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Squirrel Killa


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$trider witnessed this, as did a bunch of people on the hill at the time.

On Sunday, I was racing NASTAR. The course was set on the left side of a fairly wide (for the midwest) run.

About halfway down the course, I saw a dark streak out of the corner of my eye. I wasn't quite sure what it was.

About two gates ahead, I saw for sure that it was a squirrel streaking across the hill at top speed, headed right in front of me. He just kept coming.

Just before the gate, I stood up so my board was flat, instead of turning around the gate.

I went right over the little ****er, with the flat of my board. Had I not stood up, I could have sliced his head clean off.

I saw him keep running after I went over him. As far as I know, he was fine.

I think probably I'll go the rest of my life without that ever happening again. Anyone else ever had this experience!?

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Good save on the squirrel :)

Similar thing happened to my wife a few years ago at Buttermilk -- right after the half-pipey section in the middle 1/3 of the front. She wasn't able to change her turn though, and left a bloody streak behind -- seems like the squirrel lived, she didn't cut it in half...

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never done it on the snow, but the mountain bike and dirt bike have had multiple squirrell and rabbit run ins. didn't look back to see how many resulted in death, I don't believe very many.

Just think if you would have left a body on the course you may have had an advantage over everyone that would run after you. I am not sure which wax to use on fur or blood

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During the Speed Trap event at Marquette Mountain's Spring Carnival a few seasons ago, a friend of mine pretty much sliced a Field Mouse in half... He claims he never saw it... We all knew from the blood trail coming off the ski however that something wasn't right... A few of us hiked up to find the poor fella, just off to the left of the track, sliced in 2....

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