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New BOL Classifieds Guidelines.


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"If you're an unknown here, you can't expect someone to send you money blindly and hope you're not a crook, with no potential recourse."

Similarly, you can't expect someone to blindly send you equipment and hope you're not a crook, with no potential recourse.

I agree completely. But someone has to "go first" and take the risk. I think that should be whoever can offer less objective assurance of honesty. For example, right after I joined BOL, I bought my boots from another member. To make sure it wasn't someone who would rip me off, I looked at his other posts and people's responses to him. He was/is an active member, and I could tell he was well respected. And he'd sold stuff to people here before. But he had no way of knowing I was legit--so I sent the money. The boots arrived just as promised; everybody's happy. He had every right to expect me to send the money first because I was an unknown, but I had some kind of indication of his integrity.

But then there are people who come on to BOL and post things for sale--and you realize that not only have they never sold or bought anything here, but they've hardly even posted anything. No one knows them from Adam. There are times I've been tempted by the gear, but what would stop such a person from just keeping the money and not sending the gear (or offering gear for sale they don't have)? Or not being honest in their description?

I will say this: I've so far had a LOT better luck buying stuff on BOL than on eBay.:)

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... I have purchased in the past have been bought by sending money to the seller with no problems at all. What has happened?
I don't know if anything happened. I too simply sent my money and/or equipment blindly without any problem. Maybe I'm just a bit naive?
... No one knows them from Adam. ...)
I don't know Adam either... is he a member here?
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I say we keep links to eBay sales out of the Classifieds.
Second that. Maybe something like:

-People can find carving gear on ebay through raceboarders.com's link, no need to post it here, unless it's yours.

I agree as well. I would even go as far as saying no Craigslist links as well. The problem though is enforcing it. People still don't read the rules and post new gear all the time.

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While we are on this topic.

A new member was looking for boots in early December. I had some that were slightly too big for me ( older megaflex in great shape). I only needed to get $50 for them and he agreed. Shipping was $17 with a $5 drop fee.

I send the boots, he sends check. Gets boots, complains about rip in liner. I use custom liners so I never looked that closely at the liners. I hold his check pending return of boots or finding liners. He says shells are definitely the right size.

I find him a bomber in Co who may have liners at low or no cost. He never contacts them ( says he did, but they say no ), also find links in Bomber store for new liners for $50. the lower level intuition. I am thinking to myself a $100 with $23 for shipping is a pretty good deal for some sweet old Megas with new liners.

He says that buying new liners defeats the purpose of buying used and blah, blah blah. I deposit his check thinking I have done all I could to facillitate this sell. Check bounces. I contact buyer, he still claims dissatisfaction with the transaction, but will check with bank.

That was two weeks ago and he hasn't contacted me since. So I am out cash $23, $7 returnded check fee and boots that I had $25 or $30 into.

Should I trash this guy or .........

Feedback would be appreciated, I have been here awhile and don't enjoy the prospect of bad juju in the carving world.


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Tex, I agree with you on eBay sales.

Carevedog, sorry to hear about that. Unless the rip was so huge as to make the liners unusable, that guy was definitely in the wrong. ($50 for boots is a super deal!) I don't think anyone who is new here should expect a seller to accept a personal check without waiting for it to clear before they send the goods.

I think folks would like to know who this person is, lest they end up in a similar situation. However, I posted a warning about an eBay seller yesterday, and it was removed. Not sure why. It's not libel (or slander) if you can prove that it's true.

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The money is not as important as the fact that I bent over backwards to accomodate the guy.

Of all the things that I have been ripped off for, $50 or $70 is not going to make or break.

Attached is a pic of liner damage he sent. I honestly didn't know it was bad so I am treading lightly. Hope you don't mind the threadjack TT. If so I can make a new thread. Seems related if only by timing if nothing else.

I did send a last chance email early this am.

The thing is if the rip in liner is a deal breaker, where are the boots? Sent them out Dec. 10th. I am just looking to be fair, but will warn others if it is appropriate.

THX for the feedback guys.


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Three things that make me side with you on this:

1. The rip will not affect usability of the boots, I don't think.

2. It's completely understandable that you would not have seen the rip (unlike in my case, where there was a sidewall repair to the board, which the seller claims he never noticed despite buying it new and riding it for two seasons). Once a person has molded their liners, would they ever have a reason to remove them again?

3. He got a super deal on the boots. When one is paying $50 for a used pair of footwear, and there turns out to be a cosmetic defect the seller didn't notice, I think one should be understanding.

I can understand how he might feel like he was hit with an unpleasant surprise, but then I think he should've given you a chance to explain. Conscious omission I would be pi$$ed at, but as I said, I can see how it'd be hard to know about this tear. His reaction I think would be appropriate in the case of someone truly cheating him, but if the intent was obviously not to do so, then his canceling his check was rash and unfair.

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