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Lake Erie tributaries & Streams Report


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streams are low , green and slushy turning to ice along the slow edges.Most steelhead are bein taken on egg sacs. fresh skein and jigs /maggot combinations under a float...rod guides are icing up and you have to clean your line after evry 3rd or 4th drift. fish are taking the bait really light and you work for each fish.I had 3 takes with one fish beached today.Im waiting for a warmup to clean out the streams .maybe athaw or meltdown in another week or so?..No one on the upper hole sand you have them all to yourself..man what a rush....If i would hav etaken a net I could hav egot another big lake run rainbow but horsed him and he broke off at teh shoreline.....too much adrenaline gotta stay cool

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I used to fish for 'bows in Lake Ontario streams. Got busy and sort of quit about 10 years ago. I think I gotta get back into it. There is nothing that fights like a steelhead in cold water.

My secret weapon was brown trout eggs under a float. I ran out and nothing I used afterwards produced like them. What are you using?

I'll dig up some braggin' photos and scan them.

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I got started by accident while waiting for some decent snowfall here.We seem to be in another one of those wierd dry winters.Anyhow I ran into an old friend who was anxious for me to try steelheading. I didnt hav ethe equipment mainly good neoprene insulated waifers and a good quality noodle rod and good ultraligh treel. Well it seems he had gotten very compulsive and had tons of equipment laying around.So he loaned me a really nice St.Croix stream rod and some used Cabela Neoprene waders. The waders really allow you to get away from the crowds we get here in erie.If you want to see a real hoot.go to Youtube and type in Steelhead fishing in erie, pa. Anyhow he took me to a few secret holes that get very little to no pressure and I started practicing my "drift" technique. he started me outon commercially prepared Eggsacs which we get locally from a really good local shop. Then I started catching my own fish .When i got a big female full of eggs I experimented with tying m,y own egg sacs.The homemade sacs really score bigtime.You go get this curing powder from GanderMountain and just tye the sacs....Im experimenting with size.I hav ebeen tying them too big.as when ther water gets low and green ,you have to go smaller and smaller with baits, hook sand even linesize.Im at 4lb. test right now before freeze up. for a fascinating read..checkout fisherie.com and read the fish reports..youll be planning a trip to erie...lots of guys are fly experts too.and some guys are jig freaks with maggots..I stick with what works for me on my secret holes......what were you using on michigan streams?

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Yes..nothing quite satisfies liek that first split second when you realize you have a big fish like that on light tackle.Its a giant adrenaline rush. I lost a really silver giant yesterday just because I had th eadrenaline rush and no net and tried to beach a big one befor eit was played out....It went into some slush and used it for leverage to spit the hook back in my face.

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