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April 15, what are you doing about the "Income tax"?

Jon Dahl

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we certainly can agree to disagree, can't we. It is part of the heritage we share. I certainly don't mind spirited discussion, either. 'Nuff said!

Parenthetically, here, my wife is a much-loved, and very persuasive, Sunday School teacher.

We laugh at the crazy, comical, chaotic chemistry that's kept us jousting for 32 years. (33 next month. Have to order one of those gorgeous, burl necklaces Dave Winters turns out.)

Now, I know it's considered a horrible cliche around here, but please, please, - if , as I suspect, there remains some decent snow cover in your neck of the woods - go jump on that 192 and carve a few turns for a sorta-kindred spirit who's trapped in the NoSnoZone, somewhere north of HellTown.

Like I said,

Peace, Brother

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Now, I know it's considered a horrible cliche around here, but please, please, - if , as I suspect, there remains some decent snow cover in your neck of the woods - go jump on that 192 and carve a few turns for a sorta-kindred spirit who's trapped in the NoSnoZone, somewhere north of HellTown.

Like I said,

Peace, Brother

I may very well be going out on the snowmobile, with the 192, to do just that. Got a nice little 1500 vert face that needs to see about 8 turns! Will rip one for you!

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First, the FDA is not public watchdog, it serves the interest of the big pharmacy companies. Big rabbit trail, go look if you like. Second, almost all "public" funds come from the states, then go back to the states. 2/3's of all revenues generated at the Federal level comes from imposts, duties, and exises. About 67 percent of the revenue raised in the "income tax" sceme is spent on enforcement, hardly a worthy gaol to begin with. More than enough to keep a small standing army, etc. etc. and so on and so forth. Police funding comes at a state and local level. Public education is a state affair, and should be funded and regulated in that fashion. Third, I am NOT 'dodging' anything. Do not paint me as something until you have gone to the trouble of doing some real life research. Fourth, as pointed out before, before WW2 only those who profited directly from interaction with the Federal government were paying the "income" tax.

Really, people, go look.

With that rationale, how do you explain the "black box" warnings for Lamisil oral tablets or Ketek? How do explain Posicor being withdraw from the market, as well as Rezulin? How do you explain the prescribing restrictions put in place for Avandia? People like you irritate the holy sh*t outta me. You take your pop science, selectively googled from the web, and dupe other intellectually noncurious folk like yourself. The American public has chosen, time and time again, to have a standing army, a public school system and, yes, a FEDERAL police force-they're called US Marshalls. We could easily vote in gold-standard flatearthers like yourself, if we were so inclined. Maybe you should check out the site "Media Matters" and educate yourself what it important to most Americans.

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Jeeeeesus christ, boarderboy, not many like you down in the pouch.

I'm pretty much on the same page as you.

Skatha, while I agree with you, you have to admit the FDA is far from perfect and does seem to be able to be bought/lobbied fairly easily.

Seems, they're real slow to move on stuff and fast others depending on who's throwing money around.

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And though my rants and radicalism would seem to indicate I really don't like N.C. much, it's probably obvious to you that there's an almost genetic umbilicus between the south and those of us who were born here and have spent much of our lives in this place. (If only it would snow a little more, like it used to...)

This past Election night, a little after 11, when it became obvious that Barack had won Hyde County by 18 votes, I balled like a baby. Hyde is 'down east' and our least populous County. It's mostly swamps, shallow lakes, and pocosins. Last summer, when a drought and lingering forest fire had eaten far down into the peaty soil there, a woman called 911 and said 'there were five black bears in her front yard.' Personally, I'm surprised there weren't more...

Both my wife and I have Presbyterian ministers not far back in our ancestry, and like I said, she's a really good and sought-after Sunday School teacher.

BUT, the night she and several of her college suite-mates got tossed out of a Shakey's Pizza Parlor for dancing on the table tops, I knew it was LUV!

And Ms. B's perfectly capable of teaching ME a thing or two about colorful vituperation when sufficiently motivated. I try never to do that.

Like I said, complexity, contradictions, and nuance...

Finally, I'm flattered my "Tax Declaration" impressed the great and legendary BobDea. That's quite an accomplishment.

After my son finishes middle school next year, I really think/hope our family's future lies somewhere in 'Snow Country.' I'm Jonesing to ride, and our scamp needs to learn a bit of caution, moderation and humility. A dose of icy steeps, P-tex and steel edges could probably do that for him. Something has to...

Peace, Sir!


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With that rationale, how do you explain the "black box" warnings for Lamisil oral tablets or Ketek? How do explain Posicor being withdraw from the market, as well as Rezulin? How do you explain the prescribing restrictions put in place for Avandia? People like you irritate the holy sh*t outta me. You take your pop science, selectively googled from the web, and dupe other intellectually noncurious folk like yourself. The American public has chosen, time and time again, to have a standing army, a public school system and, yes, a FEDERAL police force-they're called US Marshalls. We could easily vote in gold-standard flatearthers like yourself, if we were so inclined. Maybe you should check out the site "Media Matters" and educate yourself what it important to most Americans.

How do you explain how quickly some drugs get into the marketplace, then destroy many lives (there is something worse than death) kill people, then are pulled from market? How do you explain why mercury, one of the most poisonous non-radioactive materials on the planet, is still used in fillings, and dentists have to say it is safe? How do you explain away the continued use of some of the most deadly chemical mixes ever invented by man used to "manage" cancer? MONEY, MONEY, and more MONEY. This isn't pop science, it is fact. This is a thread drift, take it off-line, doc....I'll be here.

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With that rationale, how do you explain the "black box" warnings for Lamisil oral tablets or Ketek? How do explain Posicor being withdraw from the market, as well as Rezulin? How do you explain the prescribing restrictions put in place for Avandia? People like you irritate the holy sh*t outta me. You take your pop science, selectively googled from the web, and dupe other intellectually noncurious folk like yourself. The American public has chosen, time and time again, to have a standing army, a public school system and, yes, a FEDERAL police force-they're called US Marshalls. We could easily vote in gold-standard flatearthers like yourself, if we were so inclined. Maybe you should check out the site "Media Matters" and educate yourself what it important to most Americans.

I love how this woman pops in periodically just to talk ****, drops some insults and some "I am inferior" nonsense, and then goes away for weeks.

Skatha...as little interest as I have in this place...it'd be a better place without your arrogance.

the FDA is a FARCE

you cited a few drugs...there are easily ten times that many on the market that are DEADLY.

your arrogance is injurious. nuff said.

oh, and F U C K the IRS.

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How do you explain how quickly some drugs get into the marketplace, then destroy many lives (there is something worse than death) kill people, then are pulled from market? How do you explain why mercury, one of the most poisonous non-radioactive materials on the planet, is still used in fillings, and dentists have to say it is safe? How do you explain away the continued use of some of the most deadly chemical mixes ever invented by man used to "manage" cancer? MONEY, MONEY, and more MONEY. This isn't pop science, it is fact. This is a thread drift, take it off-line, doc....I'll be here.

you forgot fluoride, jon.

FDA approved. Thanks for that, protector!

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Right. So what's the problem? Is it a nanny state thing, or an individual rights thing for you? Just a principle thing where you don't want the government messing with your stuff?

Short answer. Flouride has been linked to brain disorders, heavy metals are connected to Alzheimers disease etc. No positive evidence has been given to drinking water treated with it and lower tooth disease, only some evidence for it topically applied to teeth. Also proven to sedate a population...chew on that one for a bit!

And the nanny state thing, too...

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What's your problem with fluoride?

oh no..you really can't be serious, dude.

I'm not going to argue with you about it. I like you. Do some research. Fluoride is poison. It does nothing when ingested internally. Topically it might work, but is still a poison and is unnecessary

all approved by the beloved FDA, ADA, etc

and yes, don't forget mercury fillings.

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Hey Jon,

You are a Free man right?

That means since it sucks here so bad, why don't you move to a country

that fulfills all your needs for happiness? Somalia, haiti, Lebanon, Russia,

Sudan, maybe simplify your life and join the Taliban...the possibilities

are endless right?...have you been to any other countries? :AR15firin

The good ol' love it or leave it response.

How sad.

softbootsailer...what do you think this country would have been like if the original revolutionaries had taken your advice?

your response is such a massive cliche it's almost not even worth a response.

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Short answer. Flouride has been linked to brain disorders, heavy metals are connected to Alzheimers disease etc. No positive evidence has been given to drinking water treated with it and lower tooth disease, only some evidence for it topically applied to teeth. Also proven to sedate a population...chew on that one for a bit!

And the nanny state thing, too...

I understand the nanny state argument, as well as the "interests of the common good versus individual rights" argument against doing something like fluoridating water, but respectfully disagree with both.

I definitely don't buy the other stuff - I am positive that there is significantly more evidence that it decreases tooth decay than there is evidence for any of the others (brain disorders, alzheimers, sedating the population). i.e. if your threshold for what constitutes "positive evidence" is so high that you are not willing to believe that fluoridated water helps to prevent tooth decay, then you should not be willing to believe that it causes brain problems or sedates a population.

But if you have any references to any real evidence that fluoridated water does any of those things if would be interesting to read. All the sources I could find with a quick google were nonsense pseudoscience (like "Controversial fluoride is one of the basic ingredients in both PROZAC (FLUoxetene Hydrochloride) and Sarin nerve gas (Isopropyl-Methyl-Phosphoryl FLUoride).", which is just plain silly).

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oh no..you really can't be serious, dude.

I'm not going to argue with you about it. I like you. Do some research. Fluoride is poison. It does nothing when ingested internally. Topically it might work, but is still a poison and is unnecessary.

I'm doing the research, but I think you and I must be looking at different sources :)

Hey, did you see the Shogun/Liddell fight?

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We would be living in Teepees by rivers of clean water and you and I would

be sharing the sweat lodge on Sat. afternoons...

Is D-Sub an alias for Jon Dahl?

By the way after I saw the cops beat people up in the 60's at Century city, I fled LA

If people don't like their circumstances then they should change them, not just Bitch!

One corrupt Federal agency after another. IRS first, why feed the hand that bites you?? Maybe I'll take a crack at the BATF next...what part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?? Leaving is no option, except for cowards...and other, ahem, types. D-sub is no alias for me, I'm stand alone, and that is verifiable. I am now feeling testy, so lets leave this right here. Good night, all

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Shame on you!!!!!!

Paying taxes is an American responsibility. Not only do we need revenues to pay for the important stuff a government should do (fire, water, police, defense, roads, laws), we need MUCH MORE MONEY to do stuff that makes the USA a better place. While many point the finger at government "waste", there really is no such thing as waste because they are spending it somewhere! Often it's not inside the borders, but that is because the USA needs to finance hope around the world, even if its at the USA tax payers expense.

Matter of fact, when everyone is bitching and complaining about their taxes and/or refund, I suggest you ask yourself "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" and PAY IN MORE THAN YOU owe or consider giving that refund back to the government.

I asked that the government to take more of my hard earned money and give it to people who need it. Since I can't think of any other way to spend my money, I'm thankful that our government is 100% efficient at identifying the country's needs.

Please delete thread and re-title to how BOL can contribute to the greater cause.....

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