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bigmtn... BMES 2010

west carven

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howdy all

the backside had some really soft groom from yesterdays 3-4 inches of

new snow. made a few laps with notarealname then a few laps on the

frontside for a few more. the frontside got just right about 11:30am.

was a good day of carveable snow. rode my fp157 from 9:30am till 1pm...

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howdy all

after yesterdays big dump of 4 plus inches on the top of the big there was

some soft groomers on the backside and the top part of the frontside, but

the bottom half was concrete and uneven potholes in the seams. got

warm and soft around 11:30am. tried a new to me old fp171 and it was

hard to tell if its any good in the soft snow, next year i'll try it again.

rode my fp171 from 9am till 12:30pm... day 48

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Hey Whitefish crew, Allee and dredman have talked me into coming up for closing weekend/pond skimming! I've never ridden Big Mountain, but enjoy reading your thread and am looking forward to a tour and meeting some fun new folks! :biggthump

West, thanks for all the snow reports - I trust you will be arranging perfect snow conditions for next weekend?! :) ;)

Kinpa, sorry you won't be up. :( There aren't many of us carver gals around - hoping to get to meet/ride with you someday. Maybe next season!


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Kinpa, sorry you won't be up. :( There aren't many of us carver gals around - hoping to get to meet/ride with you someday. Maybe next season!

Someday when I get rich I'm going to come down to Jackson Hole, ok? :lol: It can't be too far of a drive from Missoula..... I've been thinking about a drive down Rt 93 to go visit Jerry at Sun Valley one of these years too. Wonder if my car could make it.....

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I am still trying to talk BigDogDave into joining us for the closing weekend riding. Come on Dave!!! You will be missing out on possibly the BEST DAY EVER!!

Anyone else thinking of joining?

The weather is not currently showing nice warm sunny conditions for Pond Skimming.... burrr....

So West... How are the conditions really? Rocks? Dirt spots? Is it safe to ride metal without major risk of damage to boards? Johnasmo said he has only been riding old glass boards thus saving the metal... What's the scoop...

See you all Saturday 0900 Chair 2!!

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howdy all

it was a very wet soggy foggy mess. the humid factor was all the way up.

it was raining in the early morning at the bottom, snow from the middle to

the top. snowed really hard around 10:30am then nothing. the wind blew

from the south so going up chair 1 did not feel windy, but the trees were

dancing, had a good wind all day. i was soaked and was a little cold. it

was my most miserable day of the season. i dont think the snow set-up

last night, it was pretty soft in the morning. i was on my fp157 and not

a scratch on the bottom, but i was lucky cause there are rocks and twigs

everywhere, riding over places that are an inch of ice than dirt on the

frontside. the backside is still holding up well.

rode my fp157 from 9:30am till 1pm...

dredman keep the metal home

two_ravens forcast is rain/snow for this week, highs mid 40's, sunday 50

so, when are you all showing up?

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West, Thank you for the honest and fair report. With conditions like this why would I not drive 6+ hours to ride the Big!!

Boo Yeah!!

I think we are in for the BEST DAY'S EVER!! Woo Hoo!!

Sounds like everyone will be arriving Friday afternoon.

See ya all then!

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OK, then. Bring glass, but hope for metal conditions. :rolleyes: Maybe this will be the weekend I learn to carve switch on nice green groomers on the backside! :D

BigDogDave and I should roll into town Friday afternoonish. BEST DAYS EVER, here we come!!!! Should be a hoot! :biggthump

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howdy all

started mostly sunny in the early morning with cooler temps, then big

puffy clouds rolled in and out. some sun some snow, kept things cool

and dry. the very top part of the backside was carveable and the

bottom was icey. just hung out to work on my vertical, today is my

50th day and i think i made it over a million. anyways, after lunch i

was thinking i was happy i did it and was going to make a few more

runs so i was crossing the bottom of hellroaring chalet to get to chair 1

and did not see a lady coming down. i looked up and saw a guy in front

so i was focused on him and by the time i saw the lady she was on me.

i stopped and we collided, it was like two linemen in football, she was ok.

i was shaken, but still made a few more runs after that. totally f#$%ed

my mojo for a good ending of the season.

rode my fp157 from 9am till 3pm...

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Hope you're not bruised too badly. I've got a pretty sore hand from a slam I took yesterday. No collision, just a smack down as I exited the trees off Goat Haunt and dug the nose and toe edge in the last foot or so of soft snow off the run and immediately slammed myself into the hard pack of the run. Ough. Bent the chin guard of my POC -- guess that saved my chin.

Anyway, that's not why I'm posting. I'm posting to lament that the Ghee has 27 inches of fresh in the last 7 days, and the Big has had only 7 inches of wet (now frozen) slush. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend, but I apologize in advance for the conditions that will greet you. If I didn't have visitors (brother-in-law, nephew) that need to be dropped at the airport on Sunday, I think I'd blow this Popsicle stand and head south.

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I have two 50% off vouchers for the Big that I will not be able to use. A person can combine them for one free day pass.

I'm leaving early Thursday morning, so if you are coming here for the end of the season weekend let me know TODAY so I can leave them at your hotel or if you know one of the locals I will try to hook up with them and they can try and get them to you.

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Hope you're not bruised too badly. I've got a pretty sore hand from a slam I took yesterday. No collision, just a smack down as I exited the trees off Goat Haunt and dug the nose and toe edge in the last foot or so of soft snow off the run and immediately slammed myself into the hard pack of the run. Ough. Bent the chin guard of my POC -- guess that saved my chin.

Anyway, that's not why I'm posting. I'm posting to lament that the Ghee has 27 inches of fresh in the last 7 days, and the Big has had only 7 inches of wet (now frozen) slush. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend, but I apologize in advance for the conditions that will greet you. If I didn't have visitors (brother-in-law, nephew) that need to be dropped at the airport on Sunday, I think I'd blow this Popsicle stand and head south.

Wow, hope you guys are healing up!

So the Grand Foggy really has nothing worthwhile going on. :eplus2: The roads up there are just snow covered ice skating, and the Ghee totally misreported conditions today. :angryfire The report said 2" of fresh, with grooming yesterday & today on Joe's Bowl, Williamson & Wild Turkey. So up I went with 3 carving boards - wanting to try out the glass boards that have been in dry dock since the Coiler arrived. But I could find little evidence of grooming.... under the 4"+ of fresh snow. :) Well actually, I never even found Wild Turkey. :eek: The fog was so thick off the top that I got lost, fell off the edge of the world and ended up having a suprisingly fun run in the Eastwoods territory - I don't know if I did The Good or The Bad, but at least it wasn't all that ugly! :o I had started on the Coiler - the little Stubette proved to be a pretty good ride in steep treed fluffy/chunky bumps. :1luvu:

But the carving conditions completely sucked. :( Looking forward to carving on some proper ice/twigs/frozen mush at the Big! Woohoo! :biggthump

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We had a fun day of riding with a full tribe at the WMR.

The gang included:



West Carvin

Dr.D and son

Sqwall guy

"The New Dave"


Black Chicken of Death (Two Ravens)


myself and my son.

Snow was a great mix of spring conditions!

Johnasmo, Squallguy and I entered the pond skimming contest. Below freezing temps and winds were not enough to keep us out.

In the first round Johnasmo dressed in a vintage jetski wet suit decided to swim after about 50+ feet of skimming. Sqwallguy made it gracefully through the 2nd round of skimming to barely fall short of the end of the pond. I made it to the final round, where they had 3 buoys that you had to slalom around. The skimmer who made the buoys and went the furthest was to be the winner. I ended up in 3rd place overall and 1st out of the snowboarders. I chose to ride my trusty Coiler Montucky Race Carve. What can't that board do?

Every one had a great day of riding and will be doing a repeat tomorrow! Thanks you Whitefish gang for letting the Wydaho riders and International Woman of Mystery Allee join you fun!

See you all tomorrow!!


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howdy all

today is my last day of riding and it was a fun day. it was great riding

with everyone as dredman mentioned. not the best of conditions, but

i did not think it would hold up this long. 51 days this year and over a

million vert. it was not the best carving conditions all year and my

concussion and a few collisions made it the "worse season ever". took

it easy all year and rode my smaller boards to slow down the pace. did

not get a chance to ride my bigger boards as conditions never got good

plus the fall set me back in my confidence. today was pond skimming,

dredman, sqwallguy and johnasmo entered and congrats to dredman!!!

thanks to everyone who came this year and rode the big, i hope you all

had fun and are making plans to be back here again. have a great

summer and see you all next year...

rode my fp157 from 10am till 4pm...

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Just got back to Calgary after a great weekend with the cross border crew. Saturday conditions were marginal, firm to icy on the front, visibility in and out over the day, and cold in the afternoon. The Black Chicken and I got very wet and very cold from our front row seats at the pond skim, and had to go home and hot tub before we were fit for dinner.

Sunday saw much better conditions on Ed's, which was trenched royally by 10.30, and Toni, but the run of the day had to be the first pass down Big Ravine, which put some wide smiles on the faces of the carving crew. Ice had become firm pack with a little bit of snow overnight, and a great time was had by all.

Tech tip of the day - Fintecs do not work well when full of pond skim water, and then frozen overnight.

It was so good to see everyone! I won't wait until closing next year to come down and visit ... as next year is going to be the "best season ever".

<3, and everyone have a great summer.:1luvu:

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Thanks everyone for a great weekend. I was worried that the snow would be bad because of all the warm spring weather we had in March, but a drop in temps brought back good carving for the final weekend. Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.



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Many thanks to the Whitefish crew for hosting an awesome weekend! :1luvu: Especially appreciate AngryRick for giving us (Allee & me) the early morning tour on Sat, and Ohob and West Carven for hooking us up with ticket vouchers. You guys totally rock! :biggthump

It was also a special treat getting to ride with the SqwallBunny - I've really enjoyed that video from last year, but there's no substitute for the real thing! :1luvu:

Had a bit more of a full-contact weekend than I like. Sincere apologies to NewDave (aka notarealname) and BigDogDave for the close calls. Clearly, my bad. On the plus side, dredman made me pay for my sins with an expertly applied ninja Coiler Love Tap to the head. (Oooh, baby! Give me 179 cm and make it hurt! :p) But lesson learned & no visible scars anywhere, so hopefully we're all good! :o

It was so great to see Allee and get to ride together again! You totally rip, girl! Can't wait to let you school me again on the large radius turns! :D And it was super to meet the Whitefish locals, plus the always fun Wydaho crew! Just an absolutely great weekend - so glad I made the trip up! Targhee's got nothin' on you guys! :biggthump:biggthump:biggthump


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Big thanks to the Big Mountain carving crew. Great to meet you all and to ride the Big Mountain. Thanks to dredman for the invite (and a ride back to I.F.), 2 ravens for the trip up--and the love tap--no harm done, johnasmo for a very nice place to stay, and to those providing vouchers. Good to meet Allee. Hope to ride with all of you again next season. AND--my belief has been restored in the Easter Bunny--I saw him--and he rides-- a--a sqwall!!

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