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Soft Bindings For Freecarving


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trying to get what I have gotten with hardboots.

I ride an all mountain board with binding set as far back as they go.

Catek OS2 and deeluxe 225.

I ride all over. Powder, groomers, ice, steeps and inbetween the trees.

I ride where ever I can go.

Soft boots with the thrid strap and Catek freeride bindings did nothing for me. In my opinion waste of money and time.

If you are tying to ride like you are in hardboots ride in hardboots.

If you want softboots then you are going to ride like you are in softboots.

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Wow! Am I hearing right?

NTN ski boots will work in hardboot bindings!???!!!!???

This would be nervana! We've been waiting (while salivating substantially) for NTN to get it's issues sorted so we have a boot for Tele', and hopefully (although unlikely) it will work in an AT binding, and with a boot crampon that will cope with the flex. How would snowboard bindings cope with the NTN boot flex?

I've been using Nordica sbh boots for years with freecarve boards. They are almost as light as soft boots and are MORE comfortable. ( cheap too ) I don't know it they would work with Tele, but you could wear them all day and even drive in them*.

*The legendary WW once avoided a theft of services bust by being able to drive away from the ski patrol without changing boots.

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I ride a Supermodel 163 or 168

I ride mostly Greens and Blues for Groom and Steeper the better for Pow

I push these Boards to their limits...they are very soft.

If I rode Blacks all the time, I would need a different stick...

The pitch and how fast you want to go dictates the Board required as you well know...You have multiple sticks to choose from in your profile ?

Compared to who? Compared to the rest of us. Saying what type of trails you ride qualifys your gear selection to the rest of us. The reason you don't think you need hb's is because you aren't an aggressive carver. If you got off the greens and blues you would probably not be riding what you are. If in the begining you had said "I use three strap bindings to carve on greens and blues" it would have added more value to the rest of us to understand what you mean. The OP could have then judged his goals compared to yours and decided whether to go down your route or not.

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Soft Bindings For Freecarving

<HR style="COLOR: #3399ff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Now that hybrid freeride carving boards have arrived (swoard dual)..does anyone have any good recommendations of soft boot compatible bindings to work with higher positive stance angles e.g. 60F, 45R ?

If people can't answer the question, and stay within the discussion with out insulting everyone who rides NON-HARDBOOTS at higher angles, with whatever hardware, technique, and gear, but would rather circumvent the question and just say NO NO NO... then why bother?

From now on just answer GET HARDBOOTS, and be done with it.

Just spitballing in the wind here..... but uh nothing makes the CATEK binding any different than other softboot bindings other than a fancy base that allows for some adjustments for what boils down to basicly "rider comfort". Rides, Burtons, Flows, hell even bottom of the rung $15.99 Lamars are all based on the same basic design; 2 straps, a base, a highback and a heelcup. It ultimately comes down to boot selection, rider ability, and preferance for style of riding. Some boots work better with particular binding systems, and others never fit right, and are uncomfortable.

The third strap retains the top of the softboot in a proper position in relation to the highback when it is pushed in a lateral direction while carving. I really do not see why there is so much "hate" when people speak of the third strap being too restrictive, when they are riding Salomon Malamutes that are far more restrictive than my 3 straps and a softer airwalk boot ever were.

FWIW, I do indeed love my 3 straps and am most comfortable riding in them as opposed to many other boots and binding combinations.

Purely my preferance; and there will not be anyone who can tell me different because it is MY CHOICE to ride with such.

I can speak for myself in where I ride 3 straps: Any trail, Anytime.

Who knows, maybe that "fad" of 3 straps will come back and be the next "ROCKER BOARD" craze.... things that go around, come back around.

Wouldn't that be egg on a bunch of peoples faces now..... :rolleyes:

Obviously the 3 straps are not made anymore, so it makes riding higher angles more a conundrum with buying "new gear". Indeed one does have to decide how far they feel comfortable with a softboot before it greatly hinders riding at angles higher than 45, and I would highly suggest not riding greater than 45 with softboots in anycase. Three straps or no straps at all.

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dave, why are you still ranting? how many threads do you need to get a beat down in tonight. in the other one a second year hard booter told you to shut up along with three other more experienced hardbooter of varying ability.

same thing here, never said you can't do it just said it blows and it's a bad idea. no one has disputed me saying it's no where near optimum other than the guy who cruises"mostly greens and blues" and you, the guy who is told to stop giving bad advice on a regular basis from multiple members here.

you're still at it.

I'm trying to be civil tonight, have you looked at the specs on the dual? running that type of angles in any size 28 boot soft or hard would be overkill on any of the sizes of the dual.

you still don't get it, amazing.

I now get softboot sailor though, was wondering why he rides a friggin' supermodel. I get it now.

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Each to their own, I believe ;)

Catek FR2 + ATV worked for me, I can do toeside extremecarving with it.

I also have swoard + TD3 (just received SW, haven't tested it) and I agree that using hardboot is better for carving.

I have a Burton custom binding and I might add a 3rd strap. Sounds like an interesting idea, might work. If it works for docrob then good for him! Seems to work for Dave and softbootsailer. If it does not work for him then at least he would not have lost much money trying it.

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Just spitballing in the wind here..... but uh nothing makes the CATEK binding any different than other softboot bindings other than a fancy base that allows for some adjustments for what boils down to basicly "rider comfort".

you really don't know what you're talking about here. I think you need to take a break and re-evaluate the role you think you're playing on this forum.

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dave, why are you still ranting? how many threads do you need to get a beat down in tonight. in the other one a second year hard booter told you to shut up along with three other more experienced hardbooter of varying ability.

same thing here, never said you can't do it just said it blows and it's a bad idea. no one has disputed me saying it's no where near optimum other than the guy who cruises"mostly greens and blues" and you, the guy who is told to stop giving bad advice on a regular basis from multiple members here.

you're still at it.

I'm trying to be civil tonight, have you looked at the specs on the dual? running that type of angles in any size 28 boot soft or hard would be overkill on any of the sizes of the dual.

you still don't get it, amazing.

I now get softboot sailor though, was wondering why he rides a friggin' supermodel. I get it now.

Myself, Softboot, and Dave all agree that things are not always black and white, there is some gray area in snowboarding. You are correct that high angles on a wide board don't work, but I ride steep angles (over 35) on ANY set I have. I've always rode high angles and back in the 90's I tried flattening them out and ended up destroying my knee because I landed with my upper body pointed down the center line and my lower body was all twisted up. Btw, loved your comment about the 95 Airwalk Freerides! I LOVED those boots!!!:1luvu::1luvu::1luvu: Here I am sporting them with a pair of Nike (yes, Nike) bindings. I'd like to see some other softboot carving photos!!! KNEES TOGETHER!!! Haahaahaaa!


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you really don't know what you're talking about here. I think you need to take a break and re-evaluate the role you think you're playing on this forum.

My "role" ? I'm a member and a fan of Bomber and ridng in hardboots and carving. I have the privledge to speak my opinions, beliefs, and to share them as such according to the forum rules and regulations.

All due respect, Some of the eletist arguements that because something is old, or different, out side of the box, or a different way of looking at something it is "wrong" and "counterculture". Physics are still Physics.

Yes technology is supposed to help make things work better, but only to a point. In the most recient Warren Miller Film, they ventured to China. People been riding sticks down a hill for centuries, and as crude as they were, they worked better if not as good as the modern fancy 2010 technology.

In this case, I questioned the viability of bindings as to the original posters question. I own 10 different styles of bindings personaly, and that includes a pair of the Catek softboot bindings, and they are no different of a feeling under a persons feet from any other binding except for how they fit to a persons biomechanics, comfort and ride style.

At 449.00 It is the equivlent to "bling" on a motorcycle or under the hood custom car with "ride height and response" with a CNC frame.

How is the CATEK binding, (assuming we are riding it in a stance of any other softboot rider would recommend as to angles and an A/M board) any different?

How will the CATEKs make a person turn into the PK FLYERS, or AIR JORDAN sneakers mentality of "I can run faster, jump higher, carve harder" just by using Cateks FR2s?

From a design standpoint, they are awesome, but they really don't revolutionize it.

Neither does K2 clickers, or Flows, or Burton C-60s from a design standpoint in relation to gravity and the forces that act upon the human body at speed.

If they in someway far superior and vastly revolutionary, please tell me how, because I must be doing this all wrong, and not looking at the components correctly on the board and under my feet.

If people say softboots don't belong carving, or can't do this, and can't do that, then why bother having a discussion about it.

Jack, I very much love the BOL forum and ALL the people on it (yes even bobdea :1luvu:) and noone should ever feel like they can't ask or answer a question or else the whole learning process breaks down, and progress as a community is halted. I'm not always right, and I will be the first person to stand up and admit it.

Diversity is what makes us unique as riders, The sport is what brings us unity.

Geoff, We rode 1 day and you are a superb carver. I give credit where credit is due. I am also able to say I am indeed only 4 seasons on a plate/hardboot setup, and hopefully have honed myself to a more refined rider, and am very much looking forward to riding again. Hope to show the much improved riding and understanding the next time we are out :)

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Dave I agree with Jack, take it easy and back down. Oh and based on your level of riding you might want to be careful what you post about giving riders advice I have seen you ride....

ohhhhh snap!

and this is why I've been such a pain to you for so long.

now you are saying it's your right to say things that are wrong. yup, it is. just expect it when people treat you the way they do. and don't act like you're qualified. have you taken down your ad in instructor search?

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ohhhhh snap!

and this is why I've been such a pain to you for so long.

now you are saying it's your right to say things that are wrong. yup, it is. just expect it when people treat you the way they do. and don't act like you're qualified. have you taken down your ad in instructor search?

no, have you put yours up Mr. #1 poster on BOL?

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no, have you put yours up Mr. #1 poster on BOL?

no, I don't feel I'm qualified to take people's money to teach plates at the level I could do it.

I'm saying you should not either because you're not capable and some fundamental basics you do not understand.

have I instructed? yes. on plates? yes. do I feel I should offer private instruction outside of working with a ski school and take people's money? no.

I'll help people get started, take Gleb for example on of his first few times out he was with me or fleck or willy whit we all gave him as much as we could. no one charged.... now the dude is probably a better rider than me.

my issue with you taking people's money is you're not qualified .

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Myself, Softboot, and Dave all agree that things are not always black and white, there is some gray area in snowboarding. You are correct that high angles on a wide board don't work, but I ride steep angles (over 35) on ANY set I have. I've always rode high angles and back in the 90's I tried flattening them out and ended up destroying my knee because I landed with my upper body pointed down the center line and my lower body was all twisted up. Btw, loved your comment about the 95 Airwalk Freerides! I LOVED those boots!!!:1luvu::1luvu::1luvu: Here I am sporting them with a pair of Nike (yes, Nike) bindings. I'd like to see some other softboot carving photos!!! KNEES TOGETHER!!! Haahaahaaa!

you just used the softboot sailor argument. "that's the way I did it 20 years ago so that's how I do it now despite current wisdom" which in reality equates to "I fear change and modern technique"

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noone should ever feel like they can't ask or answer a question or else the whole learning process breaks down, and progress as a community is halted. I'm not always right, and I will be the first person to stand up and admit it.

Then you should be the first to stand up and admit it now. This forum is not a free-for-all place to kill time, it has a mission, and a big part of it is to help people get into and better at carving. You blast a lot of advice all over this forum and too much of the time it is simply not that good. While this is not technically against the rules, it is detrimental to our mission and that is an even bigger problem. One thing you are consistent about is telling everyone what a great rider you are, in nearly every post. (and the knife signature... seriously?) All of this is extremely frustrating because I and others have known for some time that you are an intermediate carver with much to learn. We appreciate your good intentions, but it is time for a reality check. People posting carving advice without the carving skills to back it up as much as you do stunts the progress of the community. Your enthusiasm is great and you seem like a nice guy, but your level of riding and understanding is disparate with your posting habits. I urge you to leave your small pond and go to the SES and ECES and get a glimpse of some of the real experts on this forum (there are many, Geoff is one), and realize what you are lacking before continuing to pass yourself off as one of those experts. We'll be glad to help you if you want.

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Is this off enough...last run last year at Taylor Pass

again I have one set up for everything I ride conditions wise.

so I can go to the bowl do Pow at 45deg. then some Carving to the bottom.

I have to skarve mostly on steep blacks because this board will not hold.

I admire all the folks that get to have multiple sticks for all the different

conditions...I do use that advantage.

I certainly do not apologize for making a suggestion...:freak3:

No, you are missing the point. You aren't carving at Taylor Pass. If you had posted a pic or preferably video of yourself carving down a black level trail it would mean something.

And why do you keep deleting all your posts?

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I'd like to see some other softboot carving photos!!! KNEES TOGETHER!!! Haahaahaaa!

Here you go...


Burton M6, 3 strap bindings, No-name Sorrels with ski-boot liners, day-glow leash, day-glow Quickslver jacket and MATCHING HEADBAND(!), day-glow Kombi gloves, pink goggles..... STATE OF THE ART soft-boot carving....

(20 years ago....)

Out of everyting in that setup, I think I miss my hair most of all.... Damn, I feel old...

And now, back to your regularly scheduled flame-war. :flamethro

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Here you go...


Burton M6, 3 strap bindings, No-name Sorrels with ski-boot liners, day-glow leash, day-glow Quickslver jacket and MATCHING HEADBAND(!), day-glow Kombi gloves, pink goggles..... STATE OF THE ART soft-boot carving....

(20 years ago....)

Out of everyting in that setup, I think I miss my hair most of all.... Damn, I feel old...

And now, back to your regularly scheduled flame-war. :flamethro

skully, that's the post of the week! amazing picture. totally made me smile.

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