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TD3 doesn't fit to small boots


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Michelle just sent me two shorter bail/clip assemblies so the TD3’s now fits my 26.5 (287) UPZ boots. The clips are the older TD2 style (shorter lever than the TD3’s). The lever can contact the first buckle on my boot so I have the set screw turned in all the way in to prevent metal on metal contact. This set up works but, it would be nicer if the lever could over-travel a bit further after clipping in.

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I also found them in their website.And I sent message to Michelle to send me the shorter bail and clips .:)

Hope they will work fine on my boots !:ices_ange

Michelle just sent me two shorter bail/clip assemblies so the TD3’s now fits my 26.5 (287) UPZ boots. The clips are the older TD2 style (shorter lever than the TD3’s). The lever can contact the first buckle on my boot so I have the set screw turned in all the way in to prevent metal on metal contact. This set up works but, it would be nicer if the lever could over-travel a bit further after clipping in.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I also found them in their website.And I sent message to Michelle to send me the shorter bail and clips .:)

Hope they will work fine on my boots !:ices_ange

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<o>:p> </o>:p>

sorry for jumping in late but i haven’t logged onto bomberonline for awhile but just stumbled onto this thread looking for solutions for my relatively minor td3 dilemma.

<o>:p> </o>:p>

it appears that your baseplate is either off-spec or it is a one-off prototype that somehow slipped through the quality control process. perhaps you could post a picture of the baseplate with a measuring tape showing the actual dimensions between the holes in the baseplate. this way anyone with a problem free fit could be kind enough to check their td3s and report if there is a discrepancy. the info on the bomber website seems to indicate that there is only be ONE size of baseplate with small footed people being required to use a special toe bail and/or clip. however, you are size 26.5 which is near the most common boot size of 27 so you should be close to the flat part of the bell curve. i am puzzled as to why you would not be anywhere close to using the middle of the 3 sets of holes (especially with a recommended deeluxe boot.).

<o>:p> </o>:p>

could RIVERPIG please post back and tell us if you used the 2 closest (smallest footprint) holes or were you able to use the middle holes as would be expected with your size 26.5 deeluxes? If you were indeed able to use the middle holes then could you also measure the distances between the holes? i know it is an imposition but it would really help MASAHIKO and me out.

<o>:p> </o>:p>

i have size 27 boots and i barely got my td3s to fit using the closest of the 3 sets of holes. since size 27 is the most popular boot size plus the fact that i would think that feet size would be a classic gaussian/bell distribution with the mean equal to or at least very close to the median (assuming the distribution of hardbooters is also normal.) i also expected to be using the middle sets of holes. That plus the fact that my td3s were shipped with the bail blocks in the furthest holes (not the middle holes as stated in post #8 by FIN) makes me think we (MASAHIKO and i) may have been accidentally shipped some prototypes for big footed riders. or perhaps off-spec baseplates or our boots are off-spec?

<o>:p> </o>:p>

i can’t post pics tonight as my stuff is already packed for an early morning trip to the ski hill tomorrow to show bomber member RUWI the td3s and it’s too late to cancel the trip. i’ll post pics of my dismantled td3 baseplate with a measuring tape showing the hole distances as well as an already mounted binding with an attached size 27 boot using the closest of the 3 sets of holes (smallest footprint) after I use the td3s once more over the weekend as it is a hassle to mount them. the bail block overlaps the shoulder bolt hole requiring me to remove the bail blocks to insert the shoulder bolts. i haven’t tried just mounting the shoulder bolts by rotating the baseplate (with bail blocks attached) to expose the shoulder bolt holes and and then inserting and partially tightening the shoulder bolts below the level of the bail blocks and then rotating the baseplate to my desired binding angle and then resuming the final tightening of the shoulder bolts. luckily the bail blocks do not cover enough of the shoulder bolt to prevent me from inserting the allen key—otherwise i wouldn’t even be able to try this option in the future or even check the tightness of the shoulder bolts (without the hassle of removing the bail blocks) during my ritualistic pre-ride binding inspection.

<o>:p> </o>:p>

i look forward to your posting of the final solution to your problem MASAHIKO and if i can help you in any way such as comparing dimensions of our baseplates or whatever feel free to post your request on this thread as i will continue to monitor it every few days until your problem is resolved. ANDREA from yyzcanuck is very helpful (and capable) but i didn’t want her to waste her time duplicating your efforts on my behalf so i will just be patient and await your solution before possibly sending her on a wild goose chase since my bindings work extremely well (i can’t be more pleased with the performance of the td3s.) it’s just that i didn’t expect the minor inconvenience of being forced to use the closest holes and the hassle of dealing with the bail blocks hindering easy access to the shoulder bolts. besides my problem pales in comparison to yours and i can easily work around the situation—i could just do nothing and be quite happy but if there is a better way then i am all ears.

<o>:p> </o>:p>

perhaps you should wait and ensure that my wild guess about an off-spec baseplate is entirely unfounded before you settle for the special toe bail/clip solution as you will then be in the same situation as POINTBREAK of having to deal with the limited “overtravel” of the special clips. he had no choice as he has upz boots but you have the option of using your deeluxes. as i have said before and will say again: i am frequently wrong but never uncertain lol.

<o>:p> </o>:p>

good luck on finding a speedy resolution as the ride of the td3 is amazing and you need to experience this for yourself as soon as possible.

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I think It wasn't slipped out from quality control and also not a prototype one .:confused:

That's because I have 3 sets of TD3 and it seems that they are all the same.

Do you also have a UPZ RC10 ? :confused:

MikeT :

Does your boot-center fit to binding-center ? I think If you have the same boot ,

back sole block has to be shifted inward to match the center .

Or your riding setting allows to shift boot center ?


Yeah I thought the same with you . But I also thought that doing that way makes the binding less rigid.

Therefore , I tried to scrape off the baseplate on one of my TD3:AR15firin. And now It is working very well.

After that , I am thinking how I can make my rear bail not to lie down .:confused:

Anyways , I will receive short bail/clip kit from Bomber in these couples of days . So I will post

the result.

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I have the TD3 with the short boot kit. My boots are Deelux size 23 and the fit is perfect. Thanks Fin :1luvu:


Hi , Daneille

What's included in short boot kit you got from Fin ? Michelle also sent me 3 sets of short boot kit but I haven't got them yet .

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Do you also have a UPZ RC10 ? :confused:


i don’t have UPZ RC10 boots but i did try to use an old set of 1996 ups mach z boots but they were too short for the td3s. (i haven’t worn them for many years but can’t bear to get rid of them because of their eye pleasing purple colour lol.) in my previous post, my issues arose using a raichle nagano boot (basically a limited edition of the old sb 325 race boot.) you would think that boot sole length should be getting shorter not longer! my friend RUWI seems to think that my issues would disappear if i bought a new set of deeluxe track 700s. i already put in an order for a thermo liner with ANDREA at yyzcanuck but i think i’ll just cancel it and get her to set me an entire pair of new boots instead. Hopefully she can solve the liner situation for me as I had issues in the past with the inadequate cuffs of the tf liners that come stock with those boots.

i hope you didn’t void your warranty by scraping down the td3 baseplates. LOWRIDER’s shimming suggestion is actually pretty good. for your future reference you could have used UHMW plastic (cutting board) for shim material as it wouldn’t flex enough to be noticeable especially if you used a thick enough piece unless you didn’t like the extra height or leverage.

Here are the photos i promised in my previous post in case you or anyone else wanted to double check their baseplate dimensions. the first photo shows the overlap of the shoulder bolts using MY particular size 27 boots and the second photo shows the a measuring tape between the holes. due to my poor photography skills and cheap camera my clear metric ruler was practically invisible so i used a bright yellow “inches” tape measure. The metric distance between the 2 holes was 118 mm (between the closest facing edges of the holes) or 124 mm (centre to centre.) 118mm is about 4.6 inches as can be roughly discerned by my poor quality photo.

btw i tried what i speculated on in paragraph 5 of my previous post of installing the shoulder bolts at an arbitrary angle where the bolt hole wasn’t obscured by the bail blocks and then rotating the baseplate to my desired angle after screwing in the shoulder bolt until it was below the bail block but not so tight that it couldn’t be adjusted. i am happy to report that it worked without scratching the underside of the bail block so it is not a problem as I previously feared. This extra step only adds about 5 seconds to the installation procedure over being able to screw the shoulder bolts in directly at the final binding angle setting. Essentially my problem has now disappeared!

please keep us informed of your progress. i know of at least 2 small footed vancouver area carvers who are contemplating buying td3s and are awaiting the final outcome of your predicament with interest.

thanks for your continued updates.



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tenorman ,

Ok , I will be a scaprgoat for all small boot carvers with pleasure ! :lol:

I will also post the photo of my TD3's baseplate after work .

(Actually In Japan , Now is the business time ! and I am at my desk .)

I'd like to watch the photo of your Nagano SPL . I haven't seen it before !

Do you live in Vancouver ? Actually I've been there Last Month ! I visited Whistler area and joined to Heli-boarding there . It was so fun for me !:)

Look at my post later .:cool:

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Is that how you have it set? Looks like the toe and heel blocks can both be moved inwards one notch and the micro adjusts on the bails can be shortened too. There's lots of room to make the fit smaller.

Kimo :

Sorry it might be confusing . The photo previously I posted is another one .

I posted the photo of that one just for referring the size of baseplate I got .

I have 3 sets of TD3 now . And I tried to do things to only one of them.

I also upload the photo I actually tried to adjust.

As you can see , heel block is turned around . But I was not enough for doing that . So I scaped off the baseplate ( I know warranty void :() to

get heel block moved to inward.

Why I have to get the heel block moveed inward so much ?

I want to let the boots center matched to binding center .

The boots center mark of UPZ RC10 is offset to backward . So I have to set my boots offset to front.

Currently It works fine and I am really having fun riding with TD3.



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Fin and Michelle ,

I got your short boots kit (:confused:) yesterday . But actually I am disappointed a little.....

I can't recognize that they are not the TD2 bail/clip.

As I posted perviously , Do you care about the possibilities of setting boot center ?

Unfortunatelly It ends up not .

Thank you for sending short boots kits for me , but I am afraid I have to

scrape off the baseplates of all the TD3 I have.:(

( or I might attach the shims between baseplate and sole block. But I don't like to affect the rigidity of TD3 .)

I will use your short boots kits If I change my boots to DEELUXE again for the future.

BTW , Fin , Aren't you going to produce solid shim kit for rise up TD3 ???:lol:

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Masahiko, you can try centering boots to the board instead ;)

What I've found was that trying to center the boots to the TD2 baseplate was actually quite inaccurate...

But my binding angle are both almost 45 degree . So the center of the board and binding are almost equal .:nono:

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this is not important and it doesn’t affect you but i posted my baseplate dimensions incorrectly due to a low priced but faulty digital caliper that i got in hong kong a few weeks ago—i now know it is better to always buy higher priced German or Japanese digital items lol. my baseplate dimensions are actually 118 mm from the closest edges of both holes or 124 mm centre to centre using an old fashioned hand held ruler. the differences are too small to be significant and are still relatively close to your dimensions so i am sure our baseplates are IDENTICAL IN SIZE but in the interest of completeness i am including this information in case subsequent readers of this post wish to check their baseplate dimensions. i will edit the previous post to reflect the corrected dimensions. attached are the new pics using better quality photos. one photo shows the entire measurement and the other 2 are close-ups of the endpoints so people can judge the degree of accuracy for themselves.

the important stuff i will put in the following post.




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Fin and Michelle ,

I got your short boots kit (:confused:) yesterday . But actually I am disappointed a little.....

I can't recognize that they are not the TD2 bail/clip.

As I posted perviously , Do you care about the possibilities of setting boot center ?

Unfortunatelly It ends up not .

Thank you for sending short boots kits for me , but I am afraid I have to

scrape off the baseplates of all the TD3 I have.:(

( or I might attach the shims between baseplate and sole block. But I don't like to affect the rigidity of TD3 .)

I will use your short boots kits If I change my boots to DEELUXE again for the future.

BTW , Fin , Aren't you going to produce solid shim kit for rise up TD3 ???:lol:


perhaps you should wait until after feb. 16th to take such a drastic step as baseplate scraping and thereby voiding your warranty on all 3 pairs of td3s. maybe the next shipment of td3s have been redesigned and you can exchange some parts? i think with the issues from the stepins the bomber crew is just too busy to do anything for you YET. i am sure they will get right onto the manual binding issues as soon as the stepin problems are resolved. i think there is already a recall of the fintec heels at the moment as i’m typing this.

while there is some risk in being an early adopter of a new product model, i don’t think bomber industries is the type of company to just leave you orphaned and/or stranded in the middle of the td3 product development cycle. i can understand your frustration with the OFFCENTRE binding that results from what appears to be only HALF a solution of a scaled down toe bail. perhaps there are already plans for a solution to your CENTERING problem with the small foot toe bail modifications they sent you. it would probably be too expensive to recall the baseplates as it does work for people with bigger feet so maybe there is a heel bail solution that is already in the pipeline. it would seem to make sense that a small footed td3 HEEL bail could be scaled down proportionately to (and perfectly mate with) the pre-existing small footed toe bail for a perfectly centred binding position.

probably the best thing to do is just use the one pair of td3s that you modified and leave the other 2 intact or shimming them as you describe above. sorry you are having so much trouble fitting your td3s. try to enjoy your existing useable pair of td3s while you are waiting until february 16th before undertaking any further irreversible warranty voiding modifications. i am sure bomber industries will make it work PROPERLY WITHOUT UNDUE COMPROMISE for you like the reputable company that they are.

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I also tried to make riser shims from CUTTING BOARD .

This method of solution will not void warrany.

How's that ? It would be also interesting to ride with this .:lol:

tenorman :

I will wait until Fin gives some solution for me .

Have fun snow .:)



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