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Backside turn, racing technique. Good!?


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Here is picture from last year's carving camp, rider Joni. For me as "amateur" rider it looks very good technique/style: body seems to be well balanced, aligned and centered. Rider's motto is: "get yer hands off da snow" and he's good at it. BTW, board is Tinkler, so: no, it's not broken :) And snow on his gloves/pants is result of soft slopes due to snowstorm lasting 3 days and making conditions for carving quite challenging...


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the pic could use a little photoshopping, but great capture.

(he must not have any kids... white jacket!)

Don't have Photoshop, so can't do photoshopping :)

This image is taken on overcast day, this explains its gray outlook and flat light. All the pictures in my website from this Oppdal camp had only crop/resize/sharpen in order to post images ASAP for waiting hordes, so I agree that image could be enhanced in post-processing. One thing which comes into mind is setting white point, but not in full extent as IMO using full histogram for such overcast-day photos makes them unrealistic.

Or is there something else which could be improved? Critics/comments to my photos always welcomed!

BTW, he has kid, just well-taught :D

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Hope you don't mind- if you do I'll take it right down.

I don't mind but IMO your image has too much saturation and rider's face is not natural. One factor is also the fact that face is underexposed and increased contrast tends to increase perceptually saturation in dark areas. And I'd remove color cast from snow: although snow is not always white (especially in shadowed areas/overcast situations) it seems more natural to keep it white. So my version would be like this (adjusted white point, set neutral point, reduced saturation and increased brightness for face in Nikon Capture NX which I use almost exclusively for post-processing and which is IMO much better for photo editing than anything else thanks to very powerful U-point technology):


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  • 1 month later...

For the original pic, if it were for racing I would suggest keeping the front hand even higher. If your hand is at hip level like in the pic once you hit chatter it will be in the snow which will get your hand broken on a stubby.

To the last pic......How much does your back hurt after riding that way?

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