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cheap places around big bear


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you know whats funny, skategoat?

If you go the front way to Big Bear...up the 330, that road is one of the worst in the nation for about 15 miles or so. This horrible windy canyon road then goes into a horrible windy forest road. Infinitely worse than that drive to mammoth! Make SURE you have chains if there is even an inch of snow on the ground. The cops who control getting in and out are *******S. They wont care that youre from canada and know how to handle yourself...you will NOT get through. keep that in mind

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I dont know if they rent them. heh..youre right they might not even know what they are;)

but...if you have the car long enough and are planning on driving in snow a fair bit it might not hurt to spend the $50 to buy a pair, OR rent an AWD vehicle (except, even with this the *******s in big bear wont let you up without chains. Ive had them be SUCH dicks to so many people Ive known it really contributed to my hatred for police for a LONG time)

mind you...I have NO idea what the weather will be like up there. Sure is getting pounded lately!

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Most places that sell chains will take a return on them if the box is not opened. El Nino has been dumping snow here for the past two weeks and more snow is coming. You do not want to be on the roads here without chains. That road up to bear is like corkscrew of a path.

Honestly, living in Los Angeles, I almost never go to Bear. I would rather drive to Mammoth, especially if I am staying overnight. Big Bear advertises itself as a park and almost 1/3 of the mountain is a park.

I would say, go to Mammoth, call Motel 6 or get on the Mammoth website forum and try and get into someones condo for the weekend.

Mammoth will blow you away. Bear will leave you wondering why you did not go to Mammoth.

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there are two resorts in big bear though..actually three...and summit isnt as boarder oriented. there are some runs there that would be conducive to carving, but not on a weekend!

mammoth is just another world entirely. no comparison whatsoever

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actually, if you like riding powder and HAVE TO stay in SoCal...and recent snows are still around, try Mt Baldy. That place ROCKS for steeps and deeps (Ive been there and truly forgotten I was still in SoCal with 3' of fresh on quite steep pitches)

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Good idea. I need chains anyways. Last week, I managed to get my 4Runner stuck with two wheels in soft snow and two wheels on ice. I suffered the indignity of calling a tow truck. A real blow to my manhood.

I already booked the Motel 6. I'm headed to Mammoth come hell or high water.

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There was a thread a while back about driving to Mammoth but I thought I would bring this up again.

Don't speed on rt 14 and 392 when you go through the small towns. The speed limit signs come up fast and drop speeds, 55, 45, 35, 25 in a mile.

Also, when in Mammoth, if there is snow on the road, chain up. They always set up a check in town when chains are required.

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Skategoat, if you do go to Mammoth make sure you do the drive in the daytime, the scenery is something you do not want to miss. Outside of Lone Pine, Ca (on the 395) is Mt. Whitney(tallest peak in the in the Lower 48). If you can arrange it, drive to Mammoth in the morning, the Sierras rise quickly from the Owens Valley floor, that way you can watch the sun paint the peaks and continue down the flanks. Take a camera!!!

Also it appears that there will be some fellow

BOL members there during your stay. Email me and I will give you some contact numbers.

Gerthaa at msn dot com

Enjoy the Eastern Sierra!!!!!

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Originally posted by gawdzira

There was a thread a while back about driving to Mammoth but I thought I would bring this up again.

Don't speed on rt 14 and 392 when you go through the small towns. The speed limit signs come up fast and drop speeds, 55, 45, 35, 25 in a mile.

Also, when in Mammoth, if there is snow on the road, chain up. They always set up a check in town when chains are required.


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