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big mtn... BMES 09

west carven

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****ing bastard canuckistanian tourists :AR15firin:AR15firin:flamethro

Saturday was easily the best groomer day of the season and it was total meat gate mayhem. I thought canadians would know something about snowsports but apparently thats a foolish stereotype. people in various states of drunken stupor and just plain ineptitude everywhere. I went home at noon thankful that I didn't kill or maim anyone.

We may be a little spoiled here:eplus2:

seriously the back side liftline was 20 minutes and the frontside was worse with topsheet destruction waiting all around you. you poor bastards that have this kind of crowd every weekend have my sympathies:ices_ange

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to be fair there were lots of good ole american idiots on hand to! This weekend is bad on the border since we have the president's day weekend and canuckistan has flag day or family day or some such on the same weekend. We are 50 miles from the border so its fair game for a lets go get drunk and piss off americans weekend:eek:

We are spoiled with our usual no lift line situation so its probably my fault somehow:eplus2:

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Precisely why I bailed on riding today ... it would have been mayhem on our side of the border too. Last Family Day weekend the cars at Sunshine were parked 2.4 km along the road from the base. Even Christmas isn't as crowded.

Hopefully they'll all be heading home and leaving you in peace....

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howdy all

nice partly cloudy day, kinda wet firm snow. started the morning

teaching a 9year old girl how to snowboard in softies. she was pretty

good and could heelside to stop, but had problems on her toeside.

anyways, got her down chair 6 making turns and without falling.

finished the day on my fp167, did a hellfire run and it was fun!

tonymatt was bumped up by the time i got to ride...

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howdy all

another blue sky day, spring conditions in feb??? great carving

conditions in the morning. got bumped up pretty quick with the

weekend warriors. havent had any new snow in weeks. more

warm temps in the forecast. having fun on the fp 173, really need

more snow so i can ride the madd 180 again and break out the

coiler pr186...

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If you know Johnasmo, you know he is driven to ride. Last year he rode 137 days between skinning and lift served. When this was filmed it was before SES, so I am sure he is near or over 80 days now.

Johns lust for riding and life is contagious, use caution when riding with him! You may want to pack up and move west. If you are so fortunate to ride with John, you had better bring some Little Debbies Fudge Rounds to keep yourself fueled up, cause it is GO time. One day a few years ago I rode with John somewhere between 70-80 thousand vertical feet in one day. First chair in the morning and the last one night riding. He is a great friend and a great rider.

John, I hope you do not mind that I posted this.

<object width="425" height="344">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2b-0uYrd6B8&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></object>


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howdy all

after yesterdays (sunday) big blue skies and warm temps, today

started wet soggy mess. lite rain then a half hour dumping snow

in the morning. the snow condition in the morning was wet and

heavy, then mash potatos. foggy from chair 2 up. had a few good

runs early on. rode the madd 180...

nice work john!!! glad the press are pointing their cameras at us,

hardbooters and not the softies jibbers.

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howdy all

last night it was pouring rain here in town, still pretty warm in the

evening. 5 inches on the top of the big, rain in the village. chair 2

was pure ice sheets, not carverable!!! one of the worst conditions

i have seen. the backside was ok with some powder, as was the top

part of the big. it was a short day on the madd 180...

note: snow report dates for feb was still labeled jan

today is my 41 day of riding

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howdy all

wednesday night dumped 3 inches in town, thursday dumped 3 more.

no new on friday so sets up for prefect groomers on saturday. it was

a sunny blue sky day, everything is good! great carving snow! rode

the fp 173 and had a great day. i missed the powder days cause had

to work. warmer weather with rain/snow in the forecast...

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Today at WMR (Big Mtn) Johnasmo was involved in what was described as a no-fault collision near the bottom of chair 1. He was toted off the hill and taken by a friend to the local hospital. He sustained a moderate concussion. He was wearing a helmet that shows obvious damage. He is experiencing a loss of short term memory (luckily he still remembers SES 09). Sqwallguy reports that it is improving as the evening progresses. The Doctors also suspect he will regain his short term memory. His CAT scan showed no serious damage. John also said his neck and jaw were a bit sore too. I only heard that the other person involved was in better shape than John.

I spoke with John tonight and he was very bummed about the doctor saying "No snowboarding for 1 week" and the damage to the nose of his new Coiler Monster. All and all he sounded pretty good on the phone, a little rummy or spacy but what do you expect.

Sounds like everything will be back to normal in a week or so.

For those of you that do not wear helmets...This would have been a life changing event for you.

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Yikes! All good vibes toward Johnasmo for speedy healing and complete recovery!

"For those of you that do not wear helmets...This would have been a life changing event for you."

I was in my credit union the other day and overheard the loan officer saying her friends get mad at her for not wearing a helmet while riding her motorcycle. I told her helmets are only for people who expect to continue using their brains. Got her hackles up for sure, but I'm speaking from experience - after a head injury when I was 21, it took me 4 years to learn to read again.... And that right there explains why I ended up in the oil field instead of medical school.

Good on Johnasmo for protecting himself. :biggthump And tell him a week without snowboarding will fly by - and it is SOOOO important to avoid another head injury until this one heals.

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Thanks to all for the concern. Memories of last week are sorting themselves out, but I don't think I'll ever remember the collision. I remember parking, then being handed some papers as being discharged from the hospital. Nothing in between. No runs. No ski patrol. No sled ride to the clinic. No Rick driving me to the ER. No CT scan. I can't even remember what my ER doctor looked like. Apparently I was only out cold for a few minutes, but I'm missing about 5 hours. Gonna have to go back for a concussion recheck tomorrow, and take a few days off the hill -- at least until it no longer hurts my head just to shake the hair out of my eyes (I really do need a haircut).


Helmet: yes. See photo. Might invest in full face since I think my jaw might have transmitted some of the blow straight to my skull. A knockout punch so to speak.

Object: Skier. "I didn't think he was going to make another turn." He called last night to see how I was, which I appreciate. Says he has sore ribs, so the dent could be from a camera he was carrying. Who knows. He's got almost a million feet at the Big this year (top 30), so he's seen us carving before.

Location: Two towers from the base of chair 1. Not far from where I broke my collar bone a couple years ago. Basically I must have carved Toni Matt all the way through Many Falls, then let off a bit as I assessed the traffic coming off Russ's Street and from Big Ravine, then went into a toe side near tower 2 intending to heel side back near tower 1 and on to the lift corrals. Impact was at the end of my toe side turn. "There was a nice clean trench from your turn, then nothing," to quote Rick. The skier had been behind me on Toni Matt and Many Falls. I'm usually not going real fast at that particular point, so I'm guessing he was. Apparently there were plenty of witnesses on the lift that made it back down (a 15 minute round trip) to tell the ski patrol what happened as they stowed my blubbering self in the sled -- but I don't know what they said, as I don't remember any of that part of the day, at least not yet.

Yesterday, I remembered that I had company visiting last week, but I couldn't say when they left. Today I know they left Sunday, and where we ate Friday and Saturday, though I can't remember what I ordered -- still working on that. I also remember riding Sunday afternoon (Fish 156 & F2 Respect 176) exploring tree routes from top of chair 8 to Area 51; good thing I didn't lose all that research. Hope it all comes back. I DO remember SES 09, and it looks like now I'll get a chance (forced time off the hill) to process some more tooth cam videos.



P.S. What Dave Said:

"For those of you that do not wear helmets...This would have been a life changing event for you."

That dent would probably have been a broken skull. This was a skier, not a tree; something your skills cannot protect you from.


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Hey Johnasmo, so good to see you writing in complete sentences and everything - just like a regular human! :biggthump :biggthump

That's an impressive dent in your brainbucket. Looks like it served you well.

Be patient with your brain - sounds like everything is coming back really quickly though. I never did remember my accident.... so that means I just get to make up really good stories! :ices_ange

But it really is great that you are on the mend - can't have anything happen to one of Fin's newest poster children for "How to Do Your 1st SES Right"!!! :p

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howdy all

dumping rain last night here in town. very warm temps make

for spring like conditions. the bottom of the big was very wet and

hard spring like conditions, the top and backside had a few inches

of pow. not the best conditions today, snowed hard from 9am till

1130am, then sunshine after i left. still on the fp173...

glad to hear johnasmo is doing better and nothing is broken.

take it easy as hits to the head can be bad after the fact.

helmets work!!!

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Sending well wishes your way Johnasmo!

This season is shaping up into a crash fest. Two friends out this way have had wrecks in the past week. One was in a collision with another boarder, dislocated shoulder. The second friend caught his heelside in spectacular fashion, knocking himself silly and wrenching his knee pretty good.

Everyone, be safe out there, the season is winding down fast.

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howdy all

had to work today, but got cut loose about 12:00pm, so up

to the big! rode the fish 156 just for something different. met

up with a girl named jessie who likes the trees, so some backside

runs and some hellroaring runs and a few off of inspo. what a

great day, following her was a challenge. pushed my softies

riding which i havent been doing so much. had a few beers at

the stube which topped off a fantastic day, shes pretty hot

too. had a few inches of new snow and some places with a

few more. forecast calls for alot of snow in the valley and more

on the mtn. we'll see...

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howdy all

had to work today, but got cut loose about 10:00am, so up

to the big! rode the coiler pr186 today. first, the conditions

on the big was not the best, yesterdays high winds and blizzard

conditions on the mtn and here in town, dumped about 5 inches

on the big. there were icey patches and soft stuff on every run,

very uneven. second, the coiler pr 186 felt like a 2by4 on the first

run. after a few more runs and flexing the board it seemed to soften

up. very stable, needs to go fast to turn, but feels like slow motion

at higher speed. great board! should have rode it earlier in the season...

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