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Eric and Mt. Peter

sic t 2

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Hey sict - I was there today. How about those conditions huh? REEAAALy nice snow. I only had time for a few runs but it was worth it. Every time I go there they have better snow & grooming than Mtn Creek.

I saw someone's tracks there - I'll assume they were yours. Nice lookin turns. I thought they may have been yours as I don't see many nice round carves there very often.

I usually have music blasting in my ears while I ride so if you said my name and I didn'y hear you - that's why.

Hope you're doing well.

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Yup, those were my tracks on my Burton Balance & softies. I go to Mt. Peter a lot now. I find it so much better than MC and its so close to home (2 miles). Usually just there in the morning for 2 hours then I split for work. Bluebird days only... like today.

It was a post of yours (last year) that turned me onto Mt. Peter. I learned there but going back, as per your advice, was a very pleasant surprise.

Mostly I dive the trail you were doing and then do my 360's next to the lift. That was all those turns you saw. I get a solid 270 degrees in a deep carve and then I have to go almost flat board, but still carving, to complete it and pull up to the lift. Its fun ripping that place up. Its SOOOO pretty with the A+ grooming and all and the I come and wreck it. I have never seen someone else "wreck the joint" until you hit it today. I stand humbled. You ride like a god. lol

I'll post here when I plan to go again. Possible friday morning, but that may be a hunter day too. we'll see.


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Well Sict2,

I saw EricJ at MC the other day. I yelled down from the lift but I think he was probably to deep into listening to his music or possibly the sound of his board as it carved a trench through the snow. In any case I haven't rode with either you guys all season. Please post if you make a trip up to the Hunter, Windham, Bellayre area. If by chance you decide to buckle under and come to Mountain Creek let me know and we'll ride. I would be willing to make a trip to Mount Peter if I know for sure one of you will be riding. Let me know.

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Actually I just got back from Hunter a few minutes ago (fri the 25th). Bluebird day but guns were on and it was windy. Reasonably good carving conditions. Moguls on Claire's got good later in the day.

I'm really into getting my 360's down. Hunter had a great spot for them. Lift line is perpendicular to lift cables. You just bomb straight into their intersectin (with wide scared eyes peering from the line) and I belt out a ripping 360 afte every run. I get a solid ripping carve for 300 degrees now and then a clean flat board carve to complete it. I get so close now to pulling that carving "3" its eating me up ! Its going to happen. My carving is excellent this year. (same burton balance and softies !! )

I'll be at Shawnee all day tomorrow morning with my brother and other family. Probably again on Sunday.

Soon I will have lots of time to board. In mid February I will be taking a off work until September. Just to have fun, snowboard and ride my motocross bike. We'll get it together b4 then though. I'll post!

Later wild man!


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