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Mammoth trip report from 12/11-13


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Well, I didn't want to rub it in but...

OMG :AR15firin

I've never been in such deep pow. I arrived in Mammoth around 1am but it was already dumping. The roads were caked with snow and ice on my way back to SoCal a few miles south of Big Pine. Chains were required from Mammoth down to almost Bishop. I think the storm total was somewhere around 6ft and June got walloped too. Eagle and Canyon weren't open and some parts of upper mountain were closed for avy control. Crowds weren't too bad though, old man winter must've scared some peeps away.

There wasn't a clear hour the ENTIRE weekend and ma nature wouldn't let up. Visibility was terrible and the wind was bone chilling but I've never had such a good time fooling around in the soft stuff. The snow was wet and heavy so hopefully that helps gives an excellent base for the season. Now that I've had my powder fix, give me some groomers, I want to caaaarve!!! :eplus2:


Go ahead, live vicariously


This is (was?) a Nissan Altima. I regret not jumping off the 2nd floor onto it :)


My buddies and me


Crowds weren't too big, I think the conditions scared fair weather skiers away


I need to get myself a Subie!


I want an Outback, or maybe a Forester will do...





Video for proof :)

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The ATV was great in powder and I didn't have to worry about it sinking. Well, when I tried to carve a turn with my weight forward like on the groomers it sank in and I had to dig myself out :lol: I hit a lot of powder stashes in the trees and the nose would plow in and pop up. The angle were already low at 45F/40R since I'm only a M25. I didn't have to change them at all.

I wish I had one of those fancy new rockered boards to try out though. I saw quite a few skis with that shape on the shuttle.

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