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and pigs wonder why kids don't like them and adults lie to them. Another example of a cop picking on someone whom has percieved limited rights as a minor in the eyes of law enforcement.

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"suspended with pay"

ooo, woe be him, paid vacation and a little scolding by the chief of police

people with badges are entirely too overzealous with what power they have

ive been stopped for carving in a parking garage, where there were no signs stating no skateboarding, and the security gaurd just about **** a brick when he saw two 6'0" teens with longboards rolling right up to him. but the rent-a-cop made us full aware that HE HAD A RADIO, and that there WERE SIGNS, apparently imaginary signs because we checked on the way out.

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WTF he is such a tool.

I'm glad people have cameras and stuff now.

I think I saw this over the summer or something from another website I belong to.

Good to see it has come to light and the a-hole meathead cop got a smack down. Chances are his "mentality" has been manifested a hundred times before.

Cameras rock.

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At the end there, it sounded like he was saying "if I find myself on YouTube..." bwahahaha! Even if this guy gets kicked of the force, which he should and probably wont, he'll just end up in another PD:angryfire. I live in a small logging town of about 2200. 5 cops were kicked of the force for brutality spread over about a dozen incidents. All at once, about 1/3 of the total patrolmen. Within 6 months they all had jobs with other small town PD's within a 80 mile radius of my town. Nice :smashfrea

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Not justifying his behavior in any way as he has proven himself to be an ass in this instance, but do any of you have any idea what most police officers actually deal with? Just curious. Lets hear it.:):lurk:

yes, in fact I do. growing up I spent allot of time with cops, a cop was the first person who told me to never trust cops.

Let me explain a little, my mom used to run a rather large pay detail so we had allot of worcester cops at our house and so on as the majority of my mom's friends were police for about a decade.

Police departments are probably the most corrupt of any arm of local government that I can think of.

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I just know that the video speaks for itself. You don't have to be a scientist to know that the alleged adult in the video is out of control. The fact that HE HIMSELF points out that his badge has been disrespected by being called a 'dude' doesn't give him license to act in an unlawful manner. Unlawful means it's against the law to violate the civil rights of citizens. It's the first thing that cops get taught in the academy. It's why cities (aka corporations) have a bazillion dollars in liability insurance to cover their rear ends from lawsuit stemming from rogue warriors like our hero here.

I think our hero yet has a great career coming with Haliburton or Blackwater Security.


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yes, in fact I do. growing up I spent allot of time with cops, a cop was the first person who told me to never trust cops.

Let me explain a little, my mom used to run a rather large pay detail so we had allot of worcester cops at our house and so on as the majority of my mom's friends were police for about a decade.

Police departments are probably the most corrupt of any arm of local government that I can think of.

those skater gangbangers were obviously a menace to society, it starts with a skateboard and ends up with an AK.

Gang activity is not new to the Baltimore region.


not fiction

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoxrdMukQu0&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoxrdMukQu0&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Tropa de Elite


<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iISAiUwY9eM&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iISAiUwY9eM&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>


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I mean really, I dont believe skating is a crime and have been chased off an empty parking lot at dusk (at 40 no less, do I look like a vandal or miscreant? By myself on a longboard and not even riding rails?) :D

I've had that experience! I love that a longboard instantly turns a 33-year-old office worker into a <b>Menace To Society</a>.

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Guest JohnBauer

Let me explain a little, my mom used to run a rather large pay detail so we had allot of worcester cops at our house and so on as the majority of my mom's friends were police for about a decade.

Police departments are probably the most corrupt of any arm of local government that I can think of.

Is that a euphemism for "brothel"?

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I just know that the video speaks for itself. You don't have to be a scientist to know that the alleged adult in the video is out of control. The fact that HE HIMSELF points out that his badge has been disrespected by being called a 'dude' doesn't give him license to act in an unlawful manner. Unlawful means it's against the law to violate the civil rights of citizens. It's the first thing that cops get taught in the academy. It's why cities (aka corporations) have a bazillion dollars in liability insurance to cover their rear ends from lawsuit stemming from rogue warriors like our hero here.

I think our hero yet has a great career coming with Haliburton or Blackwater Security.


unlikely that either company would have him, I know

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...I knew a cop who was shot by a teenager in the face and balls and fatally wounded. This cop knew the juvenile who shot him and had tried to help him in the past. He knew the juvi was a risk, saw him at night in a bad spot and decided to make contact. Next thing you know, widow and orphan....

I wonder if the cop in your story 'knew' the at risk juvi that same way the krispykremecalenderboy knows the juvi in this vid????

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I know some great cops, one of which is actually a mentor of mine who helped me through a rough spot in life.

This guy was out of line in my opinion. He grabbed the kid, talked about his parents' parenting, blah blah for skateboarding in a forbidden area? He coulda just kicked them off and told them to go home.

Maybe his wife kicked him out that morning or something and he needed to let out his insecurities.

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Can't stand 'em.

On the way back from Sunday River yesterday on rt 26, traffic was plodding along at the speed limit or maybe +5 downhill. I like to go 8-10 over because it saves time and effectively it's perfectly legal (no ticket). So we come to an uphill section and there's a passing lane. Everyone in the parade pulls over into the slow lane, so I take the fast lane. I get up to the SUV at the head of the pack and he won't pull over. So I flash him the beams and he still won't pull over. So I go to pass in the right lane and he speeds up to 75mph. I floor it and complete the pass. The SUV had volunteer firefighter plates on, and after I passed he quickly flashed his red dashboard-mounted strobes, just to try to freak me out a little. Then, in typical fashion, he tailgated me for a few miles.

What the hell is the matter with these people?

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Can't stand 'em.

On the way back from Sunday River yesterday on rt 26, traffic was plodding along at the speed limit or maybe +5 downhill. I like to go 8-10 over because it saves time and effectively it's perfectly legal (no ticket). So we come to an uphill section and there's a passing lane. Everyone in the parade pulls over into the slow lane, so I take the fast lane. I get up to the SUV at the head of the pack and he won't pull over. So I flash him the beams and he still won't pull over. So I go to pass in the right lane and he speeds up to 75mph. I floor it and complete the pass. The SUV had volunteer firefighter plates on, and after I passed he quickly flashed his red dashboard-mounted strobes, just to try to freak me out a little. Then, in typical fashion, he tailgated me for a few miles.

What the hell is the matter with these people?

did he have NY plates ???

Jack the Hoodlum !:biggthump

Hey Sal ! Fuggetabout it !


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Can't stand 'em.

On the way back from Sunday River yesterday on rt 26, traffic was plodding along at the speed limit or maybe +5 downhill. I like to go 8-10 over because it saves time and effectively it's perfectly legal (no ticket). So we come to an uphill section and there's a passing lane. Everyone in the parade pulls over into the slow lane, so I take the fast lane. I get up to the SUV at the head of the pack and he won't pull over. So I flash him the beams and he still won't pull over. So I go to pass in the right lane and he speeds up to 75mph. I floor it and complete the pass. The SUV had volunteer firefighter plates on, and after I passed he quickly flashed his red dashboard-mounted strobes, just to try to freak me out a little. Then, in typical fashion, he tailgated me for a few miles.

What the hell is the matter with these people?

Jack, it seems to be there are people out there who see it as their public responsibility to 'enforce' traffic laws when there are no cops around. They get some kind of sick satisfaction out of causing their fellow travelers discomfort. Maybe it's a 'I'm first in line here' thinking this puke was experiencing. What's funny is that he assuredly saw himself as being in the right. I hope that attitude doesn't spill over into his job. You can be so right that you can be dead right.

He must've also had some kind of envy for being a cop and pulling people over by flashing his lights.


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So are you implying that if a cop treats you poorly its ok to kill them? Such as Steve at one time may have yelled at this kid, dissed him in front of his friends and so it was justified to kill a cop? No matter how imperfect they are? lemme know

... so it was justified to kill a cop?

who the f would think that? Art? :flamethro

I think it's kind of dumb to even act as though you could have 'miss-understood' what I posted as meaning such.

perhaps you simply failed to see that unjustified senseless BS like what 'officer' salvitore rivieri was doing not only 'breeding' resentment for police and authority figures in general, but also can go along way towards pushing a young skull full of much into an act of 'revenge'.

btw, Who else here is willing to bet that rivieri was an idiotic loose-canon on more occassions then those two times he was caught on tape?

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Not justifying his behavior in any way as he has proven himself to be an ass in this instance

Ok Art...seems like I agree with you but the you say this....

But really, come on, the kid should have kept his mouth shut and walked away. If it was my kid, I would have finished what the cop started.

Make up your mind dude!:smashfrea

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So you never knew any good cops? On a day to day basis do you deal with them on the street? Do you deal with the people they deal with over and over and over? Maybe its a west coast east coast or maybe just northwest. I know some real tools for cops, but honestly, they are just like any other segment of the population, (preachers? doctors? Gasp! firefighters? social workers? mechanics? Senators? the list goes on and on) who have their share of bad apples and imperfect personalities, and of course they are held to a higher standard. I talked to our police chief the other night and he was telling me about some of the lateral hires that he wont accept because of their attitudes. But really, come on, the kid should have kept his mouth shut and walked away. If it was my kid, I would have finished what the cop started. Wooster cops? Dunno, I guess I cant speak to that. do we really know this guy on the video? Do you have all of the information regarding his record, any programs he runs with the public? Did you talk to his neighbors to find out what a mensch he is? i am assuming his department is following their steps for discipline and another error will cost him more. I guess its easy to jump to the usual conclusions without the whole story, but the rule I live by is to leave the station thinking Im on tape all the time, and if I get pissed, Ill just take it out on the bicycle later. But god forbid we have the ability to tell people what they need to hear.

the point is power corrupts! Cops are more prone to it because your average cubicle dweller doesn't have much:freak3: I didn't see a whole lot of innocent until proven guilty in this case. I am a 35 yr old doctor and yet somehow picking up a board with wheels on it makes me suspicious?!? come on , You gotta know the job is better served without stereotypes. I understand you gotta watch your back but a 14 yr old kid in broad daylight? call a swat team

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OK, I'm not going to say all cops are pricks, I think there are probably plenty of good ones who are just trying to do their job to the best of their ability. We might not know the whole story, but based on what we can see in that vid, that is one of the cops who falls in to the "Major" prick category.

So here's my funny cop story (and it's even related to snowboarding...):

Quite a few years ago, I had spent the day at Brighton, in Utah. I had spent a couple of hours in the morning teaching my brother-in-law to ride; then ridden later in the afternoon with my wife. Due to the fact that I was teaching my bro-in-law, I had a free-ride board with softies for myself to teach on, one of my old softy boards for him to ride, and I had also brought along at least one alpine setup.

After the day is over, and I'm heading home with at least 3 snowboards on the top of my car, along with my wife's skis. As you head out of the parking lot at Brighton, there is a maintenance shed. As I pass by the shed, there's a guy standing there, basically staring at me as I drive by. I think that it's kind of weird, but oh-well....

As I get to the bottom of the canyon, almost ready go get on the freeway, there's flashing lights in the rear-view. I look at the speedometer, and that's not the issue, so I wonder what's up, and pull over.

Mr, copper comes up walking up, and I don't think he even asked for my registration. Basically here's how the conversation goes:

Cop: Are these all your snowboards?

Me: Yes.

Cop: Why do you have so many?

Me: I explain to him about my brother-in-law, and my weird fascination with riding race / carving boards, thus the reason for having so many boards.

Cop: There have been a bunch of boards stolen up the canyon today. Do you have receipts for all of these boards?

Me: (Thinking: OK, now I know why that guy was staring at me leaving the parking lot... And who carries around receipts for their ski/snowboard gear to "prove" that they own it???) I proceed to tell him that these definitely aren't the boards they are looking for, and that most of them are more than 3 years old, and not too many people would rip off boards that old.

Cop proceeds to make me take all the boards out of the racks so he can check them out, look at serial numbers, blah, blah, blah, and he's a prick about it, cause he thinks he's busted a snowboard thief.

The wife and I sit in the car for who knows how long, and eventually, the cop comes back up, apologizing profusely, and telling me he's sorry, and that I'm not their thief.

It was kind of hard to be happy that he was doing his job, when he was such a prick at the beginning of our encounter.

Moral of the story: Make sure you carry receipts with you for EVERYTHING you buy, so that you can prove true ownership at any given time. (Ala' George from Seinfeld, with his giant wallet full of receipts.)

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Not justifying his behavior in any way as he has proven himself to be an ass in this instance, but do any of you have any idea what most police officers actually deal with? Just curious. Lets hear it.:):lurk:

Actually I know 3 cops on 3 different forces and the 2 suburban cops pretty much hang out at the local quicky mart drinking coffee and on the weekends bust whoever they can for drinking and driving, bonus if they are underage, and are pretty much the same jerks they were in highschool. The 3rd, who was a skater in highschool, is a squad leader on SWAT busting down crackhouses. Addreniline, what can you do. Now him I respect, same with armed forces and fireman. Unfortunately I along with many in here have been harrassed way too much by some bitter jerk with a buzz cut because his football career or wrestling career never paid off.

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