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Least crowded resort or resort area?


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Even with very few people there today, one of our own got clocked but good!! Should have seen the other guy! Face down, out cold, bloodied, took a while before he remembered who or where he was. Not good, be careful folks!!

I got hit hard from behind once and there were a total of 4 people on the run.

Two were stationary, I was the third ( going around them) and the fourth was a snowboarder straightlining. I was out cold for five min., got carried off the hill, spent a week in bed and then 6 months of whiplash. Moral of the story ---- happens. Always watch your back!!

I'm with those who don't like crowded slopes.I am amazed at those who carve through crowded slopes Not of their skills but of the chances they take.

I still ride and ride aggressively, but when the crowds show up I usually switch over to skiing and hit the bumps. I worry more about hitting someone than I worry about being hit. Sure wouldn't want to hurt anyone.

T-Ride is not crowded 80% oft he time.

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Smacked from behind on a heelside coming down from Cascade. Saw a 50-year old skiier fly over me, take a few tumbles, and not move for awhile. Scared the hell out of me. Got him to the med center and he seems ok, though- maybe a shoulder problem, and definitely a black eye, but nothing major.

Damn! Glad that you're OK, sounds pretty scary. Did the skier have anything to say for himself?

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We did have a good time carving this past Sunday morning and I look forward to being able to get back out down a Snowshoe next month! :biggthump

Oh... and I'm not sure if I shared my pretty pictures from the accident... lol...I still have some numbness in my face and have some corrective surgeries to look forward to later this year.. They're talking about having to take the hardware they installed back out, but my fingers are crossed that they *won't* have to since it took them 15 hrs for them to install it and bone tissue has likely healed over all the plates and screws <sigh>.

Here's the before:


and the after:

(you'll only want to click on this link if you have a broadband connection.... I haven't gotten around to resizing the image... its about 1.1MB.... sorry:()


and the lingering issues:


Thanks again for all the good karma you guys sent my way!

Oh... and get this... I had a motorcycle accident last summer... a truck with no brake lights slammed on his brakes to avoid hitting a young driver who decided at the last minute that she needed to make a left turn *right now*.... I got to work on my stoppie skills and had I not clipped Scott (yea... I was likely following too closely), I might of pulled it off. Alas.. I ended up dismounting my Duc748 by flying over the handlebars and doing a not so graceful forward roll... yep... I landed head first *again*. No worries though... just fractured my C6/7 vertebrae!

Imagine you are superman and are lookin' down my throat:)


I'm looking forward to having a fun summer with no negative excitement this year! :biggthump

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Good point! Snowshoe is definitely the only place in the Mid-Atlantic that comes close to comparing with New England resorts...and as a matter of fact, we're headed down there next weekend.


Hey Scott, I'm in the midst of planning a 'day-trip' to Snowshoe this Sunday, Jan 27th.

Maybe we can get a few runs in?

Marty AKA Petrol

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queequeg, let us all know when you are coming out. OES is early March. It is going to be a great time at Bachelor.

I've been thinking about giving OES a shot. Trick is, all my old friends are in Portland and I would want to visit them too, so Hood would be more convenient than Bachelor ... but I haven't been to Bachelor in a really long time and from my recollection, it's an awesome mountain for carving ... I will definitely give a shout out. I should be all healed up by then for sure.

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I've been thinking about giving OES a shot. Trick is, all my old friends are in Portland and I would want to visit them too, so Hood would be more convenient than Bachelor ... but I haven't been to Bachelor in a really long time and from my recollection, it's an awesome mountain for carving ... I will definitely give a shout out. I should be all healed up by then for sure.

Just do it!

Bachelor is a great place to get your chops back

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Excuse me Dr.!::confused:

Would you have said those words, condescending or not?:boxing_sm

Now house training is condescending.:AR15firin




I was definitely thinking along those lines. New guy stomping around the board peeing on all the bushes etc. a little much in my book. that said I think I am gonna like him!

house training condescending?yeah I know:( couldn't resist though! sort of an under handed note that we all go over the top now and again. No harm meant!

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House training!!!.. luv it. Calling someone a moron:eek:William knew what he was talking about,but like Dr D said he was peeing on a few bushes and well he kind of got his nose slapped and rubbed into it lol.

Hope he's not the sensitive type and shuns the forum because i think he has the potential to help quite a few people improve.

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I was watching this vid on Youtube when I saw this guy snowboarding wearing what looked like a tie and white shirt. Then I'm like, hold up, I've seen that dude on BomberOnline!!! Then I see Bryan, I doubt it's a coinsidence. When and where did you guys do this vid? Any of the other guys members in here? Sweet vid, I hope to make one of my own soon.:biggthump

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I completely understand Scott's gripe. Whitetail is the resort I had my pretty bad collission last year (out all season, taken out from behind as I made a wide turn). People ride like they drive around here - with little regard for their own or others safety. Half the time only a few blues are opened (no blacks) so you have a disproportiante number of riders on the blues during the weekend. It is simply dangerous making a wide turn, especially how Scott likes to ride.

The options you have are go during the weekday (may do this tomorrw) or hit Roundtop- it's a lot "less corporate" and a lot less crowded. Even 'Liberty is less busy. Or try 7S, which is supposed to be the best day trip from the DC area.

And I agree with others, WilliamBlake, your response was unecessary. I've ridden with Scott and Holly a few times and they are both very friendly people. If he doesn't wanna ride like you think he should, that's his choice.

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I was watching this vid on Youtube when I saw this guy snowboarding wearing what looked like a tie and white shirt. Then I'm like, hold up, I've seen that dude on BomberOnline!!! Then I see Bryan, I doubt it's a coinsidence. When and where did you guys do this vid? Any of the other guys members in here? Sweet vid, I hope to make one of my own soon.:biggthump

Photodad2001. Are you referring to the "FINELINECLUB" videos? I do not see a link and the quote only has my name in it?

FINELINECLUB on U-Tube compliments my website www.finelineclub.com

And YES, I am still wearing my scrubby old Burton "Bio-Lite" jacket that I bought used from another collector for 50$ years ago. While dozens of newer much cooler jackets hang in the closet. Reminds me. Time to wash some some of the grunge off it :)

Just a guess , was it the Mt Rose Extreme Video? If so, yes, I know James is a member and I believe Rob is also. Just doesn't post much. It was them showing me around Mt Rose a couple years ago. Thanks for noticing.


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This is a video posted on the Videos forum. There's a person skiing from a hang glider!

Wildest stunt I think I've ever seen.

(Edited because I originally posted the wrong link. This one is in a thread titled "Cool as all get out!")

That was the nuttiest damn video I've seen in a while (with high retro value too!). Thanks for the link. Just when I thought it couldn't get any nuttier, here come the guys down the slope on a catamaran!! :biggthump That was hilarious.


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Just as a general followup to this thread...I went to Whitetail again this morning. Conditions were great (cold, squeaky snow and no ice!)...but my heart sank when I saw a traffic jam of school buses in the lot. (Uh-oh.)

Got in 2 runs on SnowPark (the "green" slope that should really be a blue), and then was driven off early when it got mobbed with beginners falling everywhere. So I went over to Limelight (a moderate blue) and got in another 6 runs or so. Limelight wasn't crowded...but I still couldn't relax and have fun because the skiers/boarders who were out there were all straightlining the hill.

I did everything I possibly could to communicate what I was going to do ahead of time. (At one point, I even resorted to pointing in the direction of my next turn before the turn!) But in spite of my efforts, I still had several close calls from people who just seemed oblivious to someone doing anything other than bombing straight down the mountain. :AR15firin

Well, it was still fun...but I still dream of being someplace where everyone rides wall-to-wall all the way down! :)


PS - It occurs to me that I should clarify my definition of straightlining: when I see someone turning, but their "turns" aren't full 180-degree turns and are really just braking maneuvers (e.g. just short little slaloming turns) I still call that straightlining (even if they aren't actually going in a straight line). So for me, it's all in your overall trajectory down the mountain...and not just in your angle or position! :)

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Scott, I can't stand crowds, I can only imagine what your dealing with there. Wish I had an easy solution? I think if you visit one of the areas mentioned you will likely never go back. I do understand that there is allot of other considerations in your life. I wish you and Holly "Good Fun" in what ever you choose. Bryan

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PS - It occurs to me that I should clarify my definition of straightlining: when I see someone turning, but their "turns" aren't full 180-degree turns and are really just braking maneuvers (e.g. just short little slaloming turns) I still call that straightlining (even if they aren't actually going in a straight line).

Short slalom turns, finished or not, carved or skidded, are called fall line skiing and it's perfectly acceptable way of going down the mountain. Normally the guys who can efficiently perform this are fully in controll. When we sweep our large arcs we often catch them by surprise - no one expects a rocket coming across the fall line. However, carver in front is not in fault as long as he is turning. The moment you start traversing, even just a little bit, in between your turns, you have no rights over the skier above you skiing the fall line. Take this very seriously, it's hard to prove in the court that you were not traversing.

I got hit, on a green run, by a real (non turning) straight-liner, while carving perfectly uniform arcs. He even got upset with me "You turned riht in front of me!" :(

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It was nice meeting you there this morning. I took a fairly long break to let my face thaw, then went back up for a few runs, and I left around 11:30. It was just too crowded and not fun for me. The lodge was a mob scene too. I hate people! :) I wish I had known that the No. VA schools were out today -- I wouldn't have taken the day off of work. I spoke to the greeter guy at the stairs as I was leaving, and he said that they got 10 tour buses today.

At least I did get to experiment with a different cant and stance width, and I need to continue tweaking it. I think I may have a pinched nerve in my neck, too -- I'm getting a lot of sharp pains when I move.

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