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Last season ended me with a bad injury, that I also posted on BOL. Right now it is getting better. Still making the rehab exercises, wearing protection and experiencing slight pain on daily basis.

I also went to see an orthopedist, who diagnosed my ligaments to be hypermobile. That means, they are a bit weak to do their job -- to keep the bones together.

But I still need to carve :) . The orthopedist recommended me wearing foot protection while I do any sports. But the issue is, that it is very hard to fit any bandages into my perfectly fitting Head Stratos boots. The doctor told me to wear this one as it gives me more protection but there's no way I can get my clips together. When I try something thinner then I can actually close the clips but still it feels really tight and when I walked around my room it soon stopped my blood flow.

So I'm wondering what to do. I could try modifying the standard liners with a knife... :rolleyes: or I could try to get some heat moldable liners. I wonder wether they would manage to fit my foot in with one of the braces I mentioned.

What's your experience with wearing ankle protection? How much protection does the boot by itself provide?

Thanks in advance



after tearing my achilles tendon a couple of years ago, I was in a similar situation. I downsized by 1/2 size and cranked down the boots (stratos pros) and did not need additional support. I still have some pain but a couple of motrin, a scotch, and some ice after a day of riding and it goes away quick enough. I don't think wearing a brace inside your boot os a good idea as it would tend to cut circulation and turn your toes into ice cubes.

just my $.02

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