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Break through day-


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Today is one of those days that I will always remember. I foolishly hosted a kegger last night and I was going on like 4 hours of sleep as I got to Waterville Valley. The snow wasn't anything special at first (a little hard for my dull Madd) but all of the sudden, the sun hit the slopes and it was perfect.

I ran into a another carver who was on a similar level as me (he was definitly a little better) and we just rode all day. We ran into a guy by the name of Jeff (15 years of carving experience) who freakin RIPS!!! He gave us a few pointers, i cranked my angles from like 40ish to around 60 and we took off. After the snow got all choppy, i got out my silberpfeil with the conshox.

during my 2nd run on it, i felt something hit my rear knee. It turns out my knee was actually dragging in the snow/ice, which for me is a huge leap in progress. By the end of the day I was able to touch my elbow to the slope pretty comfortably on toeside.

Pretty much, everything that everyone i've carved with has told me regarding technique, came together today. I still got ways to go on heelside. I just wanted to say thanks to all those guys. they know who they are.

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I had that happen for the first time at Panorama a few weeks ago. It's quite a surprise the first time it happens!

Riding with other carvers is so eye-opening. I've learned more in one day riding with others, than I have in entire seasons by myself. Use the brains trust for all it's worth, I say! Hope your season lasts a few weeks longer.

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It's quite the feeling, that's for damn sure.

I also had mine this weekend. My first real day in my new sb boots. It's kinda scary when you're on an edge and you gotta turn cause you're headed for this fence. I just pushed myself even closer to the snow and it just snapped me right around. Oh man it was awesome.

It was like "Woah!" and I was like "woah" and then I heard somebody say "hey" and I said "holy cow" and then I made it and was like "dude!!!" and my buddy said "awesome!"....



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LOL! :lol:

thanks guys. I can;t wait to be able to get my hip all the way down on heelside. Also, i'm occassionally making the board pop out of each carve where i sometimes get airborn.

My spring break is next week so i have 9 days of straight out riding ahead of me. Gas money is a bitch though but i've saved plenty of loot to not have to work for a whole month. In march, i am working a total of 3 days. That combined with my schedule of having classes 2 days a week, i think i will definitly make the best of this season. my goal is 40 days. i'm at 18 now. And with tuckerman's ravine having rideable snow till late april, i think i'll be able to push 50. Just one more day of classes and I'm off to NH! Damn i'm psyced!

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what no trip out west?

wish i could. I'm planning for it for next spring break. Its nice how my spring break doesn't line up with any other major ones so plane tickets would be slightly cheaper.

I figured I should get better in the next 20 or so days so i'd be able to enjoy the mountains out there a little more. Big mtn is my #1 on my list since its not crowded and seems to be much much cheaper than aspen. Wouldn't be able to make SES until i'm out of school (4 more years) because it would never line up with any of my breaks and skipping a week of classes next year or any year after is just suicide :AR15firin

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this was the only semester i could've possibly have done it. I had classes 2 times a week, and they're all easy, so i wouldnt have missed too much. Well except during SES i had 2 or 3 exams but i couldve gotten a doctors note or something. DrD?:rolleyes:

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Don't feel to bad I did my grad work in SC and didn't get to board at all:angryfire

by the time I graduated I had totally lost touch with the sport. I actually went to the local ski and board shop and asked to see the alpine gear:lol: when I got home.

I got open mouthed stares:freak3: :freak3: :freak3: :freak3:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just had the best week of riding in my life! Everyday I experienced another break through with something in my technique. The best was when I was at loon on friday and I got to ride with a couple of guys that ride there all the time. Riding with them completly changed my style in a matter of an hour to suit degrading conditions better.

Before I was going for the euro carve while now i'm doing the more racer style. Its all about droping the hip fast and keeping one or two hands over the edge of the board. I still would drag my hands sometime and by the end of the day, i destroyed a sweet pair of gloves. Duct tape works though. My heelside is stronger than my toe, which was never the case. Thanks guys :biggthump

Hopefully we can drag this season out for a few more days. Dr. D, I'll definitly be ready for Big Mountain in time for my next spring break.

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funny you mention digging the nose of the board in because thats exactly what i did. By the time we got to the 2nd mountain, it was a nice 35+ degrees outside. One of the 2 trails with snow left was the mogul run which is fun. At the bottom, i was carving and all of the sudden i was slammed down and in a position my body wasn't ment to be in. I'm suprized the nose of the board didnt snap but my shoulder pretty much did. From then on, I had to keep leaning back and i felt like I was water skiing in all the slush. It was so much fun but a huge workout.

I'm already looking forward to next year.

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It's kinda funny, you know. I thought snowboarding was the greatest thing ever before and I couldn't wait until winter came so I could go boarding. Then I got some alpine equipment... I never thought boarding could be this fun.

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funny you mention digging the nose of the board in because thats exactly what i did. By the time we got to the 2nd mountain, it was a nice 35+ degrees outside. One of the 2 trails with snow left was the mogul run which is fun. At the bottom, i was carving and all of the sudden i was slammed down and in a position my body wasn't ment to be in. I'm suprized the nose of the board didnt snap but my shoulder pretty much did. From then on, I had to keep leaning back and i felt like I was water skiing in all the slush. It was so much fun but a huge workout.

I'm already looking forward to next year.

yeah it gets all surfie:biggthump

I got out the 4807 and had a blast:eplus2:

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Ouch. I wasn't expecting that. Is it hard to kite surf or whatever it is that attracts the lovely? :biggthump
not really a threadjack since Gleb will have a break thru kite day this summer. Great to witness someone actually realizing thier true potential on a snowboard, on a kite.


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