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Oct 18 2009

Village of Oberzalberg

Austrian/German members of the hitherto unknown

"Carver Alliance Europe America"- met in teleconference today with their American counterparts.

The C.A.E.A. was formed to take on the Swiss, currently leaders in the esoteric world of snowboard carving.Technical intel is being discussed and exchanged between the

Americans and the Austrian/German contingent...

Two members of the Austrian/German half of the Alliance congratulate each after the successful meeting:



This is not the first time an alliance of this sort was sought.

General George Patton, while military Govenor of Bavaria, wanted to reform Waffen S.S. troops

and combine these troops with U.S. Divisions in order to push the Russians out of Eastern Europe.


Patton was promoted to temporary four-star rank in mid-April. Shortly after the end of the war he entered on his duties as military governor of Bavaria. His outspoken criticisms of denazification policies led to an outcry in the United States, followed in October 1945 by his relief as Third Army commander and assignment to the Fifteenth Army, then a small headquarters engaged in studying miliary operations in northwestern Europe.


"Men are basically smart or dumb and lazy or ambitious. The dumb and ambitious ones are dangerous and I get rid of them. The dumb and lazy ones I give mundane duties. The smart ambitious ones I put on my staff. The smart and lazy ones I make my commanders."

Field Marshal Erwin Rommel



That you seem to a man on the Edge, Ed2.

This kind of intellectual intimation

will certainly lead to

intimidation or at least



And besides

Those mustaches on pic one are starting to make me

"Little bit jumpy Jenny Haden"


My post was a goof. I built a story around two friends of mine who were goofing around one day with a camera trying to get the "Euro look" and they are a little crazy.


my posts get deleted but there's something going on there

the hole has been dug deeper

lets call a spade a spade, there's some homoerotic energy here

BTW he makes a fairly hot tranny l_7c5503792a98456a3313499ab5ec8ca5.jpg


I don't know, I've often wondered what's up myself on occasion...these guys have a weird sense of humor.

They can't wait for our local motor-cycle rally. They dress up like store bought candy ass fake bikers (totally over the top) and grow out beards and go out on the town.


I hope I'm not gettin on your nerves there bobdea?

Let's get some more pictures into this story!

How the hell did I go from the: "Austrian American Alliance to this????????


These guys are out on the town dressed like this with the whole town full of bikers (The Iron Horse Motorcycle Rally)

l_4301fa05bd85143ecb4c0860069cd371.jpg <INPUT class=notefield id=friendSuggestInput style="WIDTH: 180px; COLOR: #999999" tabIndex=1 maxLength=50 value="Type a name here...">


So, wait.

Are they Austrian/German, and you are the American?

From ALL those pics it sure seems like there is some sort of alliance between you guys.

Pics are a little strange to say the least.


errr... there is such a thing as <i>too much</i> energy...


A bit too much of an energy, and I thought one poster in particular is bad enough. But two? ... eeps.


Don't worry, my time is short here. I usually burn my bridges pretty fast...

Its hard watching them burn in the rear view mirror.

"So, wait.

Are they Austrian/German, and you are the American?

From ALL those pics it sure seems like there is some sort of alliance between you guys.

Pics are a little strange to say the least."------Ace

No, we are all f.... up Americans- in what's left of the country A.B. (After Bush).

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