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not sure if this is a hoax


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you say heads will roll but will they really?

at the beginning of this war the marines got caught basically playing viking doing the whole rape and pillage thing and nothing happened to that first bunch as I read about it two years after the fact.

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you say heads will roll but will they really?

at the beginning of this war the marines got caught basically playing viking doing the whole rape and pillage thing and nothing happened to that first bunch as I read about it two years after the fact.

The case you reference Bob was Investigated and Tried and they were all found innocent. The most compelling evidence against them was El Jazeera TV reports and these were later found to be unfounded propaganda. There wasn't any real evidence to support that it happened let alone that the men on trial were involved. there was lots of evidence pointing toward a determined propaganda effort on the part of the muslim television network el jazeera.

that said war changes people and many are forever changed. This clip is horrific and they should be punished if its found to be real and they can be identified. lets not forget the whole innocent until proven guilty thing though!

interesting that we are more outraged over a puppy than a marine being beheaded on television?:freak3:

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Doc, you know I luv ya but as a human you choose to be a Marine and know going in you may die ( not that it did'nt piss me off to see that ) but a puppy did not choose to be tossed off a cliff. change the puppy to a humane baby, how would you feel then? instant death is not the same as suffering after being tossed off a cliff and maybe laying in pain unable to move and starving to death.

to hell with those two!!!!!!! I hope they get wounded over there and feel what that little helpless puppy felt!

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I don't condone the abuse of an animal. I'm a massive animal lover/junkie.

With that being said there could be a bunch of information here that we don't know about. Who knows maybe this guy WANTS to be article 15'd so he can get the hell out of a war zone? Again I'm not saying that justifies this guy's actions. Also there's still no proof this is even legit. I'm thinking it isn't because I don't see what good could come from this besides a one way ticket out of the military.

Helmut: You cannot compare an infant with a dog. Sorry if it hurts your feelings but dogs/animals will never be on the same level as humans...unless Hillary gets elected? Ok I couldn't resist that last part... ;) Sorry I wish no physical harm on this guy because he could be the one that kills the terrorist that flys the next plane into your living room. The guy is obviously f'd up in the head but I bet he's a hardcore troop. I say I wish no harm on him but I do hope he is kicked out of the military and maybe thrown in the brig for a bit. That would affect his life greater than any physical harm you could do to him anyways aside from actually off'ing the guy.

There's a lot more f'd up $hit going on in this world that's far worse than a US soldier chucking a puppy off a cliff. As a matter of fact the US just fired some missles into Somalia a few days ago at "known terrorist locations" that killed a couple women and children, but yet there's no thread here on BOL about it. Actually it probably got pushed off the CNN homepage within a matter of minutes.

I think there's enough anti-US fuel out there without us helping? I know you guys are more concerned with this specific guys actions, but a good portion of us are more concerned with the image of the US military and how this guy is tainting said image. That's what the courtmartial would be about anyways-not the poor puppy.

Flame on... :flamethro

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From wikipedia on a family guy episode

"At the end of the episode, however, Death does not enjoy his date with Amy, as she harps on about animal rights. He then discreetly kills her."

I wish I could find that video clip...

Death- "What are you talking about? Animals fight all the time!"

Amy- "You can't hug people with nuclear arms..."

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There's a lot more f'd up $hit going on in this world that's far worse than a US soldier chucking a puppy off a cliff. As a matter of fact the US just fired some missles into Somalia a few days ago at "known terrorist locations" that killed a couple women and children, but yet there's no thread here on BOL about it. Actually it probably got pushed off the CNN homepage within a matter of minutes.

You're absolutely right, and there is never any excuse for harming the defenceless - be they puppies, infants, the elderly or Muslim civilians. It's morally wrong to take things out on those that can't fight back, and that's what riles me up about this video, and every story I read about animal and child abuse, and BS behaviour by occupying troops. Everyone gets all anti about terrorists - but as far as they're concerned, they're only fighting back, and who's to say they're wrong?

Karma would be that this guy is mauled to death by a Tibetan mastiff.

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I don't care how "hardcore" of a solider he is. I don't care how many supposed terrorists he kills. If he wants out of the war, perhaps he needs to shove that AR up his a$$ and pull the trigger.

He'll start with puppies, next thing he's tossing children off cliffs.

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yeah i dunno, it doesn't look right... probably not real. it is sick, but there are as someone else said, sicker things out there that people find "funny" "amusing", etc... there are people out there who watch those f-ed up faces of death movies so on a scale of horrifying this is pretty low...

that being said, if it's real then he's a disgrace to the Marine Corps and his fellow Marines should beat the hell out of him for acting like a douche.

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i'm certainly not justifying it by any means. what is your exact worry? that these 2 guys are wacked out of their minds? that they abuse puppies? i'm trying to figure out what is worrying you. cause if you want to worry about things add this to the list of things in the world to worry about... ya know? michael vick tortured dogs and is being punished...

there are incidences going on in Burma that are horrible and no one is being really punished. I guess what i am saying is bad things happen and of course we don't like them but worrying doesn't affect anything. write a letter to the Marines, your Congressman, etc... ya know? :)

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That is, unfortunately, the act of a terrorist.

I could imagine this being done in front of the dogs owner, who may then feel as though they might be next. Anyone care to guess that emotional state?

We cling to the slim hope that this act may have been faked to reassure ourselves that a good number of our representatives haven't "lost it" completely.

This should be the real fear gnawing at all of our guts. These children have been entrusted with projecting the ideas of freedom to live without fear and the right to live in peace. An idea most young people cannot idealize in a normal society. All it takes "back home" is a little booze and all normalcy goes out the window.

A full blown war zone? What chance do their underdeveloped emotions have?

Fear this man when he returns home as an adult who has found joy through killing.

I want to be sick now.

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D, yeah they may have been but when I read about them nothing had been done in the way the even commenting if there was a ongoing investgation.

Still, the contractors do all sorts of nasty stuff and most of those were even investigated nevermind prosecuted until pretty recently. Even when they found guilty they get fired and sent home, not, you know, hung, like is the law of the land there because we've made the contractor's employees basically immune. That reflects on us BTW, iraqis I am sure don't care if it was the USMC or their hired goons when someone guns down their 12 year old or rapes her as long as they know who they were ultimately working for.

the fact is these things do happen but the armed forces should be very agresive dealing with these issues instead of trying to cover them up. (happens all the time, do your homework)

The dog thing is ****ed if it's the real deal but it's just the surface. The US has to make a stand and lock people up for a long time for making us look bad on the world stage. We ousted a country's dictator but also occupy a country and in effect have replace one dictatorship with another. A country that the people of it won't be happy unless they feel it's sovereign and not a puppet for us.

There is no place for our armed forces being such asshats, in a volunteer military in particular. We already are hated in there very region of the world where our energy comes from.

BTW on the somalia missiles, I'll comment on them when we find out if it was a aspirin factory, a baby formula factory or a hospital :D

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The US has to make a stand and lock people up for a long time for making us look bad on the world stage.

you mean we can lock up carrot top for being unfunny?!?!?! YES!

We ousted a country's dictator but also occupy a country and in effect have replace one dictatorship with another. A country that the people of it won't be happy unless they feel it's sovereign and not a puppet for us.

Um not really... They are there for stability purposes not as a dictatorship. I don't think we should have gone in there but the fact is, we did and now we have to clean up the mess. Hopefully they will set up their own **** and we can get the hell out of there. ( recall how the US was in Japan after WWII... do we "dictate" what Japan does right now? nope... though we still have bases there which is weird... but whatever)

There is no place for our armed forces being such asshats, in a volunteer military in particular. We already are hated in there very region of the world where our energy comes from.

yeah some people in the military are idiots. some people in the government are idiots... you think that other countries don't have similar morons? we are hated not only there but other regions, maybe we should just divide the country into halves and one half will do whatever the world wants us to? Now you're talking about the government anyway and not the military... who are controlled by said government. we wouldn't have our troops there if the majority in congress and senate didn't vote yea on sending them there.

ok off mah pulpit. LOL

btw bob, no personal offense meant to you, just making counter points.

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