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PSA: Grand Targhee extends winter season!


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Due to ridiculous amounts of snow the past few days - 5 feet in the past week and 14" since 9 am today!!! - Targhee has announced that they will extend their season one week. New closing day will be April 18, with $39 full day tickets and Dreamcatcher quad open 10am - 3pm for the final week. Come on out!!! Should be good! Wooohooo!

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If you are interested in going to Targhee... you can fly into Idaho Falls, ID or Jackson Wyoming. From either airport you will have to rent a car and drive to Grand Targhee.

There are some crazy specials on lodging right now available thru the Grand Targhee website. Vacation Rental by Owner www.vbro.com also has some sweet deals on lodging. Use Driggs, Idaho or Victor Idaho for you city location to find them. I have also seen some sweet nightly rentals on Eastern Idaho Craigslist.

Come on out and join the fun!

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in my limited experience, the finest groomed steeps anywhere, and the ones I'd most like to revisit.

And when it dumps, the place is just plain heaven. Not to mention its proximity to that incredible slice of Americana, Driggs!!

To those of you lucky enough to enjoy this late season Nirvana, here's to your good fortune!!

Hope Ullr keeps delivering the goods!


(of tropical Possum Pouch :flamethro:flamethro)

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You snooze, you lose. Ya should have been here T O D A Y !

Sunshine and great carving snow from first to last chair.

And the house is awesome! There's still room if you can drive fast enough.

Pics are:

Kelly, Dave, and Dave.

Tailgating for lunch.

The Targhee Trench Tour Wydaho house.




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You snooze, you lose. Ya should have been here T O D A Y ! There's still room if you can drive fast enough.

Don't know the distance in statute miles from Possum Pouch to Driggs, but whatever the number, a bluebird day at Targhee would totally be worth it!!

Instead, I drove due east (stopping 60 miles short of the Outer Banks with nuking winds!!***) to the state's once-largest plantation, as a chaperon on a Middle School field trip...

Somerset Stats

elevation - 18' above sea level

relief - (in the whole freaking county) about 3'

You Guys Enjoy!! Wish more people would document their great times on here!!

p.s. Two Ravens, Lake Phelps is home to boucou fish eagles and ospreys - not a safe place for your basic avian...


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Life is good. Another bluebird day at the Ghee; it doesn't get much better. Casper Carver and Big Dog Dave showed up today. I think we have some good video of Casper doing his unique switch carving moves, but that will take a while to get ready to post. Until then, just some pics.




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Friday's conditions were absolutely stellar and the crew quickly got to work carving.

Apparently somebody didn't like it and so the Ski Patrol got some complaints.

1. Dave(Dredman) and Kelly (Two Ravens) at "work" laying it down on Chief Joseph.

2. Ski Patrol issuing warning to Dave in yet another stunning onepiece, who adamantly defends trench making in all it's forms.

3. Sample of objectionable trenches.




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Dave, glad you were able to document the frivolous nature of the complaints! :ices_ange

What an awesome weekend!!! Big thank you to dredman, BigDogDave, notarealname, johnasmo & Casper for a truly outstanding weekend! Super to see Mrs. Dredman out on the hill too, lapping us on the softies! A great crew and some surprisingly stellar conditions - I just had a blast! (Well ok, for me Saturday may have been just the second best day ever - but Friday & Sunday totally rocked!) And I don't know if it's some special Montucky/Wydaho magic, or if I'm just finally getting in shape, but I'm not even sore today or especially tired. :)

Notarealname, you were looking super - wish I had been carving that well after my first year! Good work!

I should have taken my camera - wish I had some pics to post of dreman's and johnasmo's beautiful medals - first and second respectively - won in the tortuous Rubber Legs Giant Slalom. Very impressive that you guys were willing even to run the course - that thing looked hideous!!!!! Well done! :biggthump:biggthump

And johnasmo's videos are always impressive - can't wait to see his footage of Casper's mind bending switch riding! :eek::1luvu:

Looking forward to seeing most of the crew again next weekend - let's hope they groom at least a run or two.....

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I should have taken my camera - wish I had some pics to post of dreman's and johnasmo's beautiful medals - first and second respectively - won in the tortuous Rubber Legs Giant Slalom. Very impressive that you guys were willing even to run the course - that thing looked hideous!!!!! Well done! :biggthump:biggthump

Representin' BOL on and off the groomers. In the Rubber Legs GS, way off...


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I've got lots of video from last weekend, but I guess this is what everyone is waiting to see. The one, the only, Casper Carver in action. This is only my video, we have more from his camera too, so future videos are likely.

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YraJ20u5kB8&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YraJ20u5kB8&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

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A bit wider view reveals the artistry of a group.

Oh and I forgot to mention that there was also a speed complaint, which had to be completely made up.

This photo is hilarious! So is the speed complaint:sleep: Kelly, slow down ! what a trouble maker, making all us HBs look bad:eplus2:

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3 days of riding....Here is my one and only picture I took.


Thanks you Casper Carver, BigDogDave, Black Chicken of Death (Two Ravens), Johnasmo and New Dave aka "notarealname" for an excellent weekend! What a blast.

Sorry I let you all down with my choice of housing. Maybe I will force you to stay there again sometime.

Sorry about the miserable grooming and poor weather conditions..

I think I am finally healed up from my beating on the Ladies Waist Rubber Legs GS. Ugh..

Again this weekend?? I am in!!


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Yeah, let's hope the weather forecast is as accurate for this weekend as it was for last week! :) All this snow is making for bad uni riding too. :mad:

Dredman, glad you got the one photo - so at least there is that much evidence that I was on the long board, for a few minutes anyway! And we're never letting you pick the house again... unless you want to, that is! :biggthump

Allee - I tried to hide your passport so you could stay here and ride with us! Next time just pretend you can't find it! :ices_ange

Martyagt4 - don't need a race car mechanic, but my dad is in the middle of lifting my FJ cruiser - what do you know about Toyota's? :) You should come on out sometime!

(Cruiser update - dad did get it out of the garage and into another that has a taller door. :o The big tires probably went on today! He's decided not to tube it....yet.)

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