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It definitely seems like it's going to stick quite well. The board feels great, although I only road it for about 5 minutes, but it's definitely very pumpable. I'll take pictures and let you know how it turns out once everything is all dialed in and the blocks come in too.

How was Mammoth? I'm sure conditions were pretty awesome, right?

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  • 2 weeks later...
If anything I'd probably want to run slalom and dodge some cones. I dunno, I'd probably be down for something - I still need to give you your Axe.

I'm going to be broke on saturday.

You can keep it for collateral until next time if you want!

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well, it's $12 now + a CD since your dad shipped me the board... hehe

if anything, YOU can hang on to it since i'm not riding it anyway. I don't even have a set of wheels for it anymore either.

Make it $15 + a CD . :biggthump

All I have that is remotely slalomy is a Bennett 6.0 and a flipped paris 150 right now.

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I have a Randal 125 if you want to borrow that for the front of the board. And I still have the RTS in 125 too, so you can slap both of those on the board - you might like the Randal 125 better than the Bennett 5.0

I'll see what base plates I have - I think I might have a 50* somewhere.

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I have a Randal 125 if you want to borrow that for the front of the board. And I still have the RTS in 125 too, so you can slap both of those on the board - you might like the Randal 125 better than the Bennett 5.0

I'll see what base plates I have - I think I might have a 50* somewhere.

First I'll try persuading my dad to get a set of five-oh's.

I think he'll like them better than the 6.0's for his LDP setup :biggthump

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I'm cool with running some slalom on Sunday. There's a pretty mellow place with at least 600+ feet of run out so we don't have to foot brake, slide, or bail at a sprint.

Your dad could even run the slalom too. It's also pretty decent to learn some LDP for your dad - or at least really get the pumping motion down.

I can give you your board too, and you can borrow some trucks in the mean time if you don't have anything narrow enough to be slalom worthy.

Shoot me an email or something. I'll txt you my address if you want to meet up - the skate spots aren't too far from my house (it's definitely closer than Mission Viejo... hehe).


Rage Against the Machine for some music

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I'm cool with running some slalom on Sunday. There's a pretty mellow place with at least 600+ feet of run out so we don't have to foot brake, slide, or bail at a sprint.

Your dad could even run the slalom too. It's also pretty decent to learn some LDP for your dad - or at least really get the pumping motion down.

I can give you your board too, and you can borrow some trucks in the mean time if you don't have anything narrow enough to be slalom worthy.

Shoot me an email or something. I'll txt you my address if you want to meet up - the skate spots aren't too far from my house (it's definitely closer than Mission Viejo... hehe).


Rage Against the Machine for some music

Sounds good, thanks a lot!

I lost your number - new phone.

I'll just save it when you text me.

I'm in for sunday, as long as my dad is.

What time were you thinking?

Rage Against the Machine - Yes sir.

Anyone else want a say in the music? ;)

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