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Virus infection

Dr D

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I think you are getting infected and patriotism cannot cure it.

Don't get me wrong Mike makes awesome boards but choose your board accordingly. You can see where this patriotic jigoism has gotten us.




SShhhhhhhh........ Don't tell my wife.

Actually, I have wanted one for YEARS!!!!! And I haven't even ridden one. If I rode one I'm sure that would be it.:eplus2:

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Why not turn the blender up a notch and add Prior metal to the mix? It gets rave reviews too.
I rode the Metal at SES two years ago. I liked the board, very damp, but I have found my riding style and the way Priors like to be ridden are different. Not saying it is a bad thing, just different.
If you don't have a spot with Bruce... that could be an issue.
True, but there is this guy, we'll call him "the salesman". He has some spots reserved on the "list"...
DT I wish I can help you but I can only contribute to your dilemma, as I have many more boards for you to consider, you'll see.

Let me guess... SG, Kessler, Prior Metal... I'm not listening, hmmmmmmmmmmmm... hmmmmmmmm... See you Saturday.

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As the Berserker Thread is closed, I post my first impressions here, hoping that fits into this topic.

Last weekend I have ridden the Berserker Zylon In Soelden/ Austria. Those were my first days on snow for this season. A 185 cm weapon seems to be the right choice for waking up your bones ans muscles from summer-break.

Completely different to the Gladiator, it took me at least a whole day to get comfortable with the Berserker. This board demands speed, and I mean speed.:biggthump It is very reactive and honours the riders moves with immediate response. I felt sometimes to immediate:eek: . You have to be very focussed on your riding. Lazy Sunday afternoon carving is not possible. But if you kick it, the board delivers more and more. I need some more riding days to see what is possible. In comparison to the Gladiator it is even more High-Speed.

Absolutely incredible is the edge-hold. Ice, Hard-Pack, whatever. The board sticks to the track. Frank told me about an elliptical sidecut and explained me some technical fancy stuff that I did not understand exactly. But what I have understood is that the board goes almost every radius and does anything you want– if you push it.:eplus2: And that is what you feel on this board. It is demanding, but delivering. Where is the Limit?<O:p

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I simply want to know what the difference between a narrow virus and a skwal is!

I can see that the stance width is wider on the virus rather than heel to toe like the skwal. I am curious about the ride differences.

mostly I was commenting because I understand that skwals were booted out of snowboarding events when it became clear that they were a different animal entirely. Looking at the slim waisted virri I simply wondered where that cutoff point lies??

Clearly I need one and they are pure heaven and all that jazz! But answer the question.:smashfrea

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I simply want to know what the difference between a narrow virus and a skwal is!

I can see that the stance width is wider on the virus rather than heel to toe like the skwal. I am curious about the ride differences.

mostly I was commenting because I understand that skwals were booted out of snowboarding events when it became clear that they were a different animal entirely. Looking at the slim waisted virri I simply wondered where that cutoff point lies??

Clearly I need one and they are pure heaven and all that jazz! But answer the question.:smashfrea

Performance and riding style have been well established. Perhaps there is no cutoff point. Maybe the question should be...

Would a very narrow Virus fall into the same catagory as a skwal at the events the skwals were banned from?

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The minimum waist for GS events was set at 16cm a few years back. Therefore no Skwaleurs. Other than width (stance angles) there is no difference, it's just another snowboard. Donek, Prior or Coiler will also make you a (custom) narrow board, just ask, and if you're not competing, just ride what you like, wide or narrow. since board construction has now allowed more torsional stiffness on wider boards than previously available, we have trended back to wider boards to give the riders more control and not sacrifice edge hold.

So there is no difference, they are all snowboards.

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Is there some specific advantage below 16cm or were they just trying to standardize equipment?

Also, why are most of the Virii that you guys are riding so narrow? What is it about the sub 16cm size that appeals, and why do most of Frank's popular boards come at ~17cm max width (I know he has wider models, but they do not appear to be as popular)

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Also, why are most of the Virii that you guys are riding so narrow? What is it about the sub 16cm size that appeals, and why do most of Frank's popular boards come at ~17cm max width (I know he has wider models, but they do not appear to be as popular)

Can only speak for myself here... maybe we can get Ray to chime in.. he likes the skinny stuff. Mine are 17cm or more. The website touts the quicker edge to edge on the very narrow boards but I can't handle those steep angles.

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Pogokoenig - Thanks for the good review on the Berserker. I had a feeling it would be a damanding ride. Sounds like fun though!

I am currently looking at a Virus 186 WCR GS with full titnal... 20.5cm waist. Any experience with that?

I can't speak from experience or the virus race gear but if you want a race board and are going to pay such a high price why get anything other than a kessler? to even be competitive it seems like one is required.

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I can't speak from experience or the virus race gear but if you want a race board and are going to pay such a high price why get anything other than a kessler? to even be competitive it seems like one is required.

I don't need or want a race board. I am likely the most noncompetitive person you will meet. The board referred to is in a shop and I had my hands all over it... "lust" would be apropos. I have a Virus WCR Team Addition and LOVE the way it rides and handles... can only imagine how smooth a different design (slightly wider than mine) with full titnal might be. I'm sure Kessler is a fantastic ride... but I am currently addicted to the characteristics that are unique to the Virus boards.

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I don't know you other than what I read here so I believe you about the noncompetetive thing except for the fact the photo of your boards looks like 'he who dies with the most toys wins":)

Those aren't all my boards and the point was never to collect as many as I could. I set out last season to ride as many different boards as I could get my hands on so I would know for sure what works best for me. At the same time my friends have benefited... my quiver was (and still is) open to anyone who wants to test ride for their own education. Now that I have a better understanding of construction and performance... I am scaling back the quiver to include only my favorites. I was thinking originally I would like to end up with 6 or so boards once this all washed out... but now I see there is too much great stuff out there and too many categories to take it down that far. Categories for a solid quiver being (in my opinion): Pow, rock, carving, and all mountain. In a few weeks I will have the quiver to twelve (plus one nonridable from memory lane) and plan on sitting there for a while. Some would say that's still a ridiculous amount of boards to have... some would not (if it's a girl questioning... ask her how many pairs of shoes she has). Believe me when I tell you, I have made sacrifices to run this "experiment" and will make more to keep the quiver I like... but oh what fun it is to ride!

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No offense meant,just poking a little good natured fun..I am right there with you on the experiment idea.I have done exactly that with bicycle track racing over the years and developed a reputation on the velodrome for trying everything and questioning tradition in my quest to find what worked best for me.In the process I helped maked it easier for alot of newbies to get into it just as you do by selling your stuff..Since I don't live near a track now I have been selling off much of my track stuff to pay for my new hobby of trying different board lengths, widths, shapes,bindings etc, especially as I try to make it easy for people up here where I ride to get into hardbooting(with me instructing them for money in order to buy more stuff of course:)..I only regret that my track stuff hasn't brought enough money to do it a little less low budget,but I have always had fun experimenting even with low dinero.

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Thor I was reading your profile and came across something that needs clarification. Just what is involved in Widow cleaning??:lol:

Brings to mind that old ski movie with the cougar and to ski patrol dudes can't remember the name. Any way is the work difficult? Do you need specialized equipment etc etc:lol: :lol:

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Thor I was reading your profile and came across something that needs clarification. Just what is involved in Widow cleaning??:lol:

Brings to mind that old ski movie with the cougar and to ski patrol dudes can't remember the name. Any way is the work difficult? Do you need specialized equipment etc etc:lol: :lol:

It's always surprising to me how many people have never seen a professional window cleaner. Sure.. there's ladders, ropes, climbing gear, special tools and chemicals for specific applications (scratch/corrosion removal, ect.). Ever see a newly constructed house just before it's turned over to the owner? All that crap doesn't come off the glass by itself.

... and a good window cleaner can make more dough than a chiropractor! :lol:

I got a hunded days of riding in last season... what'd you get? :lol:

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