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Knee pain from over training or Toe lift

Bobby Buggs

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I am 1.9 ;). Great to have diesel nowadays. Great mileage, still being able to play after a :few: things done under the hood :flamethro .

Anyway, hopefully, you'll get back to the turbo thing.

BTW, which brace did you get. i went to SA yesterday and saw a whole bunch of them. Do you have the one with the actual hinges on the side?

Please let me know. We are going to vail next week :)


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Ok so I was very worried that I had a tear in my left knee and stopped training for the week before the session. Went by my PT guy for a last check on Friday before I left, he said No tear, most likely scar tissue from the 4 scopes in the 90s got inflamed from training and tightness.

Rode 4 HARD days at Aspen with the toe lift and the knee never said boo. Whish I could say that about my back today :freak3:

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