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Helmets, helmets, helmets


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Need some buckets for your noggin? Check out these helmets for sale on the auction site we all love to hate (fleabay):

1) New Vigor race helmet in metallic blue with jawguard, size large

Item number: 110352316152

2) New Vigor race helmet in neon yellow with jawguard, size large

Item number: 110352317060

3) Used/demo Burton/Red MT-1 race helmet in metallic beige, chrome, and orange with jawguard, size large (a classic)

Item number: 110352318844

Use your head out there...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I dont usually do this, but I just have to relate my interaction with this guy, seems to be a hot headed jerk.

SO lets review, for those of you that may have the misfortune of attempting to deal with this guy in the future.

He posts his ebay listings here on BOL, (which I hate), at least with out giving BOL'ers the first option.

And thats all he does here on BOL, use it as a place to sell his crap,(look at ALL his previous posts).

I email him through BOL, and he doesnt respond for about a week, saying "he doesn't check his email from here...(hmmm funny, it should be going to your personal email right????)

SO I win his helmet on Evilbay... email him several times... Tell him id REALLY not like to use paypal. finally get a response, I reply... wait.... wait.... go out of town, get a "payment reminder".....

email him 4-5 times.... Nothing....

Finally today:

He emails me and calls me a "****ing prick" (in the subject no less!) after not answering my emails... I get his "contact info" through ebay try to call the # thats listed, and its disconnected..

Of course he leaves me an unpaid item strike... I email him twice to ask WTF??? and as usual no response...


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So you have the balls to comment on someone who sells on fleabay with 100% positive feedback (almost 700 comments), when you have 3, and that's only because fleabay killed your previous accounts for negative feedback, and non-paying bidder strikes? Interesting...

So let's be honest about what happened...here are the facts:

1) you bid on an item, knowing what the requirements for payment were, yet you had the audacity to bid the highest, and then try to reach me about an "alternate" method of payment. This doesn't just make you a prick, it also makes you flat out stupid. If you can't read or follow instructions, you should not be on the internet, let alone any type of communication medium.

2) you make up some BS excuse about not wanting fleabay or Paypal to mess up your account, and I am waiting 3 weeks for ANY type of response. I even offered to take a money order, and guess what, still no response. And fleabay even sends out warnings to you about not paying, and it doesn't take a genius to guess that you didn't respond to that either.

Yet here you are on Bomber, trying to mess up my credibility. YOU ARE AN EVEN BIGGER PRICK than I previously thought. Get a life and some sense of responsibility, you selfish prick and coward.

For anyone bothering to read this, Mike is really the one you need to be weary of when dealing with money or any kind of transaction. He'll bid on stuff and express interest, he'll cost you money in fleabay fees, and not bother to communicate in any sort of timely manner.

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You see what im talking about, people

Great way to defend yourself, your best defense is calling names??? Im a coward??? Well then how come you havent responded to my last 6 emails over the past 2 weeks?? Trust me, you'd certainly not have 100% feed back if id had the option, I was hoping to resolve/complete this, with out incident, but you decided not to have it that way.

How come you STILL have not responded to any of my emails for the past 2 weeks?

Funny I dont think you fully read any of this.... I mention how I emailed you multiple times, yet you seem to conveniently overlook this fact

(my previous ebay acct, had nothing to do with non payment or negatives, I NEVER said that, dont slander me, just becuase your pissed about the results of your poor attitude/treatment of others)

Yes I told you Id rather not use paypal (see payapalsucks.com folks), and I emailed you before the auction ended, yet you didnt respond, I figure better to take the chance and win it, besides money is money, I wanted to pay, the first paypal invoice you sent didnt work for, me and you NEVER< REPEAT NEVER RESPONDED To my follow up email. SO what am i supposed to do if you dont respond to communication?? Hell, I gave you my Cell #, and YOUR phone listed on ebay doesnt work. Is that my fault???

Does it really matter all that much how you get paid???

Its not like this helmet comes up all the time, Trust me If i'd known what a jerk you are, I'd certainly have opted to buy it from ANYONE else, if it was available.

Yeah thats righ IM the PRICK, suuuurrre....

Be a man, get some guts and email or call me, stop being a pussy, and posting on BOL ONLY for your benefit.:nono:

(see, perfect example of the typical male bravado, not willing to admit mistakes... or Comprimise

Oh no, he cant be wrong, thus EVERYONE ELSE is wrong and stupid.):boxing_sm

I still demand an apology, as I have written in my last email to you, yesterday.

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The bottom line is that:

1) I'm the one that didn't get responses from you,

2) you never gave me a phone # or any kind of contact info other than an e-mail address I had to go to Bomber for (liar),

3) you never responded to an option of sending me a money order (maybe you don't read your own e-mails? Or maybe you just don't read, period).

4) you had ample time to respond to me AND the fleabay warnings, so shame on you for not giving a sh*t.

5) and don't forget that YOU are the one who initiated this on Bomber, not me. You are truly delusional...I just re-posted the thread for a sale and you attacked me on this site, so look in the mirror, douchebag. I guess calling me a "pussy" doesn't qualify as namecalling...it must be great to live in your world. I hope stupidity and hypocrisy aren't too painful.

First off, it's not for you to dictate how I get paid PERIOD. Don't assume anything, don't hope for anything...if you can't follow rules, you shouldn't be playing. God forbid you contact me on fleabay...I told you I am not on Bomber often, or check my other e-mail addy often. Wouldn't it be common sense that if I post on e-Bay, that you could possibly contact me there, as well, if you weren't getting the responses from the other e-mails? I know now that is too much to expect from someone of your caliber.

The Paypal requirement was in writing and in the listing, and like an idiot, you chose to disregard it; consequently, you cost me the bids of legitimate buyers who were willing to pay per the agreement, and you cost me all the initial fees for the listing. Let's not even mention the time the helmet had to be off the market since I had to waste time waiting on you and fleabay to try to get payment from you. The season is almost over now, so there's more of a loss. Yeah, yeah, I know this doesn't mean squat to you, but why should it? You are irresponsible, don't have any integrity, and you can't take responses to your slanderous behaviour to begin with (remember that you brought this to bomber, you douche), so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

You need to grow a pair, shut the fu*k up, admit you f'd up and got bitten in the ass for it, and just move on. And yeah, I'll apologize...I am sorry that you are an irresponsible moron who doesn't know how to conduct business on-line. I'm sorry you can't read or appreciate the fact that your on-line actions have consequences on others you don't give a sh*t about. I'm sorry that all of this had to be brought to the forum on Bomber, wasting everyone's time to defend myself because of the slander YOU initiated. I'm sorry that you will probably not comprehend or appreciate anything I'm saying because you are apparently the true man here. For these I am truly sorry.

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you see what kind of hot head this guy is???

ED, I sent you multiple emails, would you like me to forward them AGAIN??

maybe you should check your spam folder???

Dont call me a liar, when I have the proof, If you didnt GET the emails thats not my fault....

Petrol... I did email him prior to the auction ending... as I mentioned with no responce, SO I took the chance, in hopes that he might be somewhat flexible(but as you can see he is a bit belligerent) In the one reply I did get from him (after the auction was over) he said he be willing to accept a money order....

To which I replied, and never heard back...

But I think his attitude, and tone, and use of the forum speak for themselves...

You can see he is obviously a less than classy hot head. Obviously too afraid reply directly to any of my emails to him.

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guys, just try to working out something! this web site it's been made for people with passion of carving!

and they're not???

I have every sympathy for folk who find themselves in such situations. Hopefully, this is simply a escalation of misunderstanding that can be straightened out.

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