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Kicking Horse?


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looking at jumping out to kicking Horse next week with some guys. can anyone tell me if this resort is carving friendly?? would my Renntiger 178 or my Prior 4WD be more applicable (probably take both anyway). also, has anyone been there recently and can comment on conditions? i heard Whistler is horrible, not sure what Kicking Horse is like.... would like to know before i committ.

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Kicking Horse is not carving friendly. It is steeps, pow, bumps, trees. A lot of what they label as black diamond would be double-diamond elsewhere.

I hear they may have opened up a few more intermediate trails but last I was there it was very limited. Allee probably has more recent data.

In short, leave the Renntiger home, bring the 4WD. Kicking Horse is kick-ass in my opinion, but I like the steeps and the bumps.

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Neil pretty well covered it. I left my carving stuff home and took skis. Lots of steeps, trees and untracked. The bottom half of the mountain had some reasonable groomed runs but the upper half didn't have much to choose from. Upgrade all runs one rating from what you are used to, eg black =double black Great mountain but not what I would recommend for carving.

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Kicking Horse is one of my favorite places in the world and I've only ridden there two times. Ditto with John and Neil about alpine gear, take your freeride equipment. I would suggest, if the conditions are poor, to wait for more snow. Also ride with someone who knows the place or get a guide cause there is so much to do and so much you could miss. I say this because the first time I went was with a guy who knew the place and I would of missed so much if it was'nt for him. Cheers Danny. Some of the terrain of CPR and Redemption ridge is just amazing(if you like steep).

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Love KH - i've been for at least a week for the last 4 years in a row. I know its blasphemy around here, but I leave my hardboots at home when I go. Not the kind of mountain for that sort of thing. I've seen one hardbooter there in that time, and he was struggling with the terrain. I'm not saying you can't but there's no nice groomers to lay arcs on.

bring a big pow stick and charge the bowls down through the trees. roostertails and hand dragging is highly suggested.

If you can..... drive through rogers pass and spend at least a day at revy too. The north bowl was armpit deep last time i went.

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