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Title pretty much says it all.

I want some Palmer PLS Shock risers (their "best" riser plate); I can't seem to find them sold in Canada online, and buying them new from the States would net me a small fortune in UPS fees. Anybody willing to part their theirs?

I want some mondo 26 boots. UPZ preferably, Head in the alternative. My current Raichle/Deeluxe models are too narrow for my foot.

Thanks all


  • 2 weeks later...

Damn, sorry I missed this post! :o

I'll have to update my original post: I finally tracked down a pair of Head Stratos boots and tried them out, and was not impressed. Unlike my Raichles they are nice and wide, but I did get a good bit of heel slop and lift with them. I'm hoping to settle on some UPZ boots instead.

(Don't have any of them, do you?? You've got everything else! :D )

Now, as for the lifts: awesome. But I'm not exactly sure over the difference there between the PLS Shock plates (they don't have as much lift, but they're the ones BX riders seem to have) and the Kessler lifts. I wonder if Philfell would know...?

In any case... let me see if I can find out about the Kessler lifts and I'll get back to you ASAP... but in the meantime, put those silver plates to the side for me, because I'm 99% taking them!

Great stuff!


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