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ECES Lift Tickets

Matty F.

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You are all welcome to take that up with Sugarloaf directly. All the ASC resorts have been doing that on an inconsistent and last-minute basis for the past few seasons. One year they might do it, the next they might not. They usually do it to make up for a slow December-January, which they had this year due to the record low snowfall for January.

I think if you were to somehow get them to refund you some money back for your room after buying a $229 pass, it would probably be a wash.

I am not recommending you try this, it's up to you, but I'd rather not wear out our welcome at Sugarloaf the first year (or any year). They have been working many hard hours with us to make the event a success, we can't now expect them to lose money on it. (they probably will anyway.)

The point of the ECES deals is that we were given special pricing and a block of rooms that have been available only to us since the beginning of the season. Waiting until the last minute for spring specials to pop up for a group our size would have been a major gamble, and many of us surely would have missed the boat.


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