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What is the best way to record boarding action for the family?


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Well, this season I just held an old digital camera in front of me for a few runs, but it doesn't show the rider of course i.e. me, so I had to explain carving et al rather than just showing them.

I've thought about getting a gopro or like camera and mounting it to my helmet, but would it just be more of the same? For trips that don't include other riders with helmet cameras, would it be better to just setup a comparatively bulky camcorder (cheap, better quality, greater battery life and storage) on the side of a run with a mini-tripod, press play, and get some footage on the next run (and edit out the initial footage later)?

Just curious as to what ideals you guys may have.

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That is the problem if you don't have anyone else to record you. Ski pole mount is the most common. Stick it in your backpack, hold it out, etc.. Sean @ Donek created a binding mount for an interesting view. There is a camera out there that will automatically follow you but then you have to leave it in the woods when you go by and get it later. Can you say, "Stolen"? If you can't get yourself on film the next most exciting thing for viewers is huge yard-sale wipeouts when you are carving;)

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I think a mix would probably work best.

I find the GoPro is great for powder riding as it's hard to capture the feel of that any other way, but if you have someone prepared to use a hand-held camera than obviously other footage will help enormously.

I would not bother with a tripod though, that's a lot of hassle and bulk. Most consumer cameras are designed for hand holding. If it's not consumer, then there are more flexible approaches which would work better than a tripod I think. If you have a DSLR most of them can shoot video very well, although those really are hard to focus and hold.

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I agree with you that first-person video is not always that engaging and definitely doesn't show what the rider is doing well.

If you have riding buddies, ask them to do follow-cam. If you always ride alone, strike up a conversation with someone on the chairlift and ask them to do it...offer to pay in beer or candy bars (make sure you carry some of either if you're trying this method).

If you just want to show your family what carving is like, not show them video of you specifically, there are a lot of good links to video here.

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