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Eastern SES this year?


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Where was the last Eastern Summit Expression Session? Is there a Summit County out here? Summit Mountain? Tell me more!

Anyway, the East Coast Expression Session (ECES), started in 2000, went biannual starting in 2004. Mark your calendar for the first week of march, 2010. It will either be at Stowe or Sugarloaf. If we persuade a certain film crew to come, it will be at Sugarloaf.

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I really hope you keep it at Stowe again... its Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more economical to get to!!

The layout was nice and the disco bars are awesome..just ask Jack!! he's a dancin machine...

Also they have Friday night Cage matches which are fun to watch..

Oh and a new nice hotel with gondola!!

Thats my vote!!

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tell me more about the rally @ the BEAST???

not that I'll makeit...I'm a total flake

It's exactly what it souds like. We get together and ride, the owner of the mountain gives us a discount on the lift tickets, and then re-coups the cash by betting his friends that snowboarders can actualy turn.;) It's a win-win for everyone!:biggthump

All you need to do is put your name down in the Rally at the Thunder Dome thread (http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=23845 same as the link in my sig) and then show up morning of the 22nd. You've got nothing to loose by signing up, so you're not screwed if plans change at the last minute.

The Beast doesn't see the hoards that most mountains see during Pres' Week, and has plenty of snowmaking and wall to wall groom every day leading up to the last Sun of it.

If you need another reason to come, we'll set a tequilla slalom for your birthday. You choose the trail and the number of gates. Just remember that they'll be an ounce each and you'll need a ride home.:eplus2:

See you there?

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Why is the ECES not at Stratton? Isn't the only shop east of the Miss. river that supports our sport at the bottom of the access road? I mean CmC doesn't work there anymore, so why the hate????

What hate? We simply have a template in place with Stowe and Sugarloaf now. Geoff and I aren't interested in reinventing the wheel again somewhere else. 2010 is already in motion, so we'll take a poll afterwards. If the event would like to be moved, then someone else can take the reins.

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What hate? We simply have a template in place with Stowe and Sugarloaf now. Geoff and I aren't interested in reinventing the wheel again somewhere else. 2010 is already in motion, so we'll take a poll afterwards. If the event would like to be moved, then someone else can take the reins.

Either one is good with me as they have the best burgers I have ever tasted.

Hills, who cares, give me a slab of rare ground beef and I'm happy as a Madd 158 on a double black diamond after a rain and freeze cycle:lol:

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Drik I hear yeah man, Stratton is a great mountain and we know grooming is good, the only thing it's lacking is a good variety of steep blacks. Someone else would have to step up to make that happen at Stratton.

I or Jack don't have the time to plan another event at a new location. Planning the ECES requires a years worth of work, especially if you are looking into a new location. Planning my wedding was easier and less work than the ECES.

If someone is willing to step up please get intouch with Jack and myself. ECES 2010 planning has already started.

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What hate? We simply have a template in place with Stowe and Sugarloaf now. Geoff and I aren't interested in reinventing the wheel again somewhere else. 2010 is already in motion, so we'll take a poll afterwards. If the event would like to be moved, then someone else can take the reins.


I can see where you are coming from, Yet I don't. Year after year, the Startingate brings in Alpine equipment into the store. The owner does it out of the love of the sport not for the profit. Yet you chose to run these events 3 to 6 hours away from the Gate. The tuning at the Gate is on par with SKIMD or Edgewise. And this comes from current World Cup tuners. On any giving day, The Gate sees more Alpine Riders and US Snowboard team members then most on the board see in a lifetime. I just don’t get the excuse that “Things are in motion.” I am sure a call to 1-800-STRATTON could take care of all your needs. Also, the “We need challenging terrain”. While I was not a participant at Stowe last time, I was an on looker and I can count on one hand the riders that were able to “Ride Stowe”. Plus, I am sure that Lift line, Standard not to mention a groomed Bear Down or Free Fall could take care of all your “terrain needs”. Plus, it could also make the Startingate feel a little more love from the alpine community.

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The reason the ECES moved away from Stratton in the first place was that Stratton was no longer interested in offering group discounts to the previous ECES committee.

Let's make a deal. I've been in contact with Warren Miller, and they are open to and interested in filming the 2010 ECES. If they commit to that, it will be at Sugarloaf. If they do not, you're welcome to take the wheel and organize the ECES at Stratton. Geoff and I simply don't have the time to start fresh with a new resort. It's like planning a wedding; it takes about 9 months and a lot of lost sleep.

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Have you or Geoff reached out to the Meatheads? Perhaps they would be interested in some filming of hardbooters since they film so much New England terrain. Obviously partial to Sugarloaf so you have my vote. Hey, what about an invite to Mark Fawcett? He's a CVA alum. and might be....never mind...forgot about his coaching Canadian Olympic team..probably busy.

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