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Snow in boots ?

Surf Quebec

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Depending on your board and how you are set up, there can be a significant wash of snow that comes off the board edge just near the shovel and strikes the boot just where the plastic shell laps. I have and SB series boot and it has a kind of cove moulding to the shell just in front of the first buckle that is intended to address this but it is not very effective. Riding my longer Coilers (184, 186), my right (forward, yes I am goofy like you) will get packed with snow by the end of the day. I have been trying to analyze which turns produce this and I think that it is toe-side turns which seems strange but there it is. The snow only becomes a problem if you spend enough time in the lodge at lunch for the snow to melt (the shell of the boot is below freezing and the liner is about the same temperature without snow so outdoors the snow will not melt typically). However, the additional moisture means you need to take the liners out of the boots every night to dry them. Also, you should dry the shell upside down to let the moisture drain away from the 'T' nuts in the heel. This is especially true if you are using Intec heels as the 'T' nuts and screws can corrode if not drained and dried properly.

Interestingly, I have started riding a shorter board this year (Coiler AM 72 titanal) and I have no snow in my boots at the end of the day. This could be a length effect or a stiffness effect (AM nose is stiffer than conventional designs).

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...can work if the snow really bothers you but it tends to come off halfway through the day if you are adjusting buckles all the time like me.

When the snow is fresh and fine, the forward portion of my front boot will have about 1/2 cup of packed snow on top of the liner and more will end up around the leg portion of the liner above the cuff to boot connection joint. Basically, the snow fills in any void available. You would think with Thermo liners that are intimately fitted to the shell that there would not be many locations for this to happen but I can often remove about 1/2 cup of snow when I take my right boot off at the end of the day.

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The snow is located around the ankle.

Unfortunately I only have one board (sims burner 162) so I can't see the effect of changing board length .

I'm always removing the liner from the boots after riding but I did not think of letting them dry upside down. Good thinking ! I do have intec heels. I'll start doing that.

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After riding, I'm having snow in my right boot (the one in front), riding Track700. Did not have that with my AF600.

Anybody having snow in their boots after riding :eek:?


Just want to say..... This is one of the single funniest threads and first post I have ever read. Made me LOL so hard it caused a coughing fit.

Just the shear impossability of SNOW going in a pair of Snowboarding boots...... I mean,,, the odds are astronomical !


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If others would remove their liners when they break for lunch they might be surprised. Former 324's, snow used to enter near the tongue hinge and around the ankle flex points. Current Suzukas, snow is getting just a bit around the flex or interface points. I noticed there is snow under the clear screw cap on the ankle pivot point of my rear boot (heel side).

BOOT GLOVES - have em but no longer use them as I blew out two times on the first turn. Extra material can interfere and give a false positive feeling to being locked in with step-ins.

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I end up with quite a bit of snow between the top of my front boot and my gators. It always amazes me how much is there when I go to take off my boots. I assume it must spray into the little opening where my intec release sticks out. I should leave my front release inside my pant leg since I don't use it until I'm done for the day. The other day I noticed that the little finger on my drag hand was packed solid with snow between the shell and the non removable liner. for the life of me, I couldn't find even the tiniest hole in the shell for the snow to get in there!

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