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New careers and the poer of Positive thinking

Sultan Guy

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Some major changes in my life lately...

On Dec. 5th I was abruptly let go from my employer of 11.5 years for no reason. Totally caught me off guard. Was working hard that day even. I was stunned and in disbelief.

After a few days in a funk I started working all my "contacts" hard, made a resume, and updated my old Linked In account.

Got a phone call on 12/19 from a guy I know vaguely at 500+ employee aerospace tooling company. Scheduled interview on 12/19 of four hours ended up being 7.5 hours.

Went back for a full day 8 hour second interview on 1/5 and received an offer on 1/9 making almost identical to what I was. Much more opportunity for advancement and they want me to start Feb. 1.

Only issue is the distance-90 minutes.

Looking into a midweek room for rent situation that is nearby.

Just seems amazing that I can be unemployed for barely a month!

In the meantime I have been boarding 3-4 weekdays each week.

Anyone else have an experience like this?

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I had a friend in residency that didn't want to move from NW Houston to Galveston so she rented an efficiency during the week and went home, when she could, on the weekends. The rent on the apartment could be considered a business expense if you itemize, so save the documentation.

We've seen episodes of mass unemployment like we have now throughout American history. If you have a skill we don't need anymore, like steel mill worker, or assembly line manufacturing, or even computer hardware assembly, you will find yourself unemployed at sometime in your life. The trick is to figure out a job that will always be needed. A hot job need now and forever is electricians, plumbers, mechanics, high capacity AC, etc.....

Obviously, the fact you weren't unemployed very long means you have skills still needed. My brother, conversely, was a PR director at a theater. When he got laid off-for the third time in his life-he realized that would be the story of his career. He now works as a financial planner for Fidelity-he used his unemployment to take classes. He was unemployed for a year, BTW.

I'd love to be able to spend my free time on the snow-here in Helltown, we just have pictures of snow to enjoy.:biggthump

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