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bigmtn... BMES 2010

west carven

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howdy all

merry christmas all, it was a great beautiful day on the hill.

after the past week of warm weather things finally cooled down

and dried some of the ice. today we had everything, bluebird on top

and with an inversion we had snow below, snowed a good two inches

on chair 2. as the day ended so did the inversion and everything

back to normal. the groomers carved great but got a little bumpy

with the new snow. it was the perfect weather conditions today,

snow on the bottom half which helped the man-made snow makers,

just what the mountain needed. should be clear tonight so tomorrow

should be very good. i think it will be very busy tho. rode my rsfp167

from 9am till 3pm...

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howdy all

pretty much the same as yesterday, valley inversions, lite snow

bluebird on top half. a little bit busier today but not so bad on the

lift lines. the colder temps are drying the snow, we need more!!!

it was on the firm side today and was skiing fast, people at all levels

on the hill made it hard to find your space. it will be a zoo the next

few weeks. hopefully we get more snow and the kids go back to

school and things quiet down, it will be perfect groomer time...

rode my rsfp167 from 9am till 1pm...

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howdy all

same as saturday, valley inversion, bluebird top half, foggy middle,

cold with no sun bottom. with no new snow groomers are getting buffed

out and fast and firm. the colder temps are keeping things nice.

rode my 160 speed with a 19 inch stance, did not ride this last year.

really need to be on top of it and have good form. easy to over power

this board. today was really busy, rode from 9am till 1pm...

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howdy all

foggy from top of chair 2 and beyond, not so thick where you cant see.

great firm groomers getting buffed a little too much, starting to scrape

the ice. rode the speed 160 again it is a good exercise in quicker timing,

also easier to move around the crowds. today was one of the busiest day

but not as bad as in years past. we had lite snow around noon and it is

still snowing, just a lite dusting. forcast is more snow so looking better.

rode from 9:30am till 12:30pm...

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somebody really ought to try to get this. It closed Jan 1 with no bids! Person was asking $700 for 5 days lodging and 5 days tickets for 2. This deal might be "subject to availability" and so the BMES dates might be unavailable.

5 days of lift tickets for 2 people (including frequent skier cards) comes to $500. Window price for 3+days is $56/day.

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howdy all

happy new year!!!

i worked the past three days and in that time we had a front move in

with a good dump and behind that a lot of warm stuff. it was around

40 degrees here in town. the big was warm too, it was wet and heavy.

dont know how long this warming trend will last, spring conditions again?

it will be a while till conditions get better. rode my rsfp173 from 9am till


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howdy all

foggy, damp, warm, just above freezing, lite snow all day. i was on

eds run most of the day, there was a few inches of fine snow over

groom. tried out a new to me old burton reactors, felt funny at first,

but as the day went on felt like an old boot, thanks mark, these will

be my back-up. some good carving today, but with the new snow it

got bumppy pretty fast. forcast is snow all night so tomorrow might

be a softies day. i think today is day 16 for me, so far not the best

carving conditions. had some good carving at the beginning of the

year a few good powdays, alot of wet soggy days. i hope this year

will be like last year, lots of cold sunny days with buffed groom.

rode my rsfp173 from 9:30 till 12:30...

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Hey West! Been following your posts on condtions and I began to wonder what runs are favored. I've been checking out the trail maps and found Ed's and chair 2 that you've mentioned. Do you guys move up or down the mountain as the day and condtions unfold? After watching the webcams for the past couple weeks I'm a little concerned about what I've gotten myself into.

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I'm a little concerned about what I've gotten myself into.

Don't worry..... you'll have your locals, but there will also be plenty of those mid-west (or even Hawaian or North Carolianian) folks who find themselves on vacation! Several years back I rode with PaulK early in the week and we rode until the end of the day, but most of the guys are on vacation and ready for a leisurely pace. Last time I was there (not last season, but the year before.... January 08) there was so much powder that real carving wasn't an option. You really never know what you are going to get, but you just make the best of what mother nature provides and deal with it! That's Montana!!!! If you don't like the weather, wait a few minutes and it will change.

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I guess what I'm concerned about is what appears to be constant overcast. It just didn't dawn on me that one of Shred's tee shirt designs with the cloud obscured mountain was right on target. I am hoping for days where I don't have to contend with flat light and limited visability.

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howdy bjvircks

this year we have been getting large storm fronts that drag alot of

warm pacific air that gets pulled up from the south west, then gets

cold as it drags cold air from the north west. so when we get the

warm stuff we get alot of foggy days. we had a few days of inversions

were its sunny on the top half of the mountain and the cloud level sits

in the valley. as far as good carving runs, eds run on chair 2 or toni matt

on chair 1 thats pretty wide. the northside (backside) chair 7 for mellow

blue runs. it would be a good idea to bring a powder board with your

carving gear. you get what mother nature gives.


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howdy all

woke up to 8 plus inches outside, knew it was going to be an EPIC day!!!

first run on toni matt, 5 inches over groom, sweet butter!!! next two runs

on good medicine, then a few runs on chair 2 cuz the lift line on chair 1

was filled to the end of the gates with all the powder hounds. kinda wet

snow on top and pretty wet snow on the bottom. rode the 156 fish from

9:30 till 12:30...

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howdy all

yo! busta rime in the house doing a cover of ice ice baby.

great carving snow, but the rime was really bad today and a bit foggy.

it was hard to see and the freezing rain stung at times. the lighting

was flat all day. rode with the montucky boys, john and dave.

i didnt carve much just trying to keep up and watching the boys

rip it up. we were riding without goggles for most of the day.

rode the rsfp173 from 9:30 till 3...

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howdy all

foggy in town in the a.m., like there was an inversion that was really

low, way below the village and high overcast above the top of the big.

the visibility was good, the early frontside on toni matt was very icey

in the morning. did a few backside runs which was nice soft groomers.

then the frontside warmed up, wet heavy kinda hard pack, but very

carvable. it was on the warm side and felt very damp.

rode my 178 speed pretty hard from 9:30 till 3...

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