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Snowboard Maker's Anti-Gay Banner

Pat Donnelly

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In the mid ninetys I did some freelance work for K2. I designed and built their trade show booths for 3 years and did some product display design including benches made from snowboards that were saved from the chopping machine. Occasionally I still get to see some of these benches in use.

My experience with the management at K2 snowboards was never anything less than spectacular. They were far and away my favorite clients to work with. They had the willingness to take creative risks and let me play while designing.

I seriously doubt that any of the people I worked with would have found the questionable banner to be acceptable to display. Unless of course if they were drunk at a trade show and that would never happen...(I think the K2 partys at the trade show in Vegas put Jagermiester on the map).


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This is what happens when you do too much rail grinding and road gaps crashes: you end up with brainless ads...

Funny how the FS/FR market has to use marketing that is not related to the boards they sell but to something else (talking more in general here).. ALpine market sells about how the boards work and this is way better!


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If you click on Pat's link and go read the AD AND ARTICLE you'll see that though

the AD might be in bad taste, the AD is directed at riders of Burton products.

Though I cannot speak for Pat, I would guess his intention was to illustrate that

even the popsicle-stick companies see a problem with Jake, INC. The fact that the

ad derided gays was secondary. It looks like the primary intention of the ad was

taking a jab at Burton and its customers, something that rarely happens on this forum.

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Let's analyse the joke. For it to make sense and be funny, three things are assumed to be true:

<ol><li><p>Riding a Burton means that you're gay.<li><p>Being gay is a bad thing.<li><p>You're not already out as a gay person.</ol><p>Number one is ridiculous (no bad thing in a joke), but not insulting at all. The problem lies with number two and, to a lesser extent, number three.

The fact that some gay people find it funny doesn't change anything. People often internalise others' negative attitudes.

To try and minimise it by saying that "it's just a joke", or that it's in "bad taste" ignores the insulting nature of the underlying premise - that there is something wrong with being gay. Ride are simply trying to attach that "something wrong" to its competitor's customers.

Anyway, despite all that, the assumptions expressed in the joke are so commonly held that you can't be too surprised or upset. And it's an old joke anyway - I first heard it (but applied to being a rollerblader) a couple of years ago.

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I thought the banner was hilarious. Ride has good sense of humor. My friend has a Ride sticker on his board that says, "Skis are for fat kids!"

I wouldn't want my daughter to be gay, fat or switch to skis:D

On another note, I just bought a Burton Fish off of EBay. And no, I'm not gay. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

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Not being a very intelligent person (only a high school education) I only saw the face value humor and thought it was hysterical. I should have thought about the true underlying meaning of that ad. I can understand the offense taken by the gay community. Being only 5'6" tall I sometimes become incensed at the use of the word "short" . Like "short" on time or "I'll have to short pay you". Words are so offensive at times. A couple of gay people I showed this to thought it was funny but not appropriate for public consumption. I agree but I'm still chuckling at the add. Man the times have changed, when I was a kid being "gay" meant you were happy. Hey gotta go now it's early and I have a lot of people to piss off.

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Your right and 100% politically correct. Thinking back on what you said it seems to me that alot of humor presented is based upon the misfortunes of others (ex. 3-stooges, Daffy Duck, Al & Peg Bundy, Wiley Coyote, Charlie brown kicking the football) or the morally questionable situations of others. I guess not all people find some of those situations funny. You should have the ability to laugh at your self, I believe it takes a more humble and tolerant type of personality to be like this but yeah that doesn't mean it's alright to laugh at others. What makes you a better person is to not be offended when people are laughing at you. If one thing in the world could be changed I would wish it to be people's attitudes. Anyway this is a snowboard thread and I took it way off topic so to get back to the snowboard world I would like to close with...some of my best friends are "softbooters".

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