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E-Rings selection on the TD3 can seem a bit of a "hit and miss" I have to admit. Keep in mind they will ALL work, just a matter of optimizing to what would be best for you.

One way I have been describing E-Ring selection to people is this:

- The harder the E-Ring the more power you get to the edge of the board BUT at the sacrifice of absorption.

- The softer the E-Ring the more absorption you get (vibration, bumps, etc) but less power to the board.

Now how much to you lose and gain for each? Hard to say. But basing a decision from your weight alone we find is not the best way. We have some very big powerful riders who love the Yellow (soft) and we have some lighter weight riders who must have the Red (hard).

When in doubt go with the medium (blue), these work great for everyone in every condition. And then if you find you want more power or more absorption, you can swing that way later. Hope this helps.

Status of TD3 Yellow E-Ring: current they are not available due to an issue with the material. Problem has been solved but they are not due to ship from us until the week of Dec 22nd. Sorry for the delay everyone!

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For me the choice was pretty easy, as I've always preferred a setup with more flex. I have ridden Burton raceplates for many years and like their inherent flex, and also like boots with a softer flex, so when I got some TDs which are inherently stiffer it just made sense for me to get the yellow e-rings.

I've also seen some people vary the e-rings according to the board as well. For example, they might like the stiff e-rings with a narrow and stiff carving board but the softer e-rings for their all-mountain ride.

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any real feel difference?

more play?...less response?

I have TD2 with the purples and am wanting to go for the TD3 center disk and more cush of the TD3 e-ring but don't want it to feel sloppy

i am stuck on mediums or yellows

when the yellow TD3 e-rings arrive could I order disks and e-rings only, I have no real need to get more cant plates (flat flat for me with af600 and a WCR 77)


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Status of TD3 Yellow E-Ring: current they are not available due to an issue with the material. Problem has been solved but they are not due to ship from us until the week of Dec 22nd. Sorry for the delay everyone!

Thanks, Fin for updating. That means I'll get those TD3 yellows in time before my trips starts :)

Yes, you will have some more absorption from the yellows. I am no racer so a little less directness doesn't bother me at all. Those bindings are direct enough for my taste.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Status of TD3 Yellow E-Ring: current they are not available due to an issue with the material. Problem has been solved but they are not due to ship from us until the week of Dec 22nd. Sorry for the delay everyone!

Hope those yellowish are ready to go out this week, that would be great.

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