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BOL board out of the loop. Bordy out...


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Im just sitting here reading all this in a conferance room of biggies.. If they knew about this thread..

They would understand..that this is wayyy more important than is some future comercial plane will fly or not!!:eek:

Time for my metal Coiler golf clubs to come out.. !

What will next season bring.. so For me its 281 days till first chair.. Wuuwooooow! , thats a lot of missing golf balls..! and Wheelies..

Enough for me.. Im going to find another entertaining post....

Right said Shred:biggthump

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Bordy - did you know you can make a beer bong out of a skateboard slalom cone? You can. Try it - it's fun...more fun than internet forums. and when you are done you can use it as a slalom cone again...and thanks for the "heads up" on the Klug race stock FP 185 I've been racing (and winning) GS on the last three years...the glass ain't half empty brother, and it ain't half full either - it's freakin' overflowing! Ride on!

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When I post, I don't know what's in your personal board collection. So, if I tell you I dislike Burton boards (which I don't), it's meant as an opinion and not as a personal attack against your quiver. Same thing goes for my opinion on cars, women, stand-up comedians and fishing boats.

When you feel you're being dissed, just remember:

You're Good Enough, You're Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like You


Its really hard to remember that you are missing all the body language cues etc in a normal conversation. I personally believe that we all hear what we want to hear especially on the internet when we can't see the other guy laughing. I know that I have posted in jest while laughing my ass off and had some sensitive soul think I was ready to come through the monitor and choke them. :freak3:

We are all here for fun and info and the brotherhood of the carve. you will be missed bordy mostly because by leaving you take your view of the world with you and when average joe forms his impression of the BOL world your viewpoint will no longer be there to balance the asstrolls.

suck it up big dog YODA would never quit!

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For **** sake you have a whole catagory started just for you. Please come back and play. For those of you who havent experienced the Billy show, the guy will pretty much keep you peeing your pants all day. Now throw in Tille and end up with the Billy and Tille show and that is entertainment that you cant put a price on. Dont be a stranger Billy we all still love you.

Think Snow

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I'd like to see a JG style stomp out ! His wit and wisdom far surpass most here.

I'm as mad as hell and I'm not gonna take this anymore !!!!!

who's with me ?

are they yelling in Utah ?

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_qgVn-Op7Q&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_qgVn-Op7Q&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

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yeah, Bordy, we love you man!

as a whole you and only about 10 other people on this forum do I trueley trust what I need answer for something important.

there's bunch of propellerheads here but either ignore them or alternateley you can troll a little!

propellerheads ? please explain, not familiar with that term ........:rolleyes:

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnZiPhaBqF8&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnZiPhaBqF8&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

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No quite so fast my fur loving friend.

I had a great photo of the kung fu kitty looking like he was giving a two legged jump kick to a doberman-rotty mix right in the mouth with slobber flying etc.?

really funny looking.

anyone have this as I can't find the one i had stolen.

And to keep this on topic. I think the caught left the Kung fu kitties board due to others doubting his ability to kick doberman ass.

He was pussed. Pissed.

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After finally getting to meet the man, myth and legend, I truely hope you won't let some pinhead get you down. We are surrounded by these types in our daily lives, in buisness, in the media, and unfortunately also in the sport and in our forum. We can't kill them, but we can have a good laugh at the nonsense they spew. I think most of these novices just didn't get the home (or street) schooling the rest of us got, you know that little thing we call respect. Who knows if challenged and or corrected enough times, a few might respond to treatment. It worked for me when I was growing up, oh wait...still am.

Anyway dude, I expect to read you back at full force next season, even if if I have to go to HB.com. Hopefully where ever you say your piece, you don't hold back...it wouldn't be the same round here no more.


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I'd be willing to bet that despite the big pity party going on in this thread,there are more than a few who will probably remain silent and could care less.Every time a former world cupper or famous coach gets his feelings hurt on this site he runs away crying after accusing everyone else of being too sensitive. Let's not forget the standard recital of resumes to remind everyone of how we should all bow down to the derogatory statements and arrogant attitudes that so many high level industry insiders seem to bring with them.Last I looked,racing specific threads,although informative and important are a small part of the overall Recreational and Expression oriented carving scene.Carving as it seems to be promoted by most members on this site,is about Fun and Friends first,skill development to enhance the fun level second,upgrading equipment to further enhance the fun factor third;and somewhere down the line is one's former or current racing resume.

I have been as guilty as anyone of delivering unsolicited advice in my chosen sports and have taken it personally when it seemed my years of experience should be worthy of more respect,but how can we be surprised if people don't jump for joy at snobby,arrogant statements that do damage to self esteem,discourage participation and lessen the fun factor of being involved in such a great past time.With all it's varying levels of intensity,the acceptance level of advice and information has more to do with how the information is delivered than the resume of who delivered it.

I'm sure this reply won't win me any friends among the elite,and I fully expect to get flamed into oblivion,but I've got my box of kleenex right next to the computer just in case.

This reply is Solid!!!

This reply has won you friends.

This reply should be of value to our elite.

This reply is worth our attention and actions collectively

We are the last snow industry to be reinvented.

We are growing.

We are going to have some growing pains.

We are more capable of moving forward in style than many might think.

Be advised how an what we say and do here on BOL and on the slopes individaully can and will effect us all collectively.

Effects Carving on a whole.Effects how we are percieved by the public and the Industry that supports us.

Always keep in mind that Free Ride cultivates future Racers.Race Technology trickles back to Free Ride.

That technology make's a beginning Carvers expierience more pleasent and confident and injury free.

That beginner picks it up well and gains on lookers whom are willing to try it.Then Buy it.

That creates demand/product and Life style jobs that pay!!!

It is receprical relationship and one does not survive with out the other(Race/Free Ride) continuely advancing.

Moving Forward.

Carvers, SB,Tele,Ski are a pleasently whacky bunch.

Think your sane?? Sorry your Not!

Sane people Do not bend gravity to the point of G loads that can snap a femour into pickup sticks.

Sane people do not huck themselves into wieghtlessness at shameless high speeds on a razors edge.

Sane people do not obsess like we do.

Over and over we refine each turn.Manage intence pain,Tweak and re-tweak our brand new and old gear at great expence beyond just $$$

We are out there looking for our very own sweet spot.Leaving the world's presures and all of it's **** behind, Turn by Turn.

Need I remind all of you from a Beginner to a World Cupper we SB Carvers all share one quality that unites us.

The Quality of deriving Joy from a Challenge with out shying away.

Bordy,Thank you for time here.

Perhaps a time out will remind you that your chosen Challenge (BOL Work) brought you more Joy than disapointment.




Thanx for keep'en it light.That is a great Pic

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I wish you would run over to Deer Valley for a couple afternoon teas with

Stein Erickson...ex-racer,ski instructor, ski shop owner, real estate tycoon

all around Ski God and don't forget to take your boards...oh wait a minute!

Stein does not allow snowboards!

How is one part of the sauce ? when not in the pot?:eek::1luvu:

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