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Looking To Buy Nitro Swallow Tail

Guest ebi

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Salty Peaks in SLC seems to always have a very nice selection of the Nitro lineup of swallys when I'm down there in the shop. I'd go to the website to find out their inventory via email. U12 (the owner of SP's) doesn't seem interested moving the Nitros too fast so you'll probably end up paying his asking price. I've also seen Voile swallowtail splits on the floor at SP's, too. Also, seeing that you are not stateside might add a few euros to the shipping cost.


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Sebastien just updated his website with cool vids on how he makes them:

http://bastou.celeonet.fr/phenix/media/video/etape 1.wmv

http://bastou.celeonet.fr/phenix/media/video/etape 2.wmv

http://bastou.celeonet.fr/phenix/media/video/etape 3.wmv

http://bastou.celeonet.fr/phenix/media/video/etape 4.wmv

Needless to say he has experience, beeing a cofounder of former Freesurf and he rides pretty well too as you can see here:

http://bastou.celeonet.fr/phenix/media/video/Belle donne 2006.wmv

I'm gonna get myself a carbon 183 as soon as i get enough $$$ :)


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Sebastien just updated his website with cool vids on how he makes them: its interesting to see Swallowtails are still fully handmade in someplaces!


Needless to say he has experience, beeing a cofounder of former Freesurf and he rides pretty well too as you can see also there

I'm gonna get myself a carbon 183 as soon as i get enough $$$ :)


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Hi Boys

to Jim

ok send me a picture

Torino is in italy near Sestrire (2006 olimpic game)


to Dr D

Thanks for winterstick garage...

to Utahcarver

Thanks i see the Nitro Powder Surfer 196 Swallow Tail in website its good , i like too............

to Nils

i see the video and the web site

very nice

what do yuo thing about BOHEME

Sorry you are Nils of Swallowtail.org?

PS yesterday i surf 1 meter of powder with my winterstik in Sestriere (2006 olimpic game)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ciao EBI,

io mi sono fatto fare un Pogo 230 due anni fa,e Martin visto che aveva preparato la pressa per me ne ha fatta qualcuna in più che ha poi chiamato Maverick.

La tavola è eccezzionale ma va condotta con uno stile alpino,assolutamemte da usare con scarponi rigidi.

Tieni presente che è larga 23.8

Lunga,difficile,veloce,rigida e altro ancora.

Se non hai le gambe e la tecnica fai 1/2 discesa male e poi vai a casa rotto.

Non ha nulla a che vedere con le tavole che hai adesso!!!!!

Lascia perdere Phoenix,senti piuttosto Kafi di Swellpanik perchè mi aveva accennato che era intenzionato a fare qualcosa sui 202 (non ha la pressa più lunga) altrimenti il nuovo Amok è molto valido.

Se vuoi qualche parere ulteriore sono quì.


Ps:conosco Nils e in fresca non va molto bene...............

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