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new to So Cal - looking to meet cool people to hang with


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hey all,

anyone here in "the OC"? I live outside of DC but am in the Santa Ana / Irvine area / Tustin for work (I'm an IT consultant). I go back to DC every other weekend. I really don't know anyone in the area and would like to meet some locals.

I'm 29 and single...member of the MAC (Mid Atlantic Carvers)...

up for hitting bars, movies, eating out, hiking, whatever...not sure how long i'll be here for.

if you have any recommendations, pls email me. thx

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I am in the Inland Empire, about 45 minutes from you when there is no traffic, 14 hours when there is traffic. :lol::lol: I live in Redlands which is right at the base of the San Bernardino mtns. Lots of hiking up in the local hills. Head up to San G, the summit is over 11,000 feet.

I'm always game to meet a fellow carver, I am sure than Nekdut, Neil, and a few others in the area would be willing to do a get together somewhere.

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dude, socal blows. get out as fast as you can, seriously

Umm. Thanks?

I've lived all over the country and like here best actually. Apparently too many others agree with me too, hence the traffic craziness. Other than that, its great.

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In OC, you could probably find gdboytyler and garyj. They are both in the Newport Area if I remember correctly, which is pretty close to Irvine/Tustin. I am usually up in the south bay (Torrance, Manhattan Beach), which is really only 30 mins away with no traffic, but like oldvolvosrules said, up to 3 hrs with.

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thx, guys for the responses.

Bobdea, though there are certainly things not to like, one truly has to be rather miserable to NOT like the beatiful weather and the beatiful women...i'm totally not a beach guy and even I had a good time during my first trip to newport beach, on Friday.

Nekdut, this is Barry. I met you at SnowPerf (at Mammoth) a few years back. I think GaryJ may have also been there?

I actually rented a bike (haven't been on one in about 9 years!) and biked from Newport ==> Huntington the other day. really relaxing, we don't have this scenery (natural and "other") in the DC Metro area!

headed home next weekend...

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The culture is what you make of it Bob. Of course there are lots of people that fit your description, but heck there are literally 5 million people in southern California, and plenty of them are nice normal people.

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the women are vacuous, the social norm in socal exemplifies what's wrong with american culture as whole because it's fairly the same but worse.

Having lived on each coast for over a decade, I'd prefer the so cal girls over the Bahstin/New Yawk ones nine times out of ten.

Of course, I married a Colorado girl...

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dude, socal blows. get out as fast as you can, seriously

I wish 90% of the surfers in So Cal would follow Bobdea's advice and get the the hell out.

But with the great weather, good waves, decent snow (Big Bear) within 2 hours, Mammoth with 5 hours and hot vacuous women, I doubt that's going to happen.

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In OC, you could probably find gdboytyler and garyj. They are both in the Newport Area if I remember correctly, which is pretty close to Irvine/Tustin. I am usually up in the south bay (Torrance, Manhattan Beach), which is really only 30 mins away with no traffic, but like oldvolvosrules said, up to 3 hrs with.

I'm no longer in OC. Moved to San Pedro to get closer to work. But, I still surf in the OC alot.

FTA2R, if you want to try your hand at surfing, email me. If you weigh less than 140 lb, I've got a soft foam surfboard you can use. Otherwise you can rent a soft longboard and wetsuit in Huntington Beach. Water is still cold though, around 60 F.

I guess that sounds hypocritical, since I want the majority of the surfers to clear out. But what the hell, you're a fellow carver.

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I wish 90% of the surfers in So Cal would follow Bobdea's advice and get the the hell out.

But with the great weather, good waves, decent snow (Big Bear) within 2 hours, Mammoth with 5 hours and hot vacuous women, I doubt that's going to happen.

nothing wrong with bear other than the people that ride there..........

same thing goes for the area, it's a great place other than the majority of the people that inhabit it.

The only resorts where people happened to actually give me **** repeatedly about alpine were both in CA.

Sorry if I insulted anyone but it's a somewhat fair analysis of the area, what I'm saying is that it's a good place for you if you're content with being trendy, apathetic and take pride in not caring about ****. If you're person that takes anything other than what's cool seriously then living or even visiting is a bit of hell.

The fact that you post here is evidence that you're somewhat distanced from that. Not everyone is included in the SoCal statement. I feel similar about FL, I know some great people from FL but just based on having spent time there and the people that inhabit it I realize that it's somewhere I'd never want to live or reccomend it to anyone.

The bay area is not as bad, in fact, it's a different world.....

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yah lol u need to bak off socal jus b/c u r some fat nurd doesnt mean u hav to be such a jerk to ppl who live in socal

socal 4 life, braaahhhh!

I actually hate living down here, solely because of everyone else down here. Bob, what resort gave you garbage over alpine?

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Bob, sorry to hear you were so wronged by people in this state.

Anyway, Barry, I've been here for a while and its not all like what Bob is stating. Apparently he had a few bad experiences. Good to hear from you again, and welcome! OC has some of the best beaches in the area. You picked a good spot. :)

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Nekdut, you have to admit, West Resort of Mt. High DOES confirm all of the socal stereotypes.

Anyone who wants a self fulfilling prophecy with SoCal idiots should go to the West Resort..

Still hate people..regardless of what they are like.

That's why I'm going to be the scary guy with long hair and a receding hairline who is always sitting on the roof of his car spitting at little children.

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is your real name ......SAY tin ?

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didn't realize the question would spark so much debate....

i would characterize myself as a young professional and it seems like every dude out here has 3 piercings (I had one in college, but quickly outgrew that phase), tats everywhere, wears those trendy "affliction" t-shirts, and the ever-lame flat-billed ball cap off to the side- and has the fake mohawk (AKA faux-hawk) hair....That being said, I'm sure there are others like myself, who aren't trying so hard to be cool.

gdby, i may take you up on that offer - as soon as I ever get a free moment. i'd wana take a lesson, especially as i'm not a particularly strong swimmer (yes, i can swim, i just don't do it very often) - and my shoulder is still not 100%.

bob, is that you in your avatar?

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dude, socal blows. get out as fast as you can, seriously


last time I rode with bob some punk lil douche says " you guys ever consider getting a REAL snowboard ? "

now, just to explain.....the kid was the epitome of what we loathe about socal.

No , he was a local punk jibber loser but still......diff coast , same dickbreath.

Bob turns around, looks at the kid....." have YOU ever considered...growing some balls ? ...."

bob's got his metal Coiler and I'm holding my 176 EX and we're both pretty large humans ....esp to talk smack to :nono:

we just started cracking up and the kid felt about 2 feet tall........idiot.

what a great moment in hardbooting that was......:rolleyes:

I've spent enuf time over the years in socal to call it...the land of posers

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"You like doing tricks?"

"Nah, I just like going fast, I'm trying to get a hardboot setup"

"You just say that because you can't do tricks"

"Get out of the park if you're not using the features"

At that point, I was sitting ON DRY GROUND UNDER SOME TREES.

Then again, it's been 73 degrees for the past....couple thousand years. It's actually 55 and raining right now though. And there's a whining noise outside that sounds like a StarWars Tie Fighter...

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I've gotten the same attitude and worse at Killington, Mt Slow, and Stratton...and don't get me started about my one and only trip to Hunter...

From my experience, the (off-snow) population of California is much friendlier than the average east coaster... No reason to degrade an entire state based on a few punks.

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I've gotten the same attitude and worse at Killington, Mt Slow, and Stratton...and don't get me started about my one and only trip to Hunter...

From my experience, the (off-snow) population of California is much friendlier than the average east coaster... No reason to degrade an entire state based on a few punks.

Thank you Tex. It sounds like Bob and Willy are sterotyping an entire population based on a number of bad experiences that they had.

Punks and dumbasses are everywhere, its how we choose to deal with them that determines how they positively or negatively affect our attitudes and lives.

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Thank you Tex. It sounds like Bob and Willy are sterotyping an entire population based on a number of bad experiences that they had.

Punks and dumbasses are everywhere, its how we choose to deal with them that determines how they positively or negatively affect our attitudes and lives.

it's the high percentage of them that makes southern CA miserable.

this is pasted in from a blog and says it pretty well http://jamiedonohoe.blogspot.com/2005/07/why-southern-california-sucks.html

I've finally figured out what irks me about the people in Southern California and why after two days in Manhattan Beach I start to twitch. It's not the smog or the Hummers or the omni-tattoos around biceps and calves. It's not the materialism--we have that just as bad in Northern California--and it's not the classism and blandness of white-ism. It's not the fake boobs (hell, I've lined up dollar bills to get closer looks at those) or the traffic or the McMansions springing up.

It's the fact that this lady cut me off with her stroller and didn't say excuse me.

She didn't even hesitate; she just blasted on past me, almost excising my big (and my favorite) toe in the process. She didn't look up, she didn't give a furtive glance or look around sheepishly. Nor did any of the surrouding pedestrians have the slightest problem with what had happened. None of them had even noticed.

Trying to parallel park on Highland, I turned on my blinker as I slowed to a stop just past the open parking space. I prepared to back in only to be blocked from behind (from WAY behind) by a woman driving a SUV (which was cooler than mine except for the color) yapping on her cell phone next to her 15 year old daughter who was yapping away in the passenger seat on her own cell phone. She stopped right at my bumper. And then she realized that I was not going to move out of HER way, so she backed up--about one foot. She backed up another foot and continued to yap on the phone while backing up. I had choices here. I could have stood my ground and forced the lady to force the line of cars behind her to move. But I just sped off. Why? Because I'm from the land of Northern California where we are fair-minded and diverisfied and tolerant, where we recycle and read high-minded books. Okay, no, it's because I didn't want to flip out in front of my ten-year old boy and his best friend.

It's not like these are evil people. Or even Republicans. They just don't have empathy. They don't seem to be able to see that their actions are affecting other people. A person in So Cal will cut you off not because he's out to get you; he just doesn't have a clue that his actions may be affecting you in any way. After cutting you off, he may even look up from his Palm Pilot and wave at you and smile. In fact, if you're from, say, New York, and you travel to L.A. you may be overwhelmed by the number of smiling faces and "niceness" you'll find here. The women will smile at you, the metrasexual men will smile at you...especially if you are white, blond and at least somewhat female. That is, until they cut you off and run over your ****ing toe.

If you're from New York, you know that the person who cuts you off knows damn well what he did. In New York, drivers will speed up just so they can cut you off (and then scream "Get off the road!"). It's an open act of agression which I find sort of endearing. The New Yorker has empathy; he just chooses to ignore it. Or maybe it has to do with revenge. In Boston, my friend would wait at a red light, four cars back, his hand poised above his horn. The instant the light turned green he would lay on his horn, pushing it as if his full weight would force a louder blaring from it. He never tired of this game because he knew he was pissing people off. Now that's empathy!

I think if I had told off the lady in the car New York style, she would have been genuinely shocked. I don't think it would even have occurred to her that I was there in the first place. And if I had stopped the lady with the stroller and said "How about an excuse me?" I think I would have gotten a mumble, a dismissal. Why should my toe matter to her? At least my friend from Boston would have the decency to back up and run over my other one.

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I spent 20 years growing up in LA and 24 years in Santa Cruz. Life was pretty fun back then with fewer people.

In LA, it is ALL ABOUT the car that you drive and the clothes that you wear...even if you live in a dirty shabby apartment with 60 year old carpet. I can not believe how much more important a status car is...over buying a house.

I spent years hanging out at Santa Monica and Venice Beach, my friends rented a killer apartment that hung over on the Venice stand (boardwalk). We would ask all the pretty women walking up and down the strand, "where are you going? Wanna come up? That was fun :cool:

I always have fun hanging out in So Cal because I don't stay too long.


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