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Anyone participate in either the San Gabriel Series or Southern California Series SL or GS events? Is it possible to race in both series? Many hardbooters?

Probably moving back to the OC in November and considering to join these events.

Any input would be much appeciated. Thanks!! Tom

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Anyone participate in either the San Gabriel Series or Southern California Series SL or GS events? Is it possible to race in both series? Many hardbooters?

Probably moving back to the OC in November and considering to join these events.

Any input would be much appeciated. Thanks!! Tom

WARNING: This post is garbage and goes in circles and has repeated information, and some information that isn't needed at all.

Hi Tom, San Gabriel is my home conference.

You can do both. Generally SoCal and SG run 2 Slalom and 2 GS races. The sets of 2 are always on the same day.

Your two home results (you can declare which you want) and your single highest outside result per discipline are scored.

For example, I placed 4th and 2nd in San Gabriel Slaloms, and earned X points each. Had I raced one more outside event, I would have earned X more points, but nothing beyond that.

There are no limitations on which series you choose, and the Nationals count towards your points for the next season, i.e. 2010 Nats scores contribute to your 2011 rank IF its your highest outside score.

You're not going to find many hardbooters. There are a few, but it's mostly ducked out down here. If you don't blink, you'll see Johnny Ray racing San Gabriel. Mammoth is home to the UnBound Series, and I think they have a few more plate riders than SoCal and SG.

What you WILL find is softbooters are VERY fast in SL and GS..The mobility of softies makes up for the lack of weight placement and edge to edge speed.

The fees aren't super cheap, at $75 to register for the year..But that's a very small price.

Also consider NASTAR, it's very affordable (to the tune of $10 a day) and it's good gate time.

It will be a pleasure racing with you next season!


If you have any more questions or need clarifications, I have a rulebook I can pull quotes from.

Also, I will try to start threads for all the MH Nastar events and I will definitely start them for any SoCal and San Gabriel USASA events.

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19th after a good fall on my qualifier.

I fell off the back of my board on the 4th to last gate and caught my shoulder on the longer pole. I had to hike back up, and awkwardly clip in with my left hand before finishing.

At the bottom, Karl of the G-Team (Scuff on BOL) said to me "Your weight looked a little too far back on that turn"


Nats were great, anyone that has the means to go SHOULD.

If you're a sight-seeing masochist, it's a great drive.

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Theo, Thanks for the input and your lengthy post (it made sense).

Will check out the Nastar site and see about registering. I recall that you maybe did some additional gate training (ski gates). Were there any training days or clubs you hung with?

Starting to train for next season already. Blew my shoulder out (torn rotator cuff) on a gate training day here in Japan. Need to drop a few Kg's, stop eating so much chocolate and get my shoulder back in proper order this summer.

Thanks again for your info. Hope to meet up with you next season.

Take care, Tom

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Nastar is free to register, and you just do it the day of your first race.

Yes, I did some gate training this year with Team Mountain High. Unfortunately, being that you're not a kid, you're going to have wait for the Master's Program to get figured out...Which as we know in race teams, any sort of major additions take time.

Nastar is the closest you can get..But I'm going to try and see if I can borrow a drill, gate key, and the stubbies and set a course with proper offset. Course SETTING is no problem, but taking down gates after a long day is brutal..

If we can't get gates, I'm going to try and get permission to set up a dot-slalom at night.

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Theo, Thanks again for the info. Reliable Racing has some new brush type gates (like stubbies). Might be worth looking into as these might not damage other peoples boards/skis which could be a sales points when asking the Mtn Mgt.


What night of the week you think they would lets us set-up/run gates?

Let's discuss more as the season gets closer. This could interesting and fun.

Thanks dude, Tom

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Tuesday and Thursday evenings are the team training nights, and I will be running with them.

I don't think they'd really let you run gates unfortunately. MH won't buy brushes, they barely give us any room without parks anyway!

We'll probably have to work something out where we borrow the stubbies from Team Mountain High (a separate entity from MH) if we want to run gates.

Hopefully I can mooch some good technique off of you!


Edit..There are also some Snowboard panels and stubbies hanging around somewhere, they are used for the USASA SL, GS, and BX. Perhaps the stubbies are just reused. I really look forward to riding with you!

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Tuesday and Thursday evenings are the team training nights, and I will be running with them.

I don't think they'd really let you run gates unfortunately. MH won't buy brushes, they barely give us any room without parks anyway!

We'll probably have to work something out where we borrow the stubbies from Team Mountain High (a separate entity from MH) if we want to run gates.

Hopefully I can mooch some good technique off of you!


Edit..There are also some Snowboard panels and stubbies hanging around somewhere, they are used for the USASA SL, GS, and BX. Perhaps the stubbies are just reused. I really look forward to riding with you!

I am still a toss up for the season pass. Probably Mt High. I spent alot more time on plates this year after riding with you Theo. Finally getting used to it. I too need the carving tips from you guys. I have the soft boot thing dialed...

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Inspired to ride plates after seeing ME? Easily impressed! :p

We'll get you set up making race style turns no problem. You're already most of the way there, and I'm sure you already know most of it and need to time to get back on plates.

It would be great to have another MH regular, it's usually just me and George!

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I need to have a custom freestyle made. Coda or perhaps a Prior. I don't know if plates are the thing for me...I definitely need a new ride for next year but a new custom free-ride deck vs. a new/used alpine board + bindings + boots is going to get pricey! Would like to try an ATV or a Coda sideways/metal. I may just be better off riding free-ride decks/alpine style in softies???:confused:

with the pass at MT High, I think I just may have to do some competitions though...

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Off the shelf BX boards will ride well for you as well. Big radii on the current year boards too!

I'd stick with your Custom for tooling around and just get used to the alpine stance, in plates, on carving boards. Interestingly enough, it won't make much of a difference in your racing, but your general riding will be much faster and more fun. Not that you don't rip already!

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