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B-squared, Phil Berube, Pretty Good, and Silly Good...

All new CURRENT METAL SHAPES designed by the man himself and made by Prior...

Come on, you're a racing coach, aren't you current and with the alpine times? I mean where the hell is this sport and its progression heading if a top coach doesn't know what "prod'e'ct" is out there?

A certain resident expert could learn a thing or two, or NOT...

Nothing to think about, he wrote things exactly the way he wanted to.

Also got exactly the reaction he wanted too.

Drama queen. He lives for this stuff. been here for two and a half years, same ole same ole.

That's how these chill cats (as he likes to call himself) work apparently. I have much to learn about the alpine world and keeping it real and current. I'm not chill enough though, i haven't flipped out in every thread i've started and posted in. I also haven't sold enough of my old "crap" and "trash" on the BOL classifieds in the name of helping out. i'm still a padawan with much to learn.

Done, this thread is just stupid, and i'm even dumber for adding to it. So many other threads started that're on this bandwagon this year. If BOL was behind, other threads showed that it was starting to catch up this season... This thread = unnecessary trolling and baiting.

Hey Bullwings...If refering to my board design ineptitude, just experimenting. Certainly no expert...If it's my rant about the economy...Well, I said I'd shut up :o

In any event, didn't mean to offend or sound like I have the answers...I'm just a dumb a$$ like the rest of us:lol:

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Always a pleasure to interact with you!

you two gonna get a room already?? ;)

I am actually toying with the idea of getting a CNC router to speed things up a bit.

man that sounds like a good idea.

AHA, I finally figured out which is the 7th part of the lineup;)

You get the first one of course!

Well thats not true as the first test model is already out there.


ok, spill the beans!

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Make no mistake I left becuase the BOL community is way out of touch with the real world of alpine, The "heavys" on the board are the folks with the most desk time to bang on their computers and for most of the history of the board, I again have been here since the BOL was started, This info has been outdated or incorret. Helpful yes, usable by begginers and intro riders, yes. A great service to the alpine community, yes. Any where close to current trends in the alpine world, NO. Hip on current gear and trends, NO hip on current riding styles and true proggression of the sport hell no...

So, I am going to take us back a few pages......

All in all I agree with you Bordy. My X5/monstah is simply incredible.

BUT, instead of just sitting back and telling us that we are out of touch, could you give us some ideas?

I live in MN and carve a tiny hill (http://www.buckhill.com). When I make it out west, pretty much the only thing that comes out is the Tanker these days, unless the snow is bad.

I, like many here, rely on this board for information. What are we missing? Where else can we get the "latest and greatest"?

According to Transworld Business, we don't even register in the snowboard market, so we know we can't get it from the mainstream.

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What is my point? A straight quiver will be boring and by straight quiver I mean boards from one manufacturer. Directly, MikeT, I think you need diversification and cost differential is there or better yet cost to performance. We make those choices all the time even when it comes to food we eat. You may want to talk to Thor and get his take on things particularly Coiler. i know he used to have a very deep quiver and has a PR and a Monstah.

Bola, boring is the last word I would use to describe what I am riding! Bruce speaks the truth when he says that the boards all have different personalities.

This is different than say, having 5 Doneks... I have ridden a lot of Doneks too and found that Sean's models have a very consistent feel to them, across say Race, Freecarve, Axxess, and even Freeride lines.

Each of the Coiler models has a very distinctive flex and a very distinctive feel. For example, the Classic and Stubby would seem to have very similar missions but feel very, very different under my feet - ask Bruce how different my feedback was on a test Stubby X2 he built last spring versus the Classic he built for me last fall.

If I get to the point where I *do* find my quiver boring, or progress as a racer to the point where I need more than my NSR***, or maybe even if Jack gives his Kessler such a rave review that my curiosity gets the best of me, I will give you a call about a Kessler.

***not likely this will ever happen - I am 38 and, while I qualified for USASA nationals last year, I was pretty much racing against myself in my division and would have gotten creamed if I had gone. When my daughter, now 6, is old enough to either qualify herself or ride on her own while Mom and Dad race, we'll all go to nationals together. This year, the Hood series only did one SL and one GS, so no way to earn enough points for nationals without driving at least 7 hours... not what I had in mind!

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After all this bandwidth waste... can someone tell me the purpose of this thread:barf:

To stop people from spending money on custom shapes that mirror the "old school" shapes and keep the progression stagnit.

The new boards are the best things currently in alpine riding

Oh yea and to get heckled by people. About other things besides snowboard stuff.

So far it seems bruce is getting busness, Jack steped up his knowledge and did a thread about nose profiles. Others with experance kicked in and shared there knowledge.

And Tex proved he doesn't ride enough and is bitter, of course I told him not to buy a Madd 170 and he did anyway and is probably still mad about being dissapointed...

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And Tex proved he doesn't ride enough and is bitter, of course I told him not to buy a Madd 170 and he did anyway and is probably still mad about being dissapointed...

I liked that board until I tried Metal...then sold it. But at least I put the money in your pocket ;)

all I have right now is the Coiler schtubby x2

I've been bitter for 25 years...no board is gonna change that

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First off I want to say thanks to Bordy for shaking the cage.

Maybe I'll be able to afford a new ride, next year, maybe not, but I appreciate reading something different about what's going on.

Second it seems there are at least a couple of you who don't really appreciate Bordy's viewpoint, and/or opinions.

All I can say is WTF are you doing here?

Not on bomber, but in this thread?

Sometimes we need to agree to disagree. And personally I'll take substance over delivery style anyday.

Diversity of opinion is just fine but some of this turned into a bit of a personal attack. Not needed here.

And I wanted to post this again.


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