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Any one out there have experience with SG boards?

Especially the cult and soul.

looks to me like you could have a hard boot board and a soft boot board that were so similar it would be easy to switch back and forth.


Any one out there have experience with SG boards?

Not with the Cult and Soul, but yes to the Race T. Phenomenal board! Very fast edge-to-edge. Quality is top notch. And of coarse, metal = good!

I tried AM Alpine (Cult) 3 days ago, and it holds edge very good considering it's edge length. But I simply don't like the style of the board...

I tried SG 178 Titanal too and LOVE IT! It was my first metal board to ride ever, but I simply love this metal feel!!!


I don't have personal experience, but my wife just spent the first 3 days on her new All Mountain Alpine (which seems to be what the Cult was called until last season), and she simply LOVES the board - nice edgehold, nicely carveable, and of course, very versatile (plus it looks a lot better than this year's model, if you ask me).

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