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Need Int'l Shipping Help


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I'm trying to ship a 198cm Undertaker to Terekhov in the Russian Federation. FedEx says that it doesn't ship anything over 170+cm and the other carriers prices are ranging around $400USD plus, and that doesn't include any charge for the extra length.

I can also ship to a domestic US address and that is running $133USD plus insurance. Anyone else ever shipped to Russia?

Thanks for any help,


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unfortunately that is too long for USPS also. There's really nothing you can do except pay the expensive shipping, which is likely not worth it to the buyer. Russia has some serious restrictions on size, especially length.

the other part...shipping to a US address...for $133? that doesnt make sense. I think that a 198 should be able to go USPS Priority and should be around $30?

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USPS Global Air has restrictions placed on them by the RF; the longest a parcel can be is 42 inches long. Also, I can ship the 198 via Priority mail for about $30USD IF it meets the requirements for being a LARGE package and not an OVERSIZE package. The person who helped me wasn't sure and asked me to check back later today after she was able to access more information.

Is it really this hard to ship snowboards? Jeez, it would be easier to plan a vacation to Novosibirsk and take the board myself.


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usps won't ship over 108 inches outside the country even to canada.thats a length and girth combined measurement. they will ship up to 130 inches priority mail in the country and that is around 25$ above 130 is doable with an extra fee in country.

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See if you can locate an u------------d a--s s-------r. Surely they could disguide it as a r------ --------r or something and get it across the border cheaper than that!

As far as I know your gov is in bed with our gov and you probably don't want those words showing up, even in jest, on Bomber. Ooooppps.

Utahcarver - go to SES and see if the PureCarve guys will take it back with them.

Other than that I have nothing to contribute to this thread, I am just avoiding working on taxes.

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I just emailed Joel (thanks for the heads up, Dave) about how he shipped his Undertaker to (Serge) Terehkov. Hopefully, I can get this board to him without too much money being spent on shipping.

I'm sure that Terehkov knows this by now, but the Undertaker 198 performs best at a high speed in powder (read: steep open powder fields) and is an absolute delight to ride. It is a mind-blowing experience to point a gun into steep fall-lines and feel gravity pulling and the resistance of fluid snow on the human body.


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