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Big Brother


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Since I work for an undisclosed branch of the federal government, and someone about 48 paygrades above me has decided that veiwing alpine carving videos on youtube is a threat to national security, would it be too much of an imposition to ask that someone, anyone, post something cool to watch on say..... google video? I've recently transferred, and have quite a bit more down time each shift. I've already determined that there are on average, 8,946 holes in each acoustic ceiling tile, given myself several fabulous manicures, shoveled the same 1/4 inch of snow 3 times, manufactured quite a few borderline deadly weapons from office supplies, and quintupled my average post rate on BOL. Please help.

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AKA-You Tube is blocked on DoD networks. At least on USAF networks as I can attest to since I've ran a few Sidewinders/Cache Flows in my day for various af.mil's.

It's blocked at the root level-so it's not just your base. Nothing you can do to bypass it unfortunately.

Google Video shouldn't last long either once you start using it-FYI. You better hope BlueCoat doesn't throw it into their "bad boy" lists anyways...

There are proxy sites that might work to re-route your web traffic, but I wouldn't recommend using them as they might trigger some alarms. Most folks that use those are trying to hide PRON surfing. Article 15 is a biznatch.

Best of luck.

Oh yeah...where do you work for the gov't in CO? In the springs?

I'm just curious as I'm down here at Kirtland. I need to get one of those plush Colorado jobs...

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