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Thank you and a few words about the 09 Summit Expression Session


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We need to thank everyone that came to Aspen the week of Feb. 7th to 13th and participated in the 9th Summit Expression Session! As always, participation was the highest yet with an estimated 200+ carvers in town. Conditions where very good and we had excellent carving for most of the week.

One thing I would like to do here is state and define exactly what a "Expression Session" is. And this applies to not just this one but all Sessions including the ECES, OES, WTC, WCS, etc. We thought long and hard on this one as we really wanted to sum up the point of a Session in one single sentence. We came up with this:

The mission of an Expression Session is to bring fellow alpine snowboarders together, in one place at one time, to be able to ride with each other in a friendly, non-competitive environment.

Anything after this statement is a secondary. I think a large majority of people have forgotten this, and that includes me. I have fallen into the trap of complaining about small details that have little bearing on the fact I am at a beautiful resort in Colorado riding with dozens of friends for an entire week. I find I have to remind myself of this from time to time during the week and I would suggest others do the same.

Years ago when the gang from Pure Carve started the first Expression Session (Mid/late 90's) it was at its early stages and the above Session Mission Statement was all that mattered. Everyone met at Buttermilk at a certain time and we all rode like drunk monkeys on the hill. As time went on they added a few more events like a dinner at the end but it still was about the riding and nothing else.

It seems some recent complaints have come from more of a misunderstanding then anything else. The Package we offer seems to be one of them. Even though it is pretty much disclosed in print here: http://www.bomberonline.com/ses/content/package_deal.cfm there are some assumptions we should take care of.

A Package gets you

  • Lift tickets at our group rate (6 day pass. Note: from us $75/day - at the window $79/day)
  • Prepaid for the Opening party, party with Joergs group on Monday, and the end of week banquet
  • Access to demo tent all week
  • A swag bag

Nothing else is implied, included, or promised. Anything else that occurs at the Session is done for free, a sponsor paid for it, or someone volunteered to do it. For example Clinics are free because every year we get a few great soles who will take the time to help others out and run these. The house party we had last year was done because we where able to get a sponsor for the liquor (Madd Snowboards) and food (Takah Sushi). No sponsors stepped up this year, so unfortunately there was no party. This is your event folks, anyone at anytime can have/sponsor a party. If you are waiting for us every night to entertain you, we just can't do that with our limited capacities. Max, how about an all German Beer party at the Mountain House next year :biggthump

I also want to clarify, the party on Monday with Joerg and his gang was a combined party with Bomber and Pureboarding. Both groups worked to organized it and execute it. That is why if you bought the package you did not pay at the door.

Keep in mind you do not have to buy the Package to participate. We try very hard to let people know this so they do not feel forced to. The Package deal was created by us as a convenience as people kept asking us to just roll all the costs into one over the years. This is what we did.

It was also pointed out by some of our friends from over-seas the cost of the event went up and you got less. I believe this is more of an economics event. First the Package price for this year vs. last year was the same (if you look at the No-lift ticket package). And the list of what you get was also identical from last year. However, last year the Euro got you 1.48 US dollars (Feb. 08), but this year it only got you 1.28 US dollars (Feb. 09). You did get the same thing, it just cost you more due to the weaker Euro. As far as things we can control, I would say that one is pretty much out of our reach.

So if the package deal is not for you, by all means don't use it. You can piece-meal the week together yourself. All we ask is you show up for the event.

We have also had das sponsor question why we charged for the demo tent ($20 a day for walk ups). A fair question. Part of this money pays for the gas in the truck, the benches, the racks, tent, tools, etc. As you have seen at the event we set up one heck of a tent world so people can easily get to the gear they want to try. These things cost money. However, the biggest money sponge for this is liability insurance. For fun one day, call an insurance provider and tell them you would like to get insurance to have people try sports equipment on a snow hill for an entire week that you not only manufacturer this gear but will also be setting it up. Don't forget to mention that this is also open to the public and there is a chance that people with absolutely no right to be considered something even resembling an athlete might be using this gear. And for the topper, mention this will all be occurring in the United States, the most litigious and sue happy-nation in the world. One of two things will happen, they will either hang up on you or give you a quote that will make you want to cry. This alone is the main reason you do not see a demo tent like the one we assembly at the SES at other Sessions like the ECES or OES, it is a major financial burden. It is a sad statement towards our nation but an argument for another day. Maybe if we could get all the manufacturers to pitch in and split the cost of the demo tent, then by all means we could offer demos for free. Any sponsors willing to do this, please e-mail me at fin@bomberonline.com. Danke.

Now we (Bomber) do want to admit a few things did not go as we had planned and for that we are very apologetic. First, the schedule had some errors in it that did cause some confusion. We tried to correct these at announcements, but that obviously does not make it out to everyone. So once again, we apologies for that. The end of the week banquet venue was NOT what I expected and I personally take responsibility for that. I suspected it would not work, but I let myself be talked into. Those who where there last year remember we had it downstairs in a great big huge room that worked. Why I let myself get talked into doing it into a smaller room I have no idea. However, I found it an example of the spirit of the Session when I saw people making due and showing their good old American "Get er done" attitude. We made it work and I think we had a great evening. Take note, we will NOT be having another banquette in that room unless everyone agrees to drop 3in off their waist-line so we can all fit. Otherwise, back to downstairs for next year I promise.

We do need and listen to all feedback. As those who have come for years we usually have "Feedback" cards you can fill-out on the tables at the Banquette. The best and most constructive point that I think came up this year was from SWriverstone. His point is spot-on and I consider the number one issue with this SES and frankly all Sessions. That is the issue of first timers or newbies feeling welcome. Here is what I see happening over the years (thanks to "Kjl" for making light of this as well): in the beginning the group was small and every one was relatively new. It was easy and conducive to meet new people. However, as time went on the event become bigger, much bigger. Now we are at 200+ carvers and quite a few have now been coming for the full 10 years. So what does this mean? It means that these people who have been coming for years have created groups that they gravitate towards when they arrive. This is not a bad thing and frankly it is just human nature. We cannot change or control this. But the side effect is that it becomes much harder for new people/first timers to break into these established groups. What is the solutions, I have no idea. OK, not totally true, but the solution I have might not be that popular. What I ask is that these first timers MAKE that effort to introduce themselves and don’t be a wall-flower and hope that someone will come up and talk with you. A little effort on your part will go a long way. I can promise you this, there is not ONE person/hardbooter at the SES who will not respond positively to you walking up and saying "hi, my name is so and so" or "hey, saw you riding just now, can you give me a few pointers". Once again I guarantee you will get a good response. But if you do not make this effort to instigate, it will never happen. At the same time, all you "old timers" make the effort to introduce yourself to one new person and possibly even take a run with them. And no, we will never wear name tags. Ever.


Here are the rock stars for this concept. David and John from Idaho and Montana. Never been to a SES, knew just about no one, and drove big miles just to be there. They show up cold at the start and by the end of the week I think most people new their names and had made runs with them. And David possibly owing them money, but I digress. What I saw was these guys making the effort to make friends. They did not wait to be introduced.

The event is growing every year and these are the things that will start to become more prevalent and need to be addressed. An issue Bomber had is we are just over-worked on this event at this point. I know, waaaaaa to us ;) but we are now running a much larger event and it seems we have fewer recourses. We had three of us full time in years past and this year it was just Michelle and I. All I ask is to stick with us as we work through these changes of the event and make it even better. We love the idea for a grease-pen board people can use to make contact with others. Keep these kinds of constructive criticism coming, trust me, we’ll listen.

I have set up a Poll Thread HERE for all those that we can use as a feedback mechanism for the event. I won't go into it here, but take the time to read it and vote on how you want to see the SES go from here.

OK, enough of this I want to end on a high note. The things I saw that made it my favorite week of the year:

  • Having 15+ first-timers walk up to the tent and say "I want to try this"
  • One newbie asked to get some advice on his first run. I asked Steve Prokopiw if he could just go up the chair with this guy and help him out for 10 minutes. Steve did not bat an eye and spent 45 minutes with the guy.
  • All the clinics that went down and the huge groups that showed. The coolest I saw was Bordy's "Gates Clinic" at Buttermilk. I think he had 25 to 30 people show-up to run gates for the first time. Amazing.
  • The two days of First Tracks at Ajax. Copper Bowl always makes me smile.
  • Seeing Elle Macpherson at the gondola at First Tracks for the third year in a row. And being able to ask her why she does not return my letters written on my boxers.
  • Seeing great sponsors like Chris (Prior), Bruce (Coiler), Sean (Donel) and his crew, and Dave and Bordy (Hardbooter) spend a huge amount of time in the tents helping people out with the gear.
  • And last, all the great pictures/video that people took the time to post for the event. Collected here for convenience:




If your week was negatively effected because you believe you should have gotten more beer, been given a free t-shirt, or your fish dinner was a tad dry, we are very sorry for that and do what we can to change that next time. But I can honestly say you are missing the point. Take a minute to watch some of these videos and ask yourself why you really come to a Session?

Same reason I do. No matter who is hosting the event next year, we'll see you in 2010.



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Fin the fact that this event even happens at all is no small undertaking. Also, that you are taking the time to gather input, listen to both +/- feedback and looking ahead to bring this to future events speaks volumes to your dedication towards your customers/fellow carvers/friends and their experience. Thanks for your effort, dedication, and constant vision towards improvement. In todays world, I find these traits to be less and less obvious. The group of hardworking sponsors are all taking time to make this event special to all who attend. It seems pretty obvious you all have a huge amount of pride in your work, and love for the sport, that translates into our enjoyment. While I did not make it this year, and it might be a few more till I do, I look ahead for the good times and new friends. I dont really care about the menu, thats never what I remember anyway. I do remember the fine folks from around the country and the world that I made turns with. Sorry for the A$$kissing diatribe, Just wanted to say thanks for doing it.

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Thanks, Fin.

Sometimes I forget exactly what is special about the session, and then, like today, I drive up to Tahoe at 5:30am, it takes 3 hours to get there, the groomers did a terrible job so each vertical strip of the run is a bouncy roller coaster that doesn't match up with the strips next to it so there are 4-6 inch ledges between each pass, the snow melted in the 45 degree weather yesterday and didn't get below freezing last night so everything is mushy, soft and craptacular, there are 20 minute lines at all the lifts, there are 0-1 other carvers on the mountain to hang out with, there are 80 trillion people swarming down the hill like ants, it's 45 degrees at the TOP of the hill and I'm sweating, and, worst of all, there is a distinct lack of Joerg or Fin on the mountain and when I'm done there's nothing to do but go back to the car and drive back, alone, and sobbing.

I watched all of those videos, and the one that hits me closest to my heart is this one. This is the feeling I love at the SES.

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Except bad grooming of Sentinel Bowl the rest was nice. Hero snow lasting till 4pm . I put some insane turns before closing on the race course slope. Longest line about 2 minutes. 7 carvers on the slopes. How much time to take to drive from Denver? Or you can live in Aspen and you will do there what?:smashfrea

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I watched all of those videos, and the one that hits me closest to my heart is this one. This is the feeling I love at the SES.

nice.... no wonder no one wanted to buy my old 195

Yesterday I went back up to my "local" hill.... Thursday was warm, Friday was in the teens so yesterday was a combo of ok snow, slow man made spots and reflective groom.... plus the "ant farm" on the slopes. However there was ONE other rider there.... I think he goes by eastcoasterlm on the board. We took a few runs managing as best we could with what we had.

Yesterday reminded me of how "worth it" the session is....

Hope to see y'all in 2010

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Great post Fin, thanks! And though I admit to having whined a bit about the "insider exclusiveness" thing, you're right—we could've/should've been more proactive in introducing ourselves to others. Lesson learned. :)

In spite of the above, I think we pretty much embraced the spirit of SES—just riding our faces off every day in paradise, and enjoying watching other carvers on the mountain. :biggthump

Look forward to next year's event!


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Fin,Michelle I really apriciate all you've done over the years to keep the sessions going.It wouldn't be right without you there organizing it,having the tent so we can meet with people,try new gear,and at the very least having a dinner at the end of the session to recap the week and say good bye.Let me know if you need help next year. THANKS Norman

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Except bad grooming of Sentinel Bowl the rest was nice. Hero snow lasting till 4pm . I put some insane turns before closing on the race course slope. Longest line about 2 minutes. 7 carvers on the slopes. How much time to take to drive from Denver? Or you can live in Aspen and you will do there what?:smashfrea


I've been carving with you for quite a few years now, your speed on the hill and your dry humor just cracks me up to no end.

Now I'm crying :lol:

Carve on,


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Fin said this better than I ever could have, and probably way more PC.

The main focus of the SES has always been the gathering, the friends we make, and the spirit of the sport. While all of that is great, just a few things that Fin didn't mention are the little things, such as the endless copies we print, any decorations we may purchase, our personal housing, gratiuities for the workers (first tracks guides, bartenders, caterers, groomers,etc) and thank you gifts for the mountain managers so they continue to let you bunch of sillys come and carve up their mountain year after year.

Please remember that all of this comes out of our pocket - we do not include any of this in the prices we charge. We do this so that the SES can be a pleasant experience each year for everyone.

I'm not trying to make us out to be the martyrs, but just a reminder that there is so much that goes on behind the scenes (that we keep there purposely - you don't need to or want to see all of that!), and in starting to point out publically what did or didn't happen, what you did or didn't get, I'm sure we've already tireslely hashed it out and made the best choice for the event.

Like Fin said, we are listening and trying to make the event better every year. Thanks to all our first timers - making the SES grow, and to all who continue to come out year after year and give us the foundation we need to continue the event. Hope to see EVERYONE next year!!:1luvu::1luvu:

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Hey...glitches or not, anyone who overlooks the LOVE that goes into these things is a fool.

Criticism is perfectly acceptable, as Fin pointed out, and should not be met with derision, but it seems like it's a case of missing the forest for the trees.

I didn't even go, and actually might not ever make it, but I still thank Fin and Michelle and Bordy and and and and...there're just so many people who put effort and heart into this sort of thing!

So, from someone who may well never see the slopes of aspen, ROCK ON.

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10 hr drive to a place I have never been. Riding with people I have never met (except my travel partner Johnasmo and Allee whom I met at the Big the previous winter). Staying with a guy I never met. Hoping not to break the bank...or myself. Hoping that I feel like I am spending my hard earned cash on a valuable experience. Trying not to look like a fool.

Well first day first lift both Johnasmo and I started out with the fool thing... First chair of the morning, 4 carvers in front of us, 4 person chair. We jumped in the mix (no room for 6) John ended up on the first chair and Mello Yello and I ended up on the next chair(maybe it was Helmut Karvlow). But by the end of that first ride up I had 1 new friend and Johnasmo had 3.

I thought that the best part of the session was truly the people. Everyone that I met was very friendly and a pleasure talk with. It was great being surrounded by people who are just as passionate about the sport and lifestyle. From the newest carver to the most experienced carver they were all sporting huge grins! I also really enjoyed watching everybody's different riding style. I am certain now that there are many different ways to ride a carving board and they are all correct. Home terrain seems to dictate riding style.

Demo Tent Rocks!! Having the tent staffed with the designers and builders of the finest carving products, allows everyone to contribute to the sport. Everyone's feed back will help these builders improve the ride characteristics for all of us. Getting to demo from all of these builders is such a wonderful experience! During the week I had a chance to ride everything I wanted to. Some days I demoed up to 5 different boards, with no regrets. I think that new construction types will open the door for a potential flood of new riders. The new metal freecarve boards are so much easier to ride than the boards I started on.

Gatherings - Fun Fun Fun! Thank you to the sponsers of each one of them! To me it was more important to have everyone together than what was for supper or how much there was to drink. Once again this is about the people who love this sport. The Schwagquett was amazing. So many people donated a slurry of exceptional schwagg. A chance to win a new custom made board...Priceless!!

The Mountains - Beautiful grooming! Fun consistantly changing terrain! Terrain for everyones liking, tons of green and blue groomers and a few steeper groomed blacks. Ruthies, Tiehack, Elk Camp, Campground, Naked Lady!! Fun Fun Fun!! I even saw Elle McPerson!

For those of you on the fence about attending next year I offer you these suggestions.

1) Do it!

2) Start planning now. I started planning in July of last summer.

3) The altitude is real! You will be sleeping at 8000ft and riding up to 12,000feet. Keep up on your aerobic training.

4) Be proactive about meeting people.

5) Be willing to share lodging with people you have never met. They are just as kookie about the sport as you are and it is a surefire way to make friends.

6) Relax, have fun and take it all in.

7) If you are a newer carver, expect your riding to improve.

8) If you are very experienced be prepared to be humbled.

9) Yes, Aspen can be an expensive place but you can find great meals at low prices.

10) Yes, Aspen is full of Glitz and Glam, But Montuckyians are allowed and accepted.

11) You are responsible for your own fun. This is not Disneyland where you are handed a thrill for waiting your turn in line. It is up to you.

I had a blast! It was the best winter trip ever. I consider it an excellent value and I actually stayed below my budget. I was relieved to find so many people are just as kookie about this sport as I am and they make excellent friends. I guess I consider it a trip to the holyland of carving. Simply an amazing experience. It is up to you.

Thank you, a million thank you's to Fin and and Michelle. They put in a ton of hours, gallons of sweat and I even saw some blood to pull this off. Excellent work! Thanks to all of the builders for bringing your masterpieces for us to try out. Thanks to all of the folks that donated prizes! Thanks to all that came to the event that made it what it is. Excellent!

Looking forward to seeing all of you again next year and making even more new friends next year!!

Thank you all!

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This was my second SES. I went assuming that there was no way it could match the experience I had the first time. I mean, the first one was just magical. I was wrong. I had more fun this year. All the people I met last year for the first time were like old friends this year, plus I made a lot of new friends.

I was able to take advantage of two of the clinics, (Thanks Billy and Alexis), which improved my riding, Then I got a private lesson from two of the uber carvers which really brought my riding up to a new level. (Thanks Helmut and Mellow!)

Meeting and getting to know all the major manufacturers on a personal level was amazing. You learn so much just sitting around with them.

On another note, those who don't see any of the 'behind the scenes' just don't know how hard the vendors work. We're out riding, they're setting up, managing, and breaking down the demo tent. We're out partying, they're unloading the trucks and reloading them for tomorrow.

Hats off to all the sponsers who made this thing so great, and thank you Fin and Michelle for making it possible. I hope now that it's over you guys can actually have a chance to ride.

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Well first day first lift both Johnasmo and I started out with the fool thing... First chair of the morning, 4 carvers in front of us, 4 person chair. We jumped in the mix (no room for 6) John ended up on the first chair and Mello Yello and I ended up on the next chair(maybe it was Helmut Karvlow). But by the end of that first ride up I had 1 new friend and Johnasmo had 3.

I wasn't going to say anything :D

Well, I WAS the first rider scanned at the Milk on SES opening day.... somehow I didn't make the first chair though :lol:

Scott - thanks for the props, though you had it in you... someone just needed to point it out!

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Well first day first lift both Johnasmo and I started out with the fool thing... First chair of the morning, 4 carvers in front of us, 4 person chair. We jumped in the mix (no room for 6) John ended up on the first chair and Mello Yello and I ended up on the next chair(maybe it was Helmut Karvlow). But by the end of that first ride up I had 1 new friend and Johnasmo had 3.

Heh, that was pretty awesome. The liftie was not amused. At all. And then decided to bitch at me for some reason! At least I still got the first chair, and snaked all you all for first tracks, since you decided to wait for your... what do you humans call it again? Oh, "friends". :D

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Heh, that was pretty awesome. The liftie was not amused. At all. And then decided to bitch at me for some reason! At least I still got the first chair, and snaked all you all for first tracks, since you decided to wait for your... what do you humans call it again? Oh, "friends". :D

Machines don't have friends

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Wait,What.........R2D2 had C3PO, so the kenchine has to have someone er, something!!!

Its name is Coiler Stubby. Coilerdyne Systems Model 173x19.5. Fiberglass and titanal over hyperwood chassis. Very tough. It can't be bargained with, it can't be reasoned with, it doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear, and it absolutely will not stop, ever, until there is no more snow.

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