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How to get perma-wrinkles out of boot liners?


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Hi all...I have an old pair of Raichle boots that are still going strong...except that over time, the boot liners (e.g. neoprene inner boots) have gotten some semi-permanent wrinkles in the thick, padded tongue area. They're sort of painful because the "tongues" of the boots don't lay down nice 'n smooth on top of my foot...and dig into my feet instead.

I just pulled out a small C-clamp with a couple small, flat pieces of wood and have clamped the tongue between the wood pieces to flatten it out via pressure. I figure if I leave the clamp on for a few hours it might help.

But I figured I'd ask here if there are any other techniques for doing this? (For example, would soaking the boot liners in hot water help? Or soaking them, then putting them on?)



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  • 2 weeks later...

I bumped this thread because I'm still wondering if there is any more I can do with my liners?

They're (I think) the original liners from the boots, an old pair of Raichle 324's that I bought 3-4 years ago second-hand from "old snowboards" Bryan (and the boots are still going strong Bryan!).

The liners are red/yellow...and I never did anything to mold or fit them to my feet, just started wearing them and have been ever since. They're not uncomfortable...but I can't say they're super-cushy either.

Is there any benefit to popping 'em in the oven (225 degrees for 12 mins) and going through the molding process? Or are they so old and set in their ways that it would be pointless?

I know new liners are an option too...just wondering if I can make these any better?


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I'm gonna see how the C-clamp thing works out after a few hours...then yeah, I'll take a few pics and post 'em.


By the way...the C-clamp trick on the wrinkled liner tongues only sort-of worked. It smoothed them out a bit, but after 24 hours, they seemed to revert back to their wrinkled state. (Which is why I'm wondering if heating them would help?)


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