


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I was discussing this with a friend the other day and I attributed it to being an amateur sport. They aren't "paid" to do what they do. They get sponsorships and living allowances from the goverment. The life of an amateur athlete is sometimes pretty dreary when it comes to cash.

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I am not sure but I think if there was lots of sponsorship logos, the racers would look like nascar cars! It would kinda ruin the purity of the sports.

Just my point of view.

Commercialism has it's merrits, but when do you draw the line. Look at the tobacco companies and their sports programs.

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Going back to the beginning we have to address the whole idea of what was shown on the idiot box today: a snowboard and skiing contest sponsored by a car company, a hair care products company, both bought ad space/time on a television network.

The idiocy of an alleged connection between skiing/snowboarding, great hair, and what car you drive is worth boycotting any of these companies that offer sponsorship to boarding contests.

Watch the XGames this weekend and see how well product placement is done by ESPN and ABC. No [DUCT TAPE] over the slopestyle or half-pipe riders boards or bindings. So, why the double standard? Are XGames participants considered amateur, too?


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king of the hill is the jeep thing, right?

tell you what...the president, or vice president...whoever Kevin Delaney was interviewing the two times I watched?

that guy is a horribly mindless automaton. Anyone see him? that fake grin and corporate slogans?

I felt an overwhelming urge to lash out at him

BUT...am's putting stickers on their boards? thats usually giving a nod to be people who are helping them, and for the sponsors to make them cover is clearly saying "these people did not pay for airtime, so NOPE!"


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