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New board arrived from Bruce on Tuesday, been too busy riding to post. Still shaking my head on how well it performs. Sucks up ridges, holds on ice, I would consider it cheating, b/c it rides so well, effortless and has good pop out of turns.:biggthump

Chubz 77T

177 x 20 x 13.2Nose/14.2 tail- 6mm taper, 162 effective

I guess its a mix between an RC and a Stub.

Graphics by Steve Fleck. I beat him up pretty bad on multiple updates and had to pay extra, but the graphics carry a personal story for me with semi hidden symbols for each of my family members.

Gotta run, I'm in the doghouse for riding too long today and the kids are driving the wife nuts.

Thanks again goes back out to Bruce and Steve for their efforts.





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Dude that thing is SHCWEET!!!!

I told you metals are amazing. I rode my madd for the first time this year the other day...had fun...but the metal is back to starting position for tomorrow.

Push for Macs to be at blue...plus when we planning for BMS?

I need to ride with you guys...I see on the blue board you have some new carvers there...thats it spread the love.

Later - Joe

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The creativeness coming out of the people on this forum continues to impress me. I think between the vision of the riders, the skill of the graphics designers, and the craftsmanship of the builders, this sport has progressed more recently than at any other time I can remember in the 8 years I've been a member here. Nice job to all....I'm gonna have to get on this train!

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Sweeeeet graphics!. one thing i don't understand the the stats 13.2Nose/14.2 tail, what does this mean?:confused:

Casper, it's easy to understand. Front of the board has a 13.2 meter sidecut radius and the back half has a 14.2 meter scr. I believe Bruce increases the SCR in the tail of the board to compensate for the softer tails that he builds the schtubbys with.

If I am wrong here I am sure I will be corrected, put in my place and not be able to watch TV or play vid games for a few weeks

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BV provided a good bit of input from my litany of questions. and As BV does everything he said in the board, it does.

He indicates the variable SCR, which I orignally asked for 13/14/13 and he went 13.2/14.2 because he says the metals have the ability to still hold and finish of the turn and they do not need to be as hooky like the RC's. I can say that the 77T does hold thru the turn, releases very nicely and rids my mind of any "Am I going in the Trees? Syndrome"

A few of my other rides were very hooky and I could hear them whispering to me, "you're going in the trees". sometimes I did go in the trees, most times, not. Trails where I ride are not wide open so I needed something that would hold but readily realease if need be and it has demonstrated it can do that.

I think the RC180 I rode at ECES was 13/14/13 and I just loved it for hold and riding thru crud, etc, but I was hearing all of the accolades for the Stubby. So we put an RC and Stub in a room together and came up with this. besides the mix of Specs, he slightly decambered the tail to allow it to slip a little easier. I wanted that because it sometimes gets crowded at blue and other boards I had, i had to keep speed for them turn responsively. the decamber gives me a freestyle board slip, picking my way thru meatgates at the end of a run.

This is the description I gave Bruce and he hit it right on.

I dont see much soft snow until most of my days are first chair morning runs on north facing slopes, no sun, groomer ridges depending on how drunk the groomer were the night before, more than stiff, especially in temps below 15*, death cookies common, and patches of ice that peek thru at mid morning. So you are on some good snow then tail skids on ice patch if you are hero snowing it. I usually stay on blacks which are fairly fast and steep in some spots and my style drives into the turn and thru. I dont dive into turns unless snow is proper, gotta use proper technique most of the time and cant be lazy in order for the edge to stay on point and hold.

He responded

The goal was to blend the 2 as you mention. The Classics are great and require a bit more attention and the Stubs are just do anything and you come out laughing. Classic has stiffer mid and softer nose so you get great bite but have to watch it in softer stuff. On yours I pretty much just softened the mid a bit to transfer more flex there. Nose was almost identical maybe a real small bit stiffer. Stubs are great on almost anything but lose stability in real choppy or death cookies due to short effective as even Titanal will only do so much. This is where the longer wheelbase plays in nicely.

Best things I love about it,

It loves steeps, in fact hungry for steeps and rides well enough to regulate speed on steeps if snowplow skiers are in front of me. On steeps, it rides over those piles of snow that form midmorning from scrapers and then holds on the ice patches in between. Stuff that I use to hesitate on and grit my teeth, I now just giggle at.

My upper body position is now very relaxed and I ride more upright and centered ont he board. For the boards I had before MADD's in particular, I rode very weight forward, 77T allows more neutral stance and you can feel the entire length riding thu each turn.

I sometimes like to let the board run, and this concept lives up to what Bruyce describes above. Hate to run on and on, but I think this design might provide some good riding for folks out there with conditions and riding style like mine.


The text is just a listing of the specs.

Gotta run and stretch out for the Superbowl!!

Here we go Steelers, here we go!!!!!

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Looks even better in the sun then those pictures you sent me from Bruce's evil lair! Sounds like the shape is working quite nicely too!

Don't mean to threadjack, but here's a link to a site with some of my other topsheets. I've been having a blast with these! Helps keep me from losing my mind at my real job!


I know Chubz is happy as a clam between his new board arriving, and his Steelers pulling off the win last night...

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